I can't really tell you much since I've skipped most of her scenes sorry, but I recommend you to install the gallery mod, you can access all the missing scenes without reaching them
i dont remember 'exactly' but i remember you basically gotta work hard for it, pretty much you gotta play through all of book 4 slave route with 'will this get me jinora?' in mind. like i remember theres a blowjob i think at the tree house but i forget how you trigger her to go there for that, at some point pema asks you to talk to her and if you do and pick the options that would leave it open i think thats how you get her to do the treehouse scene. also theres a, imo meh scene, when visiting katara where jinora drugs you and rides you but theres a stupid box spirit thing she does that ruins it for me, iirc with her bday you get a scene if you get everyone to attend her bday party which gave me a lil trouble to trigger and near the end theres a great scene with her at the lighthouse if youve done everything else with her up to that point
As much as I assume it to be the case, I don't really want Shady to be explained. It'd be infinitely funnier if he's just some guy, who inexplicably appears wherever, and whenever, you are.
Jesus Christ lets get this new update, I wanna go further into fixing Korra by making her fall in love with me. No lesbian shenaniganery for her anymore.
Jesus Christ lets get this new update, I wanna go further into fixing Korra by making her fall in love with me. No lesbian shenaniganery for her anymore.
Talking about Lesbian, I laughed my ass off when we saw the lesbian masturbating about getting fucked by her two brothers, I really wasn't expecting it.
Talking about Lesbian, I laughed my ass off when we saw the lesbian masturbating about getting fucked by her two brothers, I really wasn't expecting it.
I was expecting a minor blog post from mity but I did not expect A FUCKING MIRACLEEEEE!!!
Do I just put the mods folder into the game folder and its all good?
I was expecting a minor blog post from mity but I did not expect A FUCKING MIRACLEEEEE!!!
Do I just put the mods folder into the game folder and its all good?
I'm genuinely surprised that you missed them. If you search this thread there will be a few guides on getting Jinora scenes. Real guides that tell you what choices to make, like for the birthday scene, etc. It's well worth going back and replaying Book 4 slave route for those scenes.
There's a bunch of moments that add up, I'm not sure which are necessary. Overall it was really easy for me with no walkthrough to see all her scenes by making sure that my dialogue choices never shut her down. So if you replay it wanting Jinora scenes, you'll get Jinora scenes. Either telling her yes, or if the game says "should I stop her" you choose the option that ignores her advances, or encourages her crush on you. You must have missed an option very early on in the book.
I think the biggest thing Mity did to keep Jinora scenes was refer to her as "Mystery Box Girl" on patreon, and he made it so that if you ever chose not to encourage her, that would remove all future scenes with her. Making it easy to miss if you aren't trying to get that content.
Plenty. Search the tags on this site for things you might be interested in. If you're specifically after incest there's Sisterly Lust, Snow Daze (both of which I can personally recommend), and I've heard Dating My Daughter is also good, but I haven't tried it.
Book 3 a girl can be seen jacking off a skybison with her whole body and is then shot off screen by the skybisons ejaculation. And in book 4 (slave route) you can force korra to fuck a polarbear-dog while you walk her naked through the park. Both are optional and easily avoidable.