Jan 18, 2024

I'm the creator of this game. I don't have a problem with my work be re-distributed, but I do wanna respond to some posts here and answer some questions. Hopefully y'all won't mind the wall of text, and if so, sorry!

I do regret the months I was originally subbed for FOXXX updates (before I knew this site existed) since there isn't a lot being put in every month. Hilariously, after I stopped supporting it, I found out that I could get free updates via, and the very next update, the creator ALL OF A SUDDEN stopped uploading directly to Patreon which to this day makes me wonder if I was personally responsible for that decision... :oops: (probably not but man was it a weird coincidence!)
There are definitely months where I'm writing for certain kinks, and if they're not your thing, I can totally see how that'd feel like a content drought. That being said, I average like 20,000-30,000 words of content every month, which iirc is actually not too bad for a single-person project. I think a lot of comparisons are against games like TiTS where, unfortunately, there's just no way I can compete with entire teams of talented writers.

Also, you weren't the reason I stopped uploading to Patreon directly. It's a bit of a funny story, I had a guy request his kink be added and I took too long, so he sent me a message claiming to be the guy uploading my work, along with a bunch of other vague threats of various types. There wasn't any truth to them, I don't think, but I ended up making it slightly harder to pirate my games, if only to spite that one guy.

I couldn't have put it better myself. I'm all for buying content worth its salt, even if it's in Early Access, but the increasing reliance on monthly models is just getting out of hand. We have a handful of games making over 30k a month at this point on Patreon, all the while offering paid versions on steam that don't even give you access to the patreon versions. Cough cough, TiTs, cough cough.
You got me thinking, The "subscription model" popular around is totally NOT about "gather the funding to make the game", The model itself is the goal, They don't rely on making the game to make money anymore, just produce bare-minimum so people keep their subscription.
Looking thru F95, there only 3 type of outcome of this model:
  • They try to stall as much as possible, so the "business" continues until it's not profitable anymore;
  • It gets abandoned eventually, or cut short without a satisfying closure;
  • Those Legitimate and finished games are all free to the public, like Echo Projects'.
I know there are many people really just have the money and want to support the creators;
But project like this one that paywall their contents + no definitive finish line, really make me wonder their motivation. Cuz one key word of "support" is "voluntary".
From a dev perspective, Patreon and the like offer a reliable source of income. Sales can fluctuate and it can be stressful to live on, especially if you're indie, a single-person team, or making niche content. I make around the minimum wage for my country from Patreon and other game sales, but being able to work on weird little projects is entirely worth it.

As far as the bullet points listed above, I've published two other games in the past which were funded on Patreon, and FOXXX is set to be completed this year (August for 1.0, end of the year for polish & player requests).

That being said, I'm totally fine with people grabbing my work for free from wherever they find it. It's cool knowing people are enjoying my smut.

Problem with the non-telegraphed attacks is that I still take damage even after I dodge.

It's practically guess-work here. I know blocking stops the fast imp, darkness pool and shockwave, but there are other moves that have to be dodge. It's all RNG here.
Agreed. All the combat stuff on 'The Scar' is still WIP. I gotta adjust some values and make it more satisfying. The plan's to get enemies and their general functionalities added, then swing back to implement Oscar's store, make some of the content more juicy and interesting, etc.

It does feel empty when the amount of clone-clone interaction on more obvious things (like any of the scenes at the sea lab, 50% of Na'Ja or that mouse scientist at the Kink lab) are severely lacking. You get a glimpse of the onlooker scenes at Taun and some clone sex pepperred around the bridge selection, but holes of this clone concept has yet to be patched up completely. If anyone wants me to make a list where the clone-clone interaction should be done/changed as a result of a past clone, let me know.
A ton of scenes for finding your past selves are missing at the moment. It's definitely on my radar, and I'm slowly adding them (Luna's the focus at the moment, the Sea Lab on Luna is getting some revisit scenes in tomorrow and next week's updates).

I'd gladly do a one-time payment of like $10-15 and get all updates to come, but with their other similar game, Asterism, being a $10 game (and at this point smaller than FOXXX), obviously that's not enough for them.
I don't mean to be rude, but 'Asterism: Lawman' has never been sold for $10. I agree that'd be excessively priced if it was, but it's $3.

just use this cheat in console commdand (click f11 and enter the code) = 100000

and enter
Oh! I didn't know you could do that! That's actually really handy for debugging, and I'll probably list how to do that in the Game Guide once it's written. Cheers!

Just realised its "Free Version" is just a glorified "Demo", you only get access to 1/10 of the contents
Why so disingenuous about what you offers
I wouldn't trust any non-substantial Project that practices even just slightest Shaddy behaviour.
That's my bad. Calling it a "Demo" didn't feel right, since it's 3 planets that rotate each month, rather than a set slice of gameplay.

How would you guys word it?

