May 4, 2019
Again, I think the "slave" route is weak mainly because it keeps dancing about the concept rather than committing to it, and yes the art in some places (especially the street and statue island zones) is so bad it is jarring. Tenzin is pretty much a requirement if you are going to do both Korra, air-bending and keep the MC a male. Plus, it is nice to NOT have a teenager as the MC in this game for once.

But the game plays around the slave storyline way too much. It would fit the story and the line much better if Tenzin was a LOT harder on Korra. Most of the beginning of the story arc should have been scrapped or at least shortened considerably, and add in an option for Tenzin to regularly visit and torment Korra as "Amon", stripping her powers away from her and pushing her farther and farther toward breaking. Mixing the sexual acts with Amon instead of just Tenzin with a strong BDSM twist would have also helped. Some public humiliation acts, maybe some degredation, even more cucking her with Asumi could work (say, having Asumi regularly please and pleasure Tenzin and making her admit how much she enjoys it, enjoys a "man" while Korra is bound and gagged in a closet watching, to break her from her romantic potential with her and make her feel even more helpless).

I just feel like Act 4 is just not aggressive enough. This is the one and only time YOU get to be the Dom AND the teacher, you get to be in the role of control over the female character. The MC also has near-total support from the people around him to break just fucking DO it. Go full supervillain and break the bitch. Don't be nice, don't be a hero, don't justify it, just fucking DO it and go all in on it. By the end, Korra should be a completely broken and submissive slave of a girl, that exists only be humiliated, used and abused...and then maybe that is how your MC regains being the "Avatar", because she gives it up.
Yeah, it's odd that there isn't any hard ntr content. It seems like there would be, given the setup. Tenzin is actually doing a lot of bad stuff, but he's coming across as a quirky scamp. I think that it'd be worth avoiding creating areas like Avatar Statue and Streets because their appearance is exremely jarring and the movement and look of the characters in them is kind of goofy. I do think it's hard to tell what you should be doing and it's often unclear whether you're at the end of content or if there is stuff left to do. I don't like hard s&m or anything, but Tenzin doesn't really feel like he has any control. She'd only have to expose him and he'd be completely fucked. Surely this book should be about no one feeling like they can expose you and no one being able to if they tried (as kind of awful as that sounds, but that's the weird fantasy. Is only game, why you heff to be mad?)

I have no idea how many people are actually keen for more Jinorah content. It seems like a fair few based on the comments, but it's hard to tell whether it's a vocal minority or not. I'd like more as well. It at least feels a bit different and adds variety. It's creepy, but again: is only game. No need to get upset about cartoons. I enjoyed Book 2 the most because I'm disgusting and like incest. I also felt like there were good moments like fucking Azula over Mai. I think this one feels like there are no risks even though there would be and that deflates the excitement that would be there.

Mity, I hope you read this and find it helpful. I really liked Book 2 and 3 in particular. I don't like to offend or hurt feelings, but I haven't enjoyed the writing as much this book, but that may be that I'm sometimes confused about what to do or where to go, or that the payoff when I work out those things isn't quite what I want. It's hard to say because I've been playing it as it releases and I had similar issues with Book 3 which I was also playing along with. I do feel like unclear next steps have always been an issue, especially if you're replaying and you miss dialogue because you're skipping though. A quest log would clear that up, but I'm not sure how easy to implement that kind of thing would be.

Thanks for the content ly babee


Sep 15, 2017
I've been a patreon of Mity since book one and I feel like the slave route for book 4 might be the weakest route so far. The connection between different story parts is unintuitive, the background art is just plain bad and some of the character interaction are cringeworthy. Overall the quality has been dropping recently. I seriously hope the love route can turn it all around.
Even if they never recover after the mess that were these past few months, at least I'll give cudos to them for finally releasing regular updates. I did enjoy this update more than the last since I'm not really into anal nor I liked the mess of a grind that was the card game, at least they delivered some good scenes this time.

Just hoping they can keep up the pace and recover over the course of the next couple of months.

Barkin 10

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2016
so i just found this by accident that after what midnight train and bobcarter said you can call asami and have korra eat either pema or asami out as you fuck korra from behind. (there will be an error so just ignore it several times)
Funny. I never got any error here. And the only problem I really had was finding out I had to wait till after after throwing the bending match to move on with the rest of the story.

Is there any further progress with getting the incriminating photo of Asami's father and Anon after giving the prisoner the porno mag?


