
Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
Book 2 is out of place in that it takes place in-universe, but either at the same time or soon before Book 3.

Katara is aware that the MC and Aang are two different people and Ty Lee has hinted that she knows something's up.
Book 2 take place a while after Book 3.


Oct 22, 2018
Can someone post their update they put on patreon?

Coder here with medium spicy news! We're either two or three days away from getting the latest build to the bug hunters! I think it'll take me two days to get it cleaned up enough to send over to the artist for preliminary testing, a day to make edits/fixes/changes, and then it'll be in playtest soup to simmer into a sweet and smooth experience.
I'm... not sure why I'm doing all these food metaphors. Should I make a food pun? That's probably too much. Food puns are pretty off-pudding.
Well, we're in overdrive, knocking down pins, opening cans of worms, mixing metaphors, and consuming coffee with reckless abandon, so keep an eye out because the next version is just around the corner!
Loaf you guys! (no regrets)
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Jun 10, 2018
More than likely the next update with either finish up Book 3 completely or be close to finishing it. So yes, new scenes for love route.
So only for love route? Idk why, but I enjoy the slave routes more. Guess it's seeing them like that gets me I suppose. Can't wait for the slave route with Korra. She's hot as fuck imo.

Honestly, I thought Book 3 was already finished and they were just tidying things up. Guess they still had work on the love routes. I didn't know cause I didn't go them.

Are they substantially different in terms of scenes then? Probably. Thanks for the information! Much appreciated.


Nov 23, 2018
Maybe this is where the slave route will shine? Knock her down a few pegs?

To be fair she grew up as an entitled young woman who didn't have to worry about basic human things, like food, water, free training from masters of their particular element by the white lotus. Etc. However just as it was a benefit to her; it also stunted her growth as a human being. Outside of wanting to be the Avatar, she has no other skills or talents to wish to be anything else. Her entire character orbits around wanting to be the Avatar, because she heard great stories of those before her and she wants to be remembered in the same way. Which is human nature and I am ok with this because personally I was very annoyed with Aang in alot of instances, especially with how the original series boiled it down to this. Suck up your personal opinions and do your duty as the Avatar.(I loved how Yangchen worded her response as it was sooo fitting and felt like the proper kick in the butt Aang needed, but the writers chickened out. Grrrr.)

In my opinion it makes Korra more relatable and realistic than Aang, because at least with Korra we actually saw her deal with situations that Aang never did in the original series. We see her rise, her fall from grace, we see her run away because she didn't realize the responsibility and weight of being the Avatar. Not to mention alot of her enemies took away key aspects of who she is as a person. An they were ALL threats in their own unique ways.

Amon stole her bending, Unalaq stole her past lives, Zaheer stole her confidence and her ability to move and Kuvira stole her pride.

I brought this all up to say that her villains challenged her mentally and physically. Yes, she started out as a teenager with a chip on her shoulder, feeling that the universe owes her everything. But as she progressed and moved through life, she found that reality was certainly not the case. She had to work hard to earn the respect of her peers and she did not have it easy. I am looking forward to what the creators of this game have in store for us because so far they have no failed to hit to mark, I love the story and its been a blast to enjoy. An the comedy is freaking gold I tell you! Gold!


Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
Suck up your personal opinions and do your duty as the Avatar
At no point the duty of the avatar is to kill people, the duty of the avatar is to uphold peace and the balance, what either of those things mean is left solely for the avatar to decide and one of the big things about the avatar is that they are profoundly humans despite their nature as semi spirits, they aren't supposed to uphold a single objective thing like robots.

In my opinion it makes Korra more relatable and realistic than Aang
No, it doesn't, at no point Korra actualy face any probleme because of her stunted growth and end up always being right, even when wrong and has an even easier time making a group of friends that would die for her, going as far as having her girlfriend completly turn around on her father without a second thought.

we see her run away because she didn't realize the responsibility and weight of being the Avatar
did you even see what Aang did in the first episode of Avatar ? and how he passed the whole show paying for having ran away ?

Amon stole her bending
Which allowed her to master airbending in a second and was then given back to her as a freebie.

Unalaq stole her past lives
Which only make her more unique and important as well as not taking any ounce of power from her since all the power come from the magic carpet now.

Zaheer stole her confidence and her ability to move
Said lack of confidence just being brought up as a pity bait before being brushed aside like when she was insecure about Amon, her insecurity only pop up to be proven false.

Kuvira stole her pride.
Korra's pride get destroyed at every single goddamn difficulty she faces and yet it's right back up by the next episode, she might as well be a simpson characters

Yes, she started out as a teenager with a chip on her shoulder, feeling that the universe owes her everything.
And at every point, the universe proved her right

She had to work hard to earn the respect of her peers and she did not have it easy
She didn't, everyone around her was on theirs ass about how amazing she was after half on hour of knowing them and even cucking a guy with his own brother, neither of them even hold it against her and she is so important and beloved that a mere appareance of semi support allowed for the one of the first season's bad guy to have such public support that he basicaly became the absolute authority in town, that's how beloved and respected she is just in freaking season 1.

