Ren'Py - Completed - Foot of the Mountains 2 [v5.0 Finale] [SerialNumberComics]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The fucking grind, it is terrible, then random choices you need to make to unlock scenes. Without guide and cheat mode it is impossible to play, you grind few hours to unlock some woman getting naked. Just download both chapters and use gallery mod if you want to have some sexy time and that is it.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The amount of absolute time wastage in this game to have zero progression is absurd, with the random conditions and sequence of events, to areas that are impossible to progress even though it is a tiny element that works if you do every activity every day in a fixed manner for weeks worth of time.

    This is less a game and more a torture simulator, at least most extremely grindy games have an end goal and progression.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Foot of the Mountains 2 [v5.0 Finale] [SerialNumberComics]

    Nothing incredible, easy to get stuck and stay in a loop of events seen and seen dozens of times, aesthetics of the characters that didn't drive me crazy, honestly I only liked Rhonda, but the game is poorly designed, precisely because it's boring.
    Dropped chapter 1, not even opened chapter 2, I don't know if it's improved.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Not the best there and not the worst. I knew it was gonna be a pain in the ass to play after looking at the reviews but I'm a sucker for sandbox so I still played it. The girls design aren't on the levels of being a dik or dreams of desire, but they still look good. The minimal animation in this game was also smoother than expected so that was a plus.

    The grind is honestly just the major issue. It almost makes the cheat mod relatively useless based on my experience. In fact it just fucked up my save where I unlocked a scene I wasn't supposed to yet. I'd blame the cheat mod but the same mess can happen without it as I've tried
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I tried. I really did. For hours. But this game refuses being played. It's an unplayable mess full with cryptic decisions that give no indication whatsoever about their outcome. Hidden variables everywhere, random requirements for stuff to happen... Just cryptic BS. Everywhere.

    Here's the funny part. I actually ended up looking at the game's ren'py source code to try and figure out what the hell I'm even supposed to be doing. To no one's surprise, the code itself is a copy paste labyrinth of spaghetti full of random checks and stats with no rhyme or reason behind any of it. It's as if the dev was deliberately trying to make this game as unplayable as possible so it takes an ungodly amount of time to progress in it. Kudos to the modder who tried to redesign this mess to make it playable. The mod is abandoned now, so it won't work with the final version of this game. But don't think it's because the modder got bored. It's because trying to fix this mess is literal torture no one should have to suffer though.

    How do I even rate this? I give it one extra star for the renders, but everything else is just abysmally bad. You do the same exact thing hundreds of times over and over and over again. This is not exaggeration, by the way. And after you go through that torture, you have no clue whether you did something right or wrong. You get punished for something you did wrong 7 hours later and have to restart. What the actual fuck!

    And the writing? Here's your damn writing:

    - Let's go jogging.
    - Yes.
    - K, we're jogging now.
    - Cool.
    - We finished jogging. Now we go back to the house.
    - We're now back home.

    ... Yeah. Oh, and of course you're gonna be seeing that dozens and dozens of times, along with all the other repetitive scenes with banal writing that you'll also be doing over and over again dozens and dozens of times.

    And the characters are acting rather randomly at times. Here's an example. One of the girls tells you to get lost and says (and I quote): "I don't fuck losers!" Then in the same scene she gives you a blowjob. WAT?

    The game is just... a train wreck. The worst part is the game design itself. Playing this game feels like trying to untangle a 10 foot tall pile of yarn that's full of knots.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    im giving this a 5 stars .. even do it doesn't deserve it not even 3 stars .. but just to encourage the Dev to do better next time and never repeat the fallowing mistakes again .. i was having a hell of a bad time with this game

    lets start with the micro good things :

    1- the game has many characters and side characters
    2- most of the characters are sexy and beautiful but not all of them
    3- the story is nice some how

    4- many sex scenes

    now the horrible things :

    1- im not a big fan of repeating the same sex scenes or repeating sex with the same characters more than 3-4 times even if she is the most beauty character in the world .. 3-4 sex scene with her is a big enough we already have alot other characters to deal with .. but in this game some how you are forced to watch the same sex scene over and over again with no choice of rejecting and that is a big waste of time for me .. beside that the sex scenes between the characters in this game is really not balanced .. why should i fuck Melinda like 60 times and Ann like 20 times and Rhonda like 15 times .. but some how ( Lara - the bathroom club girl - Barbra - the new friend of sherily - Emily - Vicky & her friend - Emi & her mother ) only 1 time in the whole game & it was even uncompleted scene ?? ..

