I don't think its always about money.
In my case, money is important ( I have quit my job 8months ago and since then game dev is my full-time job, and it has to work well, pay the bills and shit.) but, more important is that feeling that you are making something that others enjoy. I don't know how to explain it, but, the most important, treasured feeling I had in the past 2 years of my life was when I have launched Cyndy on Steam and in 2 days I had over 1000 sold units and a couple of reviews and comments about the game.
For some reason, I felt great, I felt appreciated ( unlike my old job, driving buses around London
) )and I knew that is what I really want to do from then on.
Maybe that is important for the dev of "A wife and a mother", not just the money. If he felt that the majority of those who actually communicate with him might be right about the way the game was going, I can understand why he decided to follow their idea.