I mean i hate the show more because of the setting, lore and theme rape than for the characters that are honestly easy to ignore since you can resume everything about them in like 3 words but let's not kid ourself about Korra's character having some serious freaking probleme.

As i said previously thought, you can do her right, just play on the dumb puppy appeal more than the shitty brat appeal (the show does manage to give her both appeal even if it's heavily in favor of the shitty brat) and her character already improve a lot.

Josh Spicer

Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
So only for love route? Idk why, but I enjoy the slave routes more. Guess it's seeing them like that gets me I suppose. Can't wait for the slave route with Korra. She's hot as fuck imo.

Honestly, I thought Book 3 was already finished and they were just tidying things up. Guess they still had work on the love routes. I didn't know cause I didn't go them.

Are they substantially different in terms of scenes then? Probably. Thanks for the information! Much appreciated.
Book 3 Slave Route is donezo my dude.

Rando Civ

Game Developer
Jul 31, 2017
In my opinion it makes Korra more relatable and realistic than Aang,
I personally disagree. Mostly because Aang did had to break away from his culture for the greater good in more ways other than just killing and never once whined about it. He had a duty and he fulfilled it because it was his responsability.

Korra treated being the Avatar as a game. And for such a thing, almost all of her decisions were bad and caused nothing short of chaos.


Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2017
thats why a monk better as avatar than shitty brat girl that always think she is right


Nov 23, 2018
At no point the duty of the avatar is to kill people, the duty of the avatar is to uphold peace and the balance, what either of those things mean is left solely for the avatar to decide and one of the big things about the avatar is that they are profoundly humans despite their nature as semi spirits, they aren't supposed to uphold a single objective thing like robots.

Yes you are correct, the duty of the Avatar is not to kill people, nor are they supposed to uphold a single objective thing. But their duty is to the world and to maintain balance. How they go about achieving this is personally up to them. Because of Avatar Roku's mercy and compassion, in addition to his childhood friendship with Sozin, contributed to his decision to spare Sozin's life on multiple occasions. He believed that letting his friend live would make him understand and that with time he would change.

Unfortunately, that was not the case. That very same compassion and mercy was what lead to his very own death when Sozin chose of his own free will to let his former best friend die; when his help was needed. Roku counseled Aang, just like the other few Avatar's that made themselves known to him to be more decisive and put an end to Ozai. It was Roku's indecision towards ending his old friend's life which led to the hundred year war and untold suffering upon the world in the first place.

No, it doesn't, at no point Korra actualy face any probleme because of her stunted growth and end up always being right, even when wrong and has an even easier time making a group of friends that would die for her, going as far as having her girlfriend completly turn around on her father without a second thought.

Can't argue with that. Yes I would've liked that the show had built up on Korra's relationship with her friends as best as they could and obviously they dropped the ball there. An to be frank Korra was not ready to be romantically involved considering that her understanding of such relationships was nonexistent. Its why Asami was more flexible and understanding with Korra and harsh on Mako. Because she knew that he of all people should know better. Hell, Korra taking dating advice from a woman that stole another woman's man was terrible; imo. Hell I would've liked it if the reason why Tenzin and Lin broke up was because the latter was unable to have children, something that the former wants. Which makes her feel less of a woman and gives the character some level of vulnerability. (Ontop of the other things going on in her life, like her distancing from her sister, her mother disappearing from the world, her being unhappy with her lot in life and not having taken up another lover after Tenzin. Because of trust issues. All things that real people go through.)

Before his father's death Aang constantly tells Tenzin that it is his duty to continue the airbending line and because of his love for his father Tenzin promises he will. Which ends up being a burden on his shoulders, and the reason he dumps her despite his love for her and ends up meeting Pemma down the line. Their growing, budding family is a slap to Lin's face and a constant reminder of her growing failings and forces her to drown herself in her work.

Though I cannot say I agree with your other points, we can both agree to disagree. I'm actually glad for the differing views because it shows that two people can watch the exact same show and both can get something different from it.


Nov 23, 2018
I personally disagree. Mostly because Aang did had to break away from his culture for the greater good in more ways other than just killing and never once whined about it. He had a duty and he fulfilled it because it was his responsability.

Korra treated being the Avatar as a game. And for such a thing, almost all of her decisions were bad and caused nothing short of chaos.

Yes, in the beginning Korra took for granted of what it meant to be the Avatar and she was not the most likeable human being. She was brash, arrogant, cocky and entitled, which I am okay with because her upbringing was much different. Usually the Avatar usually travel around learning the four elements from the four nations, finding teachers there. But in her case, they were there in the water tribe. Which of course hinders her outlook on the world. Though she had the mindset of the three elements(I still feel that to this day her most difficult element should've been both water and air, as water is the element of change. An she was very very resistant to change.)

