Ren'Py - Completed - Foot of the Mountains 2 [v5.0 Finale] [SerialNumberComics]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is very, very grindy with the most cliche and predictable sort of incest-themed story. Certain mini-games are absolutely horrid and some story paths absolutely require a walkthrough.
    With the exception of the main character and the thicker sister, you've already seen these models before in other games. The renders are grainy and the environments are lackluster.

    In short, don't give this game a shot. Even the renders aren't worth it.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Really good render, I love the charaters. Unfortunally the gameplay is too much booring. The plot is not bad but because of the slow dynamics of the game the player can't fully embrace it. The Sex scenes are top.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    End of an era but good riddance because I played this Dev entire first project over a month ago and now literally just finished with this project and in both cases I feel cheated. Both games were rushed and lackluster and feels like I wasted my time.

    Okay renders


    Grainy renders
    Too many character flaws
    Too many character inconsistencies
    Horrible grinding
    Far too little content compared to the grinding
    Beta male MC

    I wouldn't recommend this game, you grind like crazy to get in between Melinda's legs and others... nevermind. I've said all I can regarding this farce of a game.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Ashley young

    Now that the game has ended,

    Positives -
    1) Renders are alright
    2) There is an interesting story somewhere in the game

    Negatives -
    Everything else.

    Seriously, if you have never played this game, dont play it. Game has 100 hours of grind with 5 hours of content. And the content is not that great either.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    As others have noted before me, there is a stupendous amount of grind for little to no payoff.

    That's really the heart of the matter. No story. Zero fun gameplay. S'pose I'll give it an extra star for nice graphics.

    Avoid. Don't waste your time.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Despite all of the controversy throughout this game, it still had the potential to be a great game, unfortunately the Dev can’t stay out of his own way. He’s not capable of putting together a solid story and ending. Melinda was a great and desirable character, but she couldn’t carry this game on her juicy ass and save it. While we’re on the subject of Melinda that choices made for her character was horrible and just simply bush league. Even doing the little holiday update when she breaks character, just bad decisions after another. The grind of this game was pointless, if you look at the gameplay towards the end content all the did was skip weeks basically. When the Dev started a new chapter or whatever he should’ve changed the game to a VN to make it more enjoyable and to avoid all the unnecessary skipping. I truly wish them luck on their future endeavors but I will not be replaying FOTM anytime soon.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    5/5 -> Basically perfect

    3/5 ->Story gets secondary pretty quickly

    2/5 -> grinding grinding grinding

    4.5/5 -> hot as fuck, they're just not a few tho

    14.5/20 -> Not bad, sex scenes are really good, but too much grinding
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Way too much grind , each update is minimal update , story line mediocre at best same text time after time even with updates very little new content.
    its now what 3 years it feels like dev just dragging it out way to much like a cash cow being milked that has gone dry, i feel like i would have to grind 2 more years to make any progress
    decent renders although a little over done on boob ass and hip size. but store line and writing could changed a bit so a little more depth to story, plus link some stuff in better , even when some new stuff pops up its way off in left field

    so sorry dev minus stars for the lack of real text and story content and the ridiculous repetitious grind
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    After week of playing I have to sadly say it is unplayable. there is big difference between hard but rewarding and insane grindy game. What counts as a progress in this game are literally THREE DOTS in text between characters. then same scenes and SAME dialogs over and over again, and again(see what I did there I can bee Fotm dev now). That repetition in this game is mind numbing to the point of digital lobotomy. Like why?! The fact that I only like one character in game is irrelevant for others but for me it is not. Also no one can tell me that town slut, chubbyy gal or ANYONE in this game except Melinda has a personality. Mane 6 from MLP has more depth than most of models in this game. disappointed.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    It truly is crazy to see what people will pay for long term when they feel invested. This game has a large patreon and I don't know why. The game has no storyline being followed in the game and the one that was around to start the game seems like a forgotten memory. It is grind and more grind for mediocre scenes which probably took very little time to create as this game has no storyline and most scenes are on loop. Maybe some feel they are in too deep now to give up on this and I guess it is almost like Stockholm syndrome.

    With no story or actual gameplay except grind the same scenes over and over for then a tiny progression piece which most times is unsatisfying, how can I give it more than one star. It is also confusing on what to do at times. Stay away would be my suggestion.
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Queen Daenerys

    Pros: Quality renders

    Cons: Everything else.

    1. The storyline is constantly all over the place as was the Devs last project. It's like 90% grinding and repeating the same scenarios over and over again. The story isn't attractive anymore me, the characters are attractive any more to me.

    2. The Main character is intolerable, one minute he's trying to be this alpha mastermind and the next he comes off as a whiny beta male. He has no real backbone whatsoever. I honestly wish I could choose another character.

    3. Eye Candy is this game is meh at best, once you get past Melinda who is now ruined and lost her appeal there's really isn't any main attraction. Ann is an idiot, who comes off as a bipolar whore, one minute she wanted to be respected and the next she barebacking random dudes. Rhonda is the annoying chubby, insecure girl that's secretly a slut herself and that's pretty much it. Daniel sister is another useless character, half tramp half psychopath. Melinda was the cream of the crop until she wasn't. As the player you grinded and grinded to fuck her but when you finally did, it was lackluster *sigh* then she became a slutty to ruin her character even more.

    4. The Dev has always has some iffy writing skills, dating back to his last project. I feel like he didn't even try on this project he just gave up and started listening to his "Patreons" and ultimately let them dictate the story, which is pathetic.