    there are even some girls there was totally untouched .. like the black girl the sister of jax .. or the boutique girl .. or even Maria the friend of Linda .. there's no excuse for not having scene with Maria she is even more beautiful than Ann or freaking Cynthia

    so it would be more nice to have extra scenes with those girls instead of having all the scenes focused on Melinda again and again .. i already started skipping all her scenes and looking for some new faces

    2- im not also into watching golden showers , peeing & shitting .. but the DEV some how likes to show us a bunch of those in this game with almost all the girls .. and its kinda forced because you cannot progress without them .. that's not sexy ok .. its disgusting & a big turn off


    4- you will never progress without a walkthrough .. you will be lost easy and stuck in dead ends with unending loops .. there's no hints .. or what to do next

    5- unorganized scenes .. you will be like already fucked the girl .. but the next scene she will act like she have a fish memory ( as if its never happened before ) .. for example Melinda in the room are still shocked that i removed her pantie and she will lecture me that i should never do such a thing with her .. EVEN DO I ALREADY FUCKED HER HARD in the pool awhile ago .. that doesn't make any since .. or the bitch ANN in the bathroom she's still have the Audacity to call me a loser & she will never think of fucking some one like me .. even do i fucked her daily in every part of the house .. such a liar .. she even sucked the freaking handyman's cock in the first day he arrived & she is willing to open her legs even to a dog for money .. so who is the loser now !!!

    5- awkward MC .. even do i don't like how childish the MC look .. he also acting weird some time .. like for example .. after he already fucked all the girls there .. he is still throwing the fork under the table to check out Melinda's panties & he spray water at Rhonda's shirt to check her boobs from behind the shirt & spying on them at the shower .. these kind of behavior should be in the beginning only when you check out the new girls that you are looking forward to fuck in the future .. but not with the same girls that you already fucked trillions of times already before .. what ? did he have a fish memory also !!!

    imagine if you fuck your wife every night and in the morning you throw the fork under the table to check her legs .. or creep on her at the shower .. there's nothing new you will see more than what you already saw last night when she was fully naked in front of you until morning .. and why should i spray water in her shirt to see her boobs behind the shirt .. if i already saw them naked and sucked them in any time i wanted

    that's all i can say .. after all .. its a good game but the bad things are more than the good things .. it would of been a better game if it doesn't have all these bad things .. but the director has destroyed it .. and if you like this kind of games or you wanna give it a try go a head .. but for me .. its ok just for 1 time in my life and never again
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is hard to read...
    Story is out of order, don't waste your time. Characters are in two places at the same time when exploring the home... DEV doesn't seem to care. I suggest you skip this one and look at other AVNs. Sorry for my low rating DEV, I suggest at the very least you get someone to assist you with translating/smoothing out your thoughts that you want us to read.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Nice story, nice setting, nice renders, could have been 5 stars if it was not so grindy, so unintuitive and also without the rushed ending where things started to be more spicy (potential for 3p and more between main characters). Even with the cheats and the walkthrough it takes so much effort, just to be blue balled by a rushed ending, plus part 1 and 2 have a lot of repetition.

    Really feels like the dev was not supposed to make a game but just a kinetic novel, it would have been better and would deserve a 4 star rating at least.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Brok TheDog

    Well, it's been 6 hours that I'm working on this game (with the walkthrough).
    - As for the story, I can't give my opinion (I don't understand English).
    - As for the graphics, the designs are very good, for the moment I have no complaints.
    - As for the gamplay, it's a horror. Without the walkthrough I would never have made it. I think it's the most repetitive game I've ever played. Without all this insane repetition, it would have been possible to develop it in one game instead of two.

    Translated with (free version)
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm going to be honest, guys. I do not like sandbox games and this game is one of the worst offenders of the genre.

    Do not be fooled by the pretty renders. The game will initially pull you in, feeding you pretty love interests and a healthy dose of erotic scenes, but as the game goes on, the portions will get smaller and smaller until you realize you've been grinding the same scenes over and over to receive like 2-3 lines of dialogue before you're forced to head back in to repeat the grind again--and at some point, you won't even receive that because progression comes to a standstill.

    At this point the smart thing to do would've been to quit and try to blot the memory of wasting your time on this game as best as you can, but, if you're like me, a stubborn person with a lot of sunk cost, you're probably going to sink a couple of extra hours in trying to slog through the game before deciding to eventually throw in the towel.

    Try this at your own risk.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This game might have been one of the better ones, but it's not

    The plot of 4/10 - nothing I haven't seen in other games

    Characters 9/10 - Especially the character of Melinda, her model is found in most of the Milf games.