New Member
Dec 26, 2019
Iv'e mined the files and found a scene where you fuck Korra while she eats out either pemma or Asami.

How do I get it?


Aug 5, 2017
Iv'e mined the files and found a scene where you fuck Korra while she eats out either pemma or Asami.

How do I get it?
It's at the end, follow Midnight_Train's directions above this post a bit and from there there's a quest where you convince Zhu Li she's wanted and fuck her by calling her to the office. Afterwards call Asami to the office and ignore any error messages you may receive.
Nov 1, 2018
Is there a console cheat for the Siege card game?
The game is fucking unfair.
use scroller to go back in the text, doing so will return the cards to how they were before one action ago, this makes the game from unfair to literally the easiest thing in existence since the chances of you losing are close to zero when you know what comes next. unless you are fighting shady cause he is kind of like the boss, to beat him you need to beat all the others to get their best cards and then try to fight him. i promise you that you will almost never lose doing this.


Aug 28, 2017
Download the free version from patreon, play it to the end of the current content.
Safe, download the new version and play from where you stopped.
0.5.8b is bugged and stops you from progressing at 90 resistance.
Yup, that's the best solution. Playing with 0.8.4c until the end of content and then I will switch to the newest one. The police chief is just totally bugged and makes progressing in the early stage impossible.


Sep 14, 2017
Using my save from previous update, i think my game became full bugged ^^"
I had a new (?) scene in the park and a other new (?) with Zhu li but all of them felt like a rollback as if trigger bugged


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2017
The game is generally bugged because of the "Equalist", like when you enter the City Streets. I played a previous version which bugged out (some error screen where ignoring didn't help), then played the latest version, which didn't even trigger the event, and now I am playing 8.4.4c which I forgot I downloaded and am able to properly talk to them.
Or when you start a new game the bug applies pretty soon.


Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2017
I genuinely enjoyed the love route story, but...
I think chapter 2's love route was much more interesting and engrossing.

Sort of late with jumping in the discussion, but for chapter 2, my biggest point of contention is that I felt Toph was under utilized and couldn't be impregnated. Seeing how much more she was used in chapter 3, that gets made up for some, but... not only would impregnating her then violate continuity (and thus, it doesn't happen), but there is never an option to be in love with her/make her be in love with you, which is a shame.

Chapter 3, I have more issues with.
For one, Iroh. I don't oppose him being a dirty old man, and utter letch, but I feel he was either an afterthought, or something there were plans for that never really materialized. There was room for a lot of laughter, and story. Iroh was very spiritual in TLA, and could see spirits on several occasions. Also, he obviously would know who Aang was, so when the MC, in Aang's body, recognized him as Iroh, there was room to make that a story aspect.

Two is the other girls.
Ajala, Suki, Jin, and June, in particular.
Suki and June, there is no option to totally remove their brain washing. Also, their story seems to just.... stop. There is nothing else, and the way and suddenness their plot points stop leave them very unsatisfying. Suki in particular I wanted to be involved in the Toph story (being aware of it all and OK with it. Maybe even a threesome scene, or foursome if Katara is included). I wanted a love confession, and a pregnancy option.
June, love and pregnancy were both unlikely, but SOMETHING ELSE could have happened.
Ajala was played up a lot, then the love thing happens.... and then that's done. No way to talk to her and work things out after saving Toph. No pregnancy (look, for OC, she was great, and would have enjoyed seeing her knocked up). I mean, she went from enemy, to enemy with benefits, to loving you, to no longer being your enemy. Arguably she has the most complete arc of any supporting character, but I still feel more could have been done.
Jin was.... well, why was she there, again? Almost zero plot, no character growth. No option to make her really fall in love with you, no option to knock her up, and no option to even help her find someone and be happy. She's there, she's a nympho, eventually you cure conditioning, she's still a nympho. Fun scenes, no doubt, but, like Iroh, she feels either like an afterthought, or something there were plans for, that were dropped.

Crab battles in part 3 seemed to have no purpose. Neither did Katara's go-fish game, for that matter. A big deal? Not in the slightest, but I feel like including them could either have given little unlockables (story dialog, either at that moment or some time later), or... something.

Considering space available, I was hoping when this chapter was new that there'd be more building options, which could mean more characters, scenes, or plot things. Same with upgrades. Again, this is a minor issue, but one nonetheless.