    Overall I feel like I wasted my time on this project. And developed arthritis in the process.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    I have been watching / playing this game for quite a few updates and was hoping things would have improved. The amount of grind required without any type of mod is just plain ridiculous. That's why I usually avoid open sandbox games that require the same repetitive things just to get "points". Point systems and open sandbox usually spell the end of most of these types of games. I'm honestly surprised this game is still going. I won't get into the whole NTR debate because I know it will open a whole can of worms that I just don't have the time for.

    Overall the game is just average. Average graphics, non-existent so called animations and a very outdated point system. If the grind wasn't so bad I would give this game a higher rating. At this point the game really only deserves 2 and a half stars in its current state. Maybe in another year or two when the dev listens to the players the game might actually improve. I just can't justify a higher rating.

    EDIT: After playing this major grindfest and losing quite a few braincells going the same scenes and text 600 times I have to change my rating. It seems the dev just wanted filler in the storylines by making the player have to go through the same scenes over and over again.

    My question is: Where is the so called storyline of the dev wanting to find out about his parents? You talk to a detective once through the whole game and that's it. Plus the MC gets blackmailed and cucked by Ann the whole time. Plus the forced DP scenes. At least give players the option to skip the fetishes that apparently the dev likes.

    Maybe by Chapter / Version 6.0 the storyline might actually go somewhere with the MC finding out about his parents. Hopefully in another 2 to 3 years, if the game is still being made by then, it might actually be worth 3 or higher starts.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game in so cool. I love watching Anna get fucked by everybody, I can't not wait to see every girl fucked by everyone . keep the goodwork. I hope the dev keep improving and addign more scenes.
    Likes: MrJ
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Grind, grind, grind. You repeat the same scenes probably a 100 times before something happens. And then you grind some more.

    The graphics are kind of nice though, even if there is very little animation.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I like this game but No body care the mac users. Its been month second update came for windows but still no one update the mac version. I am just waiting the less grind mode. maybe they are update fast for mac users.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok so I played the game in the past up to the end of V 0.12. I've had to replay the game because I forgot a lot of it since then. It was then and continues to be a total confusing mess...sandbox you know? Even with the WT the game's events happen out of sequence to make everything devolve into a hunt for fap scenes instead of a flowing logical story and the fap scenes repeat ad nauseum. It seems like the "Slow Burn" ratio to notice a change is like a 50/1 type of grind. At one point you are Shagging the aunt rotten and yet still doing bedroom scenes where she is chastising the M/C for his inappropriate behavior, really? Another thing that bugged me is that you get a warning and choice to avoid the lactations scenes, but no warnings or avoidance choice for the Ann golden shower crap (Really, really is NOT my thing). I did notice some changes in the first 12 versions of the story since I played the game. One example is the Jax scene where Daniel had bought what he thought was a real pistol found out the hard way when he tried to use it on Jax and save Melinda from rape. That was gone this go round. It's an interesting story enough to make me want to see what happens at the end, but the path to get there is painful. Even following the WT I find myself using the cheat mod to reset days to try to get the game to follow the WT and make sure I trigger the events. As a player I shouldn't have to work so hard just to follow a story.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Foots of the mountains 2 [v3.0]

    + CG is alright

    * Typical character dynamics. MILF aunt, hotter cousin, ugly cousin and your side characters you doink later on. Nothing special but not terrible.
    * Dialogue nothing special but not garbage.

    - Tedious grind for no reason. Don't see the point besides adding more game time which again is useless since it adds no value. You have to build relationship but need to get to their location. Meaning moving from this room to this room and so on. Add the fact that it is a slow burn and you have to repeat the same moves with slight variations for a long time.
    - Can only play this game with the walkthrough. Hard to find out what to do next. Even with trying to base off of the game text and hints it is still hard to find the next step. Guessing game at that point.
    - Getting scenes take a long time. A whole lot of repeating the same moves slightly going to the next. Same old thing we see but dragged out for so long.
    - Animations? I don't even know if I should call them that. That transition from sex scene to the next is not smooth and disappointing after going through all the unnecessary grind.
    - Story is directionless and you don't care about it after the first 10 minutes of gameplay which means the only reason you would play the game is for the sex scenes which even then is a stretch.
    - Game design is not great. Room selection to find characters which is such a boring design since they move around the place. There is a search button sometimes to find things where you need to hover to find the spot. However these spots are not easily spotted so im spam clicking on every part of my screen.

    This game is a grind fest with the CRTL button on. The grind starts right away so you forget the story early on. Once you grind and get to some sex scenes you realized how much time you wasted because you don't really care about the story nor is the sex scenes satisfying. If you are to play the game you need the provided guide here to play otherwise you will get lost. To save your time I would not recommend this game at all.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Its close to a 5 star rating but in my opinion its hard to push forward when you don't have a objective list or something that gives you hints in the beginning of each day. Basically its a grind to figure out if you've done the right thing or just run in circles.
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    just trying

    render 4.5/5
    animation 3/5
    story 1/5
    Grindiness 5/5

    This game is only good for its render. The story is BS. Not much was put into moving the story in a coherent manner. And it is a grind machine with no clues of how to move forward in the game. The developer need proofreader to improve in the story telling.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    The UI is what kills this game. The art is solid enough though the Rhonda the redhead is rougher on the eyes compared to your usual characters you see in these games.

    I could barely piece together the story mostly because you are pawing around trying to figure out at what time and place things and people are and what to do based off of some simple hints.

    The whole thing is asking for way too much effort for a pay off that as you play I at least got the feeling that I was going to be disappointed. Editing the save for max stats didn't really change much of anything so that is usually a sign of lots of grind for no real pay off.