Though over time, we as the audience got to see how each antagonist challenged her identity, the very thing she holds near and dear. Her life as we see it is constant loss and through the entire show her existence is constantly questioned. Amon tells her they don't need benders, nor the Avatar. Unalaq claims its time for a new Avatar. Zaheer claims the world does not need the Avatar anymore and Kuvira backs the belief that she is the better leader. The fact that so many people believed that the world does not need the Avatar 7 of the strongest people of that world have tried and tested. Yes started out headstrong, hot headed and a bit happier.

Korra was put down 4 times and each time broke her down, bit by bit. It took her 3 years to blossom into the Avatar she needed to be, one of compassion and understanding and maturity. I respect her resiliency and growth as a character because she came a long way from what she started out as.

Josh Spicer

Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
New post on Patreon, anyone able to post it here or summarize?
Basically, the coder was really REALLY pumped for the end of the chapter but MITY had to tell them to slow down in order to finish Book 3.

Their a little behind schedule and MITY's doin what they can to finish it up soon. There's at least 8 different scenes planned depending on your choices.


Feb 7, 2018
Basically, the coder was really REALLY pumped for the end of the chapter but MITY had to tell them to slow down in order to finish Book 3.

Their a little behind schedule and MITY's doin what they can to finish it up soon. There's at least 8 different scenes planned depending on your choices.
no this build will not have the 8 scenes and they are not finishing book 3. That will be in the build next month


Feb 7, 2018

We might joke around a little about it, but we really do hate it when we don't manage to keep things within our planned month. Whenever some time frees up it's immediately filled with a new idea for some extra content. We want to impress you guys with each new build and that makes it awfully hard to say: "no, we're not going to include that because we don't have enough time." We're usually like: "Fuck yeah! let's cram it in!" and then we have to make sure it plays nice with the rest of FET which always takes up more time than anticipated.

This time however you can put most of the blame on me. The coder was all pumped up a week ago, telling me he was gearing up for some allnighters and getting things done even if it meant he had to cut stuff out!

That didn't sound that great to me. It's not the safest way to put things together and he wouldn't have had time to put in something nice (I'm not entirely sure what it is myself, but he seemed pretty happy with it.) That, together with his slightly low power level (definitely below 9000), made me decide to try and convince him to slow down. Even if that meant breaking into Febuary. Well, I succeeded in making him forego the rollercoaster ride of sleepless nights and do it the safer/slower way. And that's where we are right now.

As you know we're getting close to the final build of this route(not the one the coder's working on atm), and it'll require a little extra oompfwhich means a lot of extra work which I need to have finished as soon as the current build is done and released. Afterall, if I don't have it finished the coder can't start.

I think I have close to about eight new unique scenes ready for the final build. Not because I'm favoring quantity over quality, but because some of those scenes are optional so I need to have more to make sure you still have a nice amount of scenes when you don't pick a certain choice.

Some scenes have some extra options, really ramping up the difficulty of putting it together and that started a really bad cycle of staying up too late, walking around with a headache for the entire following day (which only resided late in the evening) after which I returned to work instead of sleeping because I wanted to make up for lost time.... and hence the cycle repeated itself. I managed to get out of it, but it's just sooo tempting to tell yourself "juuust a little longer".

Coming back to the scenes I've been working on... I'm seriously happy with some of them. Others still need some more work, but in theory stuff is finished for this route as far as necessary scenes go. Well, in theory. There's always a big chance the coder has some idea up his sleeve which'll require some special attention and there's plenty I can and WILL do to spice things up. I'm currently reworking a scene which I finished three weeks ago and making it all sorts of better.

I'm responsible for catching the worst of the bugs before we send stuff off to the patrons in the bugtesting tiers and I'm looking forward to play it as much as anyone else out there. We sometimes have sent out the bugtest version in the past without me looking at it first, but since we're already out of January we figured that kind of haste is useless right now.

So right now I'll keep working, refining/adding to the already finished scenes and patiently(but eagerly) await the coders' email with what I hope will be a link to a solid and fun new build!


Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
Hey that's kinda the point.
What?It being crap? =P
Jokes aside,rape is kind of the Taco Bell of slave training.
Its cheap,quick,unfulfilling and will probably leave a really bad aftertaste.
Good slave trainers manipulate their subjects on a psychological level as to make them thankful for their circumstances.
You want an obedient slave,not a broken Taco.


Active Member
Jan 10, 2018
What?It being crap? =P
Jokes aside,rape is kind of the Taco Bell of slave training.
Its cheap,quick,unfulfilling and will probably leave a really bad aftertaste.
Good slave trainers manipulate their subjects on a psychological level as to make them thankful for their circumstances.
You want an obedient slave,not a broken Taco.
That's one of the probleme i had with the Book 2 slave route, Azula is defiant to the end and basicaly keep playing you like a fidel even when you actualy manage to get sexual favor ....and then you just brute force her to jail, rape her and she's an happy slave now.

Kinda boring, especialy after how you slowly break down Katara in Book 1.
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