Worse is, the sex scenes In FOXXX are short and lackin' details.
It's not even close to some text-based game (With good Arts) like Lustful Desires / Only I have skills.
And although it has quite a lot of fetish and share the same game type as "Game Over", the writing is very lacking comparably.
All to be pay-walled, while all others are Free to public (Early Access Model).

I don't know how many "words counts" per update delivers, but overcharging, pairin' with the shaddy practices, makin' it very hard to put a good word for it.
Edit: Actually, "Game Over" has way better game mechanics, where gameover / looping unlock new stuff;
Here in FOXXX, it actually only means a "Restart".
Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy my writing. There are definitely scenes I'm unhappy with as well, and hope to revisit them in the near future.

I think "Shady practices" is a bit overkill, honestly. I've tried to be as transparent as possible during the development of my games, and I've supplied in-depth stats during development multiple times. FOXXX's current word-count is 437,897 words. I can screenshot my Twine "Story Stats" window if you're not convinced.

I'd charge less for my games if I could, but I work on them full-time and make around minimum wage for my country. Prior to Patreon, I had a donation model where people could donate to my game dev if they felt like it. I made $7 in my first year, then moved to Patreon and was immediately able to pay my bills doing what I enjoy. It wasn't a difficult choice.

That being said, I'd be interested to hear what you guys think the value of my games are?


So yeah! I hope that answers a bunch of questions. FOXXX is very much still in development, and I plan to add tons of stuff between now and late this year when it's expected to be finished.

If anybody has suggestions for the game or requests for content, please feel free to let me know. I endeavour to add as many suggestions as I can, although it sometimes takes me a while to get through my backlog.

Cheers & have a good one!
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Feb 3, 2018

I'm the creator of this game. I don't have a problem with my work be re-distributed, but I do wanna respond to some posts here and answer some questions. Hopefully y'all won't mind the wall of text, and if so, sorry!

There are definitely months where I'm writing for certain kinks, and if they're not your thing, I can totally see how that'd feel like a content drought. That being said, I average like 20,000-30,000 words of content every month, which iirc is actually not too bad for a single-person project. I think a lot of comparisons are against games like TiTS where, unfortunately, there's just no way I can compete with entire teams of talented writers.

Also, you weren't the reason I stopped uploading to Patreon directly. It's a bit of a funny story, I had a guy request his kink be added and I took too long, so he sent me a message claiming to be the guy uploading my work, along with a bunch of other vague threats of various types. There wasn't any truth to them, I don't think, but I ended up making it slightly harder to pirate my games, if only to spite that one guy.

From a dev perspective, Patreon and the like offer a reliable source of income. Sales can fluctuate and it can be stressful to live on, especially if you're indie, a single-person team, or making niche content. I make around the minimum wage for my country from Patreon and other game sales, but being able to work on weird little projects is entirely worth it.

As far as the bullet points listed above, I've published two other games in the past which were funded on Patreon, and FOXXX is set to be completed this year (August for 1.0, end of the year for polish & player requests).

That being said, I'm totally fine with people grabbing my work for free from wherever they find it. It's cool knowing people are enjoying my smut.

Agreed. All the combat stuff on 'The Scar' is still WIP. I gotta adjust some values and make it more satisfying. The plan's to get enemies and their general functionalities added, then swing back to implement Oscar's store, make some of the content more juicy and interesting, etc.

A ton of scenes for finding your past selves are missing at the moment. It's definitely on my radar, and I'm slowly adding them (Luna's the focus at the moment, the Sea Lab on Luna is getting some revisit scenes in tomorrow and next week's updates).

I don't mean to be rude, but 'Asterism: Lawman' has never been sold for $10. I agree that'd be excessively priced if it was, but it's $3.

Oh! I didn't know you could do that! That's actually really handy for debugging, and I'll probably list how to do that in the Game Guide once it's written. Cheers!

That's my bad. Calling it a "Demo" didn't feel right, since it's 3 planets that rotate each month, rather than a set slice of gameplay.

How would you guys word it?

Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy my writing. There are definitely scenes I'm unhappy with as well, and hope to revisit them in the near future.

I think "Shady practices" is a bit overkill, honestly. I've tried to be as transparent as possible during the development of my games, and I've supplied in-depth stats during development multiple times. FOXXX's current word-count is 437,897 words. I can screenshot my Twine "Story Stats" window if you're not convinced.

I'd charge less for my games if I could, but I work on them full-time and make around minimum wage for my country. Prior to Patreon, I had a donation model where people could donate to my game dev if they felt like it. I made $7 in my first year, then moved to Patreon and was immediately able to pay my bills doing what I enjoy. It wasn't a difficult choice.

That being said, I'd be interested to hear what you guys think the value of my games are?


So yeah! I hope that answers a bunch of questions. FOXXX is very much still in development, and I plan to add tons of stuff between now and late