A journal to keep track of quests would be nice, but is supremely minor.

I seem like I'm nitpicking and bitching a lot, but my counter argument to that might be: the fact that I have played to this point and am raising issues and person desires as well as points of disappointment should both show that I actually rather invested in the game. The art, the concept, the over-all plot, the writing in general, and a feeling of it.... doing a fairly decent job of representing a fictional world I enjoy, in a twisted and deviant way, but in a way that also does not, inherently, feel wrong.

My biggest hope is that, ultimately, there is a chapter 5 and 6, that we don't even see coming, yet.
Chapter 5 being the resolution of the plot, for the most part, once we've mastered all 4 elements, and chapter 6 being a (hopefully not short) reward chapter (the mechanism for that I'm still uncertain of. You can truly control your movement to places in time, once it all ends, so we get an epilogue with each character? Some sort of situation where the MC gets a body in the past, just after the endpoint of chapter 2 (so TLA story is mostly done), and can claim the women all for himself, for real, while answering all their questions (plot points could resolve on jealousies, resolving disputes, etc) and he can have all his women?
I donno. All I know is, as saves are chapter-contained and it seems choices in chapters do not effect other chapters, my suggestion (should my "oh god, I hope he plans this!" 6 chapter thing happen) is a rundown for each chapter. What route did you take, what major choices did you make, and who got pregnant. And chapter 6 ties up the story that way (probably with a lot of explaining to do for mixtures of love and slave routes!)

There are, or were, essentially 5 games I am truly following.
Orange Trainer, The Last Sovereign, Milfy City, Rogue-like, and this game.
TLS is, I hope, less than a third done. That means a lot more content, but a long time to wait.
OT, to me, felt rushed to an unsatisfactory conclusion, where story was wrapped up, other content, etc was scrapped, and we get what we get. And while I loved parts of it, it was disappointing how it petered out.
Rogue-like is.... flimsy. And it could take it another 10 months to feel complete enough to see where it's actually going.
Milfy is just for Sara (fight me, mom fans). Certainly not for gameplay!

That leaves this game.
We have actually well thought out story. We have character development. We have gameplay. We have things, more or less, not being rushed and feeling mostly complete. While I complain about some things seeming like afterthoughts or missed chances, and like chapters are, after a point, rushed to completion, I still feel safe saying that this project won't pull and Orange Trainer on us. That said, I would replay old chapters again if the choice was made to flesh out content.
The writing, despite it being a porn games, takes itself a lot more seriously than it appears to, at first blush. This is refreshing. I don't play many of these games because their plots, to be very blunt, fucking suck, and their writing is even worse. While certainly not broaching TLS when it comes to complex story telling, it is also obvious that isn't what is being shot for. But when you've played a lot of porn parodies, you learn to see that some creators actually love and respect what they're making their games based off of, and that shines through here.
And unlike milfy-city, you actually have game play going for you!

So, this is my long and utterly unasked for feedback up to this point. I've had fun, and I look forward to putting this game on an extended hiatus until enough of the love build for chapter 4 is out that I feel like I can get a solid feel for it.

I'm thrilled your patreon is doing so well, and that you're able to rely on the fans you've made, from projects like this, to support you so far.
I agree,but really the side character in book 3 feel a bit empty,there should be an option for them to really in love with mc and have a part with the main girl in love route,most of this girls in book 3 not really have any experience with men or whatsoever except maybe Ty Lee,since she is into cute guy.After several adventures,they fall in love with you,have sex and thats all is it,their story are halfway through.There should be an option to make them pregnant at some point,and i dont think they will ever forget the mc.For example,Ty Lee not an option in Book 2 love route since she is already with Aang in Ba sing sei.Yeah,i do hope Mity will give a good story and development in book 4 love route in the future.I should tell him this in his patreon.
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Oct 16, 2017
With my old save I get b4 bug when I go to the room and with a new save from the new version I get stuck in the capture equalists... fuck...


Oct 16, 2017
also about the 00console bugs, why don't just upload one with works so everyone uses until the mity guy resolves everything?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
As you all know, v.0.8.5b is bugged. And if you went to Mity's patreon, they said that they're currently on a bughunt with .8.5b. Instead of complaining, at least make an effort to read and find out wtf is going on. you don't need to be a supporter of them to be able to find out

I suspect .8.5c would be released in a few days or at least when they're done looking for and fixing the bugs
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