    Election 7/10 There is a lot

    Graphics 8/10 The sexy scenes are hot

    Disadvantages of the game:

    no quest log 1/10
    You don't know what to do, you play by trial and error

    Endless grind 1/10
    To move on, you need to have the right relationship points with the characters, otherwise you won't get new scenes, and when you do, they are cut off and then again a boring grind to get another scene and so on.

    mistakes in plot 3/10 Example: I gave the diary to Malida, I don't even know where I got it from, it appeared in my pocket probably due to magic.After that, the game doesn't say what the consequences were for Malinda's daughter that you gave the diary to her mother. The game no longer remembers it.

    I was playing recently, I have to take a break. If you want to play and you don't mind boring grinds and groping in the dark what you have to do because the game doesn't tell you that. You can try.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is just horrible because it's so repetitive yet monotonous, I can't even get past the first parts of the game. I don't care how good the fun cutscenes are, I've tried twice to enjoy the game and I can't
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this kind of game , Love the story, Art is also fine especially really like aunt Melinda , Ann is really a bitch and that is awesome when u can control to sex... and really good ntr game
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    It could have been such a good game, but the lack of guides and the fact that no indicication as to what week it is ingame, make it almost impossible to use a walkthrough incase you get stuck.

    You either follow a walkthrough from start to finish in one go like a robot, or you will inevitably get stuck in what is best described as safe opening simulator, where you better get the right numbers (dialogue choices) out of thousands of combinations, or you'll be stuck forever.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I gave this game a chance twice. The first time I quit without seeing a sex scene after playing for a couple of hours. Yesterday I played once again to see if I missed something, installed a cheat mod to lower the grind. Still it takes too much time and effort .
    If you like repeating one thing over and over again and see a handjob after 3 hours this game might be for you.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has average graphics. The story is also average and doesnt have anything thrilling what would suck you in the game. What is positive about the game is number of scenes. Some characters could be more appealing.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Holy hell this has to be one of the worst ero game I've ever played. The ero part is actually well done and plenty hot, it's the game part that is super tedious. Even with cheat! I shit you not, go take a look at the walkthrough for this game, it's pages and pages of doing the same thing and viewing the same scene over and over again to advance the story. Every ero game creator out there ought to play this game once, to know how NOT to make an ero game.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent renders, made inaccessible by relentless grind. I tried. I got to week 30. I gave up. And that was WITH a walkthrough.

    If you really like the renders, use the gallery mod, then move on. There are better uses of your time on this site.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I started playing this game about a year before completion. I really liked the game however the major turnoff was the drastic grinding that would put any well known RPG character leveling to shame. Onward we go and deal with the excessive grinding because we really like the game. The art is well done, the story was really captivating and the update frequency not terribly long. This brings us to the last update, this is where I dropped to a 3 star from a 4. The last update in a nutshell was like the series finale of the Sopranos. The developer threw an ending on it just to move on to something ells. I felt betrayed.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Applicable to: [v5.0 Finale] [COMPLETED]

    This game is not worth your time despite what you may be fooled to believe from its tags & description.

    If the dev read this review: Make sure you read to the end. I'm going to take a huge shit on you but it's just because I love you.

    There is one and only one upside to FOTM: This dev knows how & is not afraid to write a perverted incest story. FOTM touches (keyword: touches, not dives in) on a lot of taboos that are simply completely absent from other similar games. It's really really nice to see that.

    Unfortunately, EVERYTHING else is garbage.

    The game itself is technically garbage. For some incomprehensible reason, the dev thought it's a good idea to write a sandbox-style game despite the fact he's got absolutely no idea how.

    Crazy decisions abound and the absolute worst is changing game state when going down a path of choices without giving you any hint about it. For example, extremely often you have to play through an event multiple times to unlock more paths down the same event or, WORST OF THE WORST, paths on other events. You are not given absolutely any hint that a repeat of this exact succession of choices is necessary or that something has unlocked and where or how many repeats are necessary to unlock everything. You're just supposed to play like a monkey and repeat every single one of this game's events, in every single possible choice succession (i.e. literally thousands of paths), for at least 10 times each, until everything is unlocked. Madness.

    That is this dev's idea of game design and that's just scratching the problem.

    The game has dead ends that you may not notice until you are 100-200 hours in. That's right, at some point you may notice the game is fucked up and when you check the walk-throughs you discover that you have to go back and replay 50-100 hours. It's complete craziness and an abject disrespect for the player.

