I guess theres a bug that if you choose wrong stats/perks you cant leave the facility after the leveling ends at 14.
I don't think it's a bug.
At the moment there are just a lot of perk combinations which cause dead ends, either because the dev did not consider players using these combinations and did not design content for them or because the content for these combinations is not yet implemented. Since the player can only see dialog options for a perk after taking the perk, the players are in the dark and are forced to try all kind of combinations of perks. This leads to a situation where the players either follow a walkthrough or first level until they reach the level-cap, save the game as backup and then select attributes and perks to find a working combination ... this is no fun.
The game already has a lot of grind :
- money
- adaption -> level, attributes, perks
- relation points
In ch.2 the mc pays 1,000 per week for the apartment and another 500 per week tax. Additionally the mc needs 3-6,000 for COR/INT lectures and another ca. 5,000 to buy rent papers.
To reach lvl 26 the player has to earn 25,000 adaption, and after lvl 14 there are no more paid lectures (600 adaption) but only newspapers and INT-lectures (100-200 adaption).
Relation grows by 3 per day for one NPC unless there are additional options like chatting with Hanna during work. So it takes a lot of days to improve relationships with uncertain success.
It would help if there would be no level caps in the chapters, so that players can explore the full game at their own pace without fear to hit a dead end and to have to restart and repeat the grind.