Before I update the FOBS guide, I wanna give y'all some tidbits that are not gonna be included in the guide. It *is* a capture guide, not a full game guide (yet), so for now I'm going to stick with that. (If I do choose to make a full guide, I might have to snatch one of y'all to help me build a website, because putting all of that on a Google Doc would be messy and horribly inconvenient for those not using F95Z.)
Tip 1: Double Jump
FINALLY, THE MOST ICONIC VIDEO GAME ABILITY--ahem, excuse my excitement. The Double Jump is now available in the game, accessible by finding the Kappas and going to the room left of them, which is the new place that you'll find the Mushes, as well as one Mushroom Girl. (For those new to this game, yes, there's a very distinct difference despite them both being mushrooms.) The ability will be in the chest at the end of the room. You can get across just fine without fighting, but dash-jumps will be your friend if you're gonna do that.
Tip 2: Dash-Jump
As many of you already know, the Dash can be chained into a jump, allowing you to travel much faster than you would just walking or dashing. Contrary to popular belief, this has been in the remake for a while, it just went undocumented up until a few builds ago. However, something to keep in mind is that this does not work with the double jump. Whether or not this was intentional is up for debate, but while the double jump will not cancel the afterimage trail to get after a double jump, it will reset your momentum back to normal walking speed, making it slower than just chaining dash-jumps. This doesn't mean it's useless, however. For areas like the very room you get the double jump in, dash-double-jumping (better name pending), it can be used for a burst of speed to bridge longer gaps, with the double-jump making up for the distance the first jump can't make. This is also just much safer than chaining dash-jumps in an enemy-dense area.
Tip 3: Items
The items aren't glitched. Not as far as I can tell. Their purchase displays are broken, but each of them are coded the way they are intentionally. I think that the reason for certain items that cost 2 points being non-equippable is that 2 is the default cost for what we in the RPG business call key items. Why the default value for them is 2 is yet to be determined, but these key items cannot be equipped because they have an external use. The literal key the Orc Gatekeeper drops, the green orb from Mashira, and the leaf from the cliff room (left from the home area's entrance) are examples of this. None of them can be equipped because their use has nothing to do with buffing you, but instead interacting with the world around you. Based on my current findings, the [vase? teapot? container???] and Forest Dweller mask have no explicit use yet, but based on how they're coded, the plan is for them to be key items. The question then becomes not "why are they not equippable?" and instead "why are they key items?" They might have an immediate use, but I haven't found them if that's the case, so if there's any findings on that, please do share with the class.
Tip 4: Achievements
The achievement board has been entirely reworked. The reason things are missing is because they are likely impossible to get right now. Meaning that Zell has taken notice of some bugs and is making progress in terms of working on them. There are some exceptions, however.
- Slime Girl's Captor: Already unlocked from the get go. I'm starting to think the slime is a running gag, because you START with her ability and achievement, but still can't capture her for whatever reason.
- [The last 2 star one on the second page, I haven't gotten nor revealed it yet]: If we're assuming this is the same one from last build, then this is the achievement for finding the Forest Dweller Sanctuary, who's code got mixed up with the Kappa's achievement. Neither action triggers the achievement, so unless it's an entirely new achievement now, it's just been deactivated for repair.
- Petite Orc: Check the guide.