U mad ?
I just said June is the hottest character in the game and I loved the way she was created during the Love route I didn't said Korra is the worst character ever or and ugly girl and you just jumped off,everyone can have his opinions and choose one character from another I still like her but not the way I like June
And one more thing you or anyone else can tell me that I'm wrong about June being hot and Korra not so much I'm not some sort of untoachable guy,chill out
Chill it,that line wasnt aimed at you but people thinking they are free from criticism just by throwing in "imo" at the end of every sentence.
It wasnt aimed at any person in particular.
Didnt think claryfing that was necessary considering the obvious subjective nature of your statement(and the fact I didnt quote you in the first place)but I guess thats on me.
You can hump whatever dakimakura you want till the end of time,thats none of my business and a right most of us here would defend to the death.