
Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
I just don't get the obsession with minigames, I think the spinners and coin game are about as far as you need to take it. Just give me lewd minesweeper or something, I don't need crustacean pokemon or a new CCG for people leaving Hearthstone.

Anyway I'm sure it'll be a sick update.
Yeah, totally sick update.. by which we mean the 54 year old man just boned his 12 year old daughter.

Ohohoho. I kid.


Mar 3, 2018
Dam, I hoped I chanted an update, but it happened to be news from Mity only. I guess I haven't worked on it hard enough .-.
I'll work harder this time!...On second thought, I don't want a rushed build either while coder is on vacation so...I'll chant next week.


New Member
Oct 25, 2017
Roflmao. Just imagine - Blizzard (for example, but if you want you can take literally any other famous brand. (Except some fraud dickheads such as "Star Citizen" project) ) announcing that the game release delayed cause their coder had ass ache/coder's dog pee caused short circuit and loss of code etc. Nonsense. Or if so, how much money do you think they will lose for this fuckup and who will be fucked in the ass? I rather believe that they make release in time with dozens of bugs.
There is literally a single fucking coder here. Blizzard has obviously induced burnout in plenty of their workers, you know why you don't hear much about it? Because they have twenty more.


Aug 9, 2016

I hope you've read the earlier art update which I posted last Friday or this one will make subzero sense.

First and foremost, thanks. Giving us your blessings in the comments in the last art update helped a lot. I know it must've been a disappointment to hear we'd take a break at such a horribly timed moment, but when something is necessary it's necessary.

I wasn't too worried about the reactions, but the coder was and hearing it's okay from you guys makes all the difference. So while he's hopefully doing fun and only fun stuff or simply resting, I was thinking and mulling things over during the weekend.

As I said before, I considered doing a mini-game or some pics inspired by this month's theme, Halloween. But then I was looking at the date and thinking can't I do something more in the time we have? Something people can look forward to and perhaps help me to become better at gauging when it's time to slow down and make sure the coder doesn't get to a point where things overwhelm him..?

Yes, I think there is... but it's a bit ambitious. I'm perfectly fine energy-wise. It's the coder who always has to bare the responsibility of giving all of us a working and entertaining build. He's been doing that for a long time and I really don't know what it's like to have that kind of mental pressure.

I've taken this weekend to think about the whole thing, do some preliminary work and I feel like I could do something better than just a mini-game or some Halloween inspired pics. As I said before I don't really want to keep working on scenes for future builds and get too far ahead of the coder, but if not that...then what?

And so, with that wordy introduction, I'm going to try my hand at a standalone "lost chapter" for book 4. It'll involve characters from the past and present mixed up with a heavy helping of Halloween. Time-wise it'd be set somewhere during the slave route of book 4.

It's going to be highly experimental, but I'd like to create something and do a "normal" thing where I'd upload the result to the bughunters first and afterwards the early access folks etc. etc.

Without the coder's help, it's going to be short and possibly riddled with bugs. I know enough to help the coder and program some really simple stuff, but I lack the real hands on experience to create something bigger and this is going to give me a small taste of that. I'd like to move a mountain of work but it's more likely to be a molehill in the end. I might not have a whole lot of time or experience, to make this happen, but that's fine. In fact, I'm looking forward to the experience.

I'm planning to release whatever I'll end up with (broken or not)on the 27th to the bughunters. A couple of days later the early access crowd etc. etc. So yeah, a slightly scary but also exciting miniproject which might open up a world of understanding on my part for what the coder has to go through and possible a short but hopefully fun extra for all the folks(you) who make this possible in the first place.

Now I might be able to drop some small updates on what will be going on, but I don't like to make a big deal out of it, so expect (if any) updates to be added to this post as additions.
I'll change the title and add something like: update 1, update2 etc to indicate a change, but I won't bother everyone with entirely new posts or notifications unless there's some really big news.

Expect a flaming pile of garbage, something nice or anything in between before the month is over! WOOHOOO We're going to do the thing Zhu li!!

Small warning: I might become rather unresponsive to pm's and the like during all of this madness since there's not a whole lot of time between now and the 27th.
Wish me luck and sanity, because I'm clearly in need of both.
unnamed (1).jpg
May 4, 2019
With all we hear these days about crunch/burnout it's good to hear you being open about it and that you're giving the coder the time they need. Crunch appears to have ruined Bioware and a great many of the people who've worked there. Thanks for all the work so far.


May 10, 2018
It be cool to see another spin off minigame from this~ I remember a while back that they did something where they had a minigame of "vampired" characters. Very short and nothing special but nice at the time.

Buuuuuuut I do care more that the people working on this game don't get overly stressed nor do they rush anything if they need that break.


Dec 24, 2017
Anyone knows what to do after You pay 60 to shady and he gives you something anyone knows what to do next?

ogr blanc

Active Member
May 15, 2019
so if i understood this correctly it goes something like this:

1) we dont want to overload the coder
2) we want to do a standalone special, maybe based on halloween
3) not gonna involve the coder
4)we expect to release it on the 27th, will probably be a massive bug nest.
5) dont expect any news until then
6) there will be something, before the end of the month, might be good, might be trash.

aside from that, i didnt notice any news about the next "mainline" update, any news, dates, or even what its going to be in it.
please correct me in anything i got wrong, as im not really into those "extras", as many others. im just curious about the next "real" update.


Apr 4, 2018
so if i understood this correctly it goes something like this:

1) we dont want to overload the coder
2) we want to do a standalone special, maybe based on halloween
3) not gonna involve the coder
4)we expect to release it on the 27th, will probably be a massive bug nest.
5) dont expect any news until then
6) there will be something, before the end of the month, might be good, might be trash.

aside from that, i didnt notice any news about the next "mainline" update, any news, dates, or even what its going to be in it.
please correct me in anything i got wrong, as im not really into those "extras", as many others. im just curious about the next "real" update.
Honestly it feels like every time they hit a snag they try too hard to make up for it and only dig a bigger hole

Also from the earlier art updates it sounded like 0.8.4 was really close to being done, but now it sounds like it's nowhere close and we may not see it till late November at the earliest


Jul 23, 2017
Honestly it feels like every time they hit a snag they try too hard to make up for it and only dig a bigger hole

Also from the earlier art updates it sounded like 0.8.4 was really close to being done, but now it sounds like it's nowhere close and we may not see it till late November at the earliest
Welcome to a world where you have obligations based on a subscription-based model and try to make up for past errors in your schedule (caused by whatever) to be the cause of more mistakes later down the line. I sure hope they got a flashlight with them cause that rabbit hole is quite deep.

While I'm a bit disappointed in the failure to deliver, this much of a delay is not the norm from them and thus I'd give them some leeway. Definitely have seen worse updates with longer dev cycles.


Jun 26, 2018
I've been really, REALLY looking forward to the latest update with this one. While I'm really disappointed with the further delay, I don't fault the devs. This isn't usual for them and I appreciate the upfront response and communication with the supporters. A side game probably won't hold me over until then, but I appreciate the gesture.

On a side note, Katara is lookin like a snacc in that bikini!
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