The ladder guy in capital is somewhere between the restaurant and the church at night.
Nerion changed his next milestone. Before it was a sort of recollection room for $1500 or $1600 (I don't remembrer exactly...) and now it crotchless panties for Ravy if Nerion reaches $1100. The recollection room disappeared completely.
A crotchless pantie should be part of the corruption process and no be tied to a monetary goal. It sounds like a "blackmail" to me. Nerion's incomes went from about $1200 to about $850. For the moment the pledges went up because of the new update but I'm pretty confident when I say that it will go down in September. Nerion tries to reach again the sum he was used to earn before. Unfortunatly, the last update was quite disappointing and the previous one was "meh"; Nerion lost a lot of his credibility with lazzy job, non-existent communication and multiples lies.
The fact that Nerion doesn't plan to add crotchless panties as a part of the basic game and put a monetary condition on it feels like confession of milking.