    FOTM 1 is really composed of 3 major parts: (1) Before Cynthia visits, (2) while Cynthia visits and (3) after Cynthia visits. Unfortunately, a lot of things become unavailable when the game transitions from (1) > (2) > (3) and problems abound particularly at transitioning from (2) to (3) as you can easily lock yourself out of a huge number of events by transitioning too soon.

    FOTM 2 is another piece of tech garbage. It has game paths that cannot be reached without tampering with vars via Ren'Py's console. More importantly, a lot of events from FOTM 2 are just copy-paste from FOTM 1 without adding anything meaningful and yet you're supposed to waste your time seeing everything again. To add insult to this injury, the dev decided that the game finale will just be yet another copy-paste of all previous events with 5% new stuff added but because the events are technically different, again, you can't FF through them, you just have to see everything yet AGAIN.

    Garbage, garbage, garbage. This is what this game is, technically. The dev has no idea how to design or write a game and yet, instead of staying in his fucking lane and not waste everyone's time, he just decided to dive into a type of game that is totally out of his depth and then, instead of keeping it simple, he decided to just pile on shit until the code becomes such a spaghetti mess not even him understands what the hell is going on (and that's how FOTM 2 came to be as a separate game).

    The result is that FOTM simply cannot be played in a way that is satisfying vs. the time it requires. You absolutely have to follow a walk-through, which completely neuters any excitement you should've obtained from conquering the game by yourself (this being THE only reason to make a sandbox-style game in the first place). The alternative is to look at the source code but beware that it's a catastrophic mess nobody should lay eyes on. It literally looks like the game was written in fucking Notepad by a 15 year old.

    There is another important dissatisfying aspect to the game. It simply lacks a good pace or depth. While the greater scenario is generally OK, there is too much focus on having lots of sex scenes and too little focus on fleshing out these scenes in mini-quests that are as taboo as possible. For example you have lactation, gay(ish) stuff as well as some NTR in there but they are all marginal events that have a lot of lead up and then just... meah.

    FOTM is a gigantic waste of opportunity as well as everyone's time and that is perfectly reflected in the very low number of patreons this dev has. It's tragic because the writing is pretty good and there are lots of kinky things in there that could attract a lot more pervs but everything is buried under a mountain of tech garbage.

    The strength of this dev is quite remarkable, make no mistake. The ability to push out so many renders, so much writing that is generally pretty good & decently kinky, the monumental effort to write out this mountain of spaghetti code in a way that ultimately works if you're willing to read the code or a walk-through, all of these are signs of tremendous strength & talent on dev's part.

    But the ultimate conclusion doesn't change. FOTM is not worth your time. Technically it's garbage that can only be "played" with a walk-through and the kinkiness, while there and above most other similar games, is simply not fleshed out enough.

    It seems this dev is trapped in a dark loop where he has a small number of fans / patreons who love that he's putting out kinks that are hard to come by (even if they are not fleshed out enough). Consequently he keeps pushing out content to his fans who don't mind mindlessly going through each release as described. After a few iterations with this kind of releases, the game becomes effectively impossible to approach by new players and the dev remains a slave to his small number of fans, obliged to feed them with new content as best as he can.

    The best thing he could do is to literally take 50% of his time over the next year to redo FOTM. Reuse the writing, reuse the renders and just consolidate FOTM 1 and 2 into a single game. Modify every single hidden change of a variable to no longer be hidden. If you don't have any better idea, just use a hint like the one given when money is -/+ whenever you change a variable. Also add hints for how many more repeats are still needed to unlock everything on each path and find a way to explain which part of the path needs to be repeated especially because some chain of choices are extremely long. Stop using retarded variable names like tycthm, mfhs, spwg, the code is there for humans to read! Start using a fucking decent IDE that allows better dev instead of the Notepad you seem to be using.

    The only content you need to add in the new FOTM is just more perverted stuff. Make Rhonda & Ann lactate. Invent some quest where the MC needs to collect milk from all of them, make Ann milk her mother. Make them pregnant. Add some fisting. Make William fuck his daughters. Get MC into some seriously gay stuff and let William fuck him or the girls peg him. Don't be afraid to add as many sick shit as you can imagine. Your objective should be to learn how to write a game that is playable from end to end as well as how to split a game into multiple chapters when things get out of control. Take a look at Dating my Daughter and how that's done. You should definitely make something similar. Every 3 to 6 months create another executable to keep things organised and DO NOT reuse old events (copy-paste code).

    I hope you wise up before you burn out because you already have a history of games that are very similar to FOTM in terms of both ups and downs.