Fan Art Foot of the Mountains - Fan-Art


Active Member
Nov 2, 2019
Well, I guess, most of us here, do appreciate that you are sharing and keep this thread going. But, single renders you post in here, do not always look as refined/finished product. Some of them lack emotion, or feature awkward postures, look, or just disconnected from anything. For instance, the picture with Daniel and Rhonda holding Melinda. Each of them look not so natural, holding no so light Melinda, with lack of facial expression. So I guess, you just playing around it, which is fine. We all can learn serious skills from just a hobby with some persistence. Again, I am far behind you in Daz3d skills (never tried it yet), but if I had hardware and time to experiment with it, my learning path, after some fooling around with awkward renders, would be to try compose eye pleasing render, that as an artist I would call a finished product. Mimicking body physics a and facial expression is very complex thing, so I likely would use some reference photo of person with suitable body physics to replicate it with 3D model of choice (you have got already our all favorites in there :).
Then would try to evolve it further to deliver an idea or message, as you master it up, who knows, may be your next iteration would be creation of 3D comics and so on.
it was mentioned above, try hard, and keep it going, here we don’t want to bash you, just show us the best you can do.
Thank you!
Friend gubl
I fully understand what you are saying, but let me tell you that I don't have much experience in DAZ, just 3 weeks, but everything you mentioned that we are supposed to do does the job of a real professional and is not done in a hour or two or a week, not even from a amateur like us. When you start using it, you will notice the obstacles that exist, among them, the rendering time, when some simple images can reach 2 hours or more to be made. It all depends on the small details. And I'm using a high-end new processor (since the AMD graphics card doesn't render IRAY i'm forced to render with CPU).
Let me also tell you that there are many game developers who earn a lot, that have no quality in their renders or take the trouble to do what you mentioned in their games. That's why there are these threads, to post our ideas and our renders, with quality or not, Pure devotion ... (y)
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Nov 16, 2017


Active Member
Nov 2, 2019
Cubero. Great artist.
Or you kill the original game or the DEV will contact you to work for her.
Great job.
Just 3 questions.
where did you find the Daniel shorts and shirt?
Why aren't you developing your own game and winning lots of money?
Why do i render in 2,5 quality and 100% conversion and i can't get good renders in the final? Is there anything else i can adjust? It's a trick of the lights? One thing that i discovered is that when the skin is more dark, we got better results in the end...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
über die bilder - manche sind gut getroffen, andere weniger - ich dachte immer, es gäbe eine form der diskussion über die bilder im moment sieht es so aus, als ob besucher die bilder sehen und bewerten, aber keine meinung zu den bildern abgeben - das wäre eine Bereicherung dieser Fanart-Szene
about the pictures - some are well hit, others less - I always thought there was a form of discussion about the pictures at the moment it looks as if visitors see and evaluate the pictures, but don't give an opinion on the pictures - that would be an enrichment of this fanart scene
A little constructive criticism is good. Too much or unfair criticism(people have differences in skill/experience, keep in mind) may drive some away. So it's a balancing act.


Dec 9, 2017
First attempt with Ann. Need more work.


Fine tuning Melinda and let her start playing ...



Mums & Dads

Mums&Dads 00.png

Cubero. Great artist.
Or you kill the original game or the DEV will contact you to work for her.
Great job.
Just 3 questions.
where did you find the Daniel shorts and shirt?
Why aren't you developing your own game and winning lots of money?
Why do i render in 2,5 quality and 100% conversion and i can't get good renders in the final? Is there anything else i can adjust? It's a trick of the lights? One thing that i discovered is that when the skin is more dark, we got better results in the end...
1. Simply looking for here in F95
2. I'm just a rookie with Daz and an old computer, it's just a hobby in my spare time and what I'm learning I share, there's a lot to learn.
3. I don't know how to give you technical details, I learn by myself and English is not my language, if there is one thing I have learned from Daz it is that light is everything. The quality of a rendering is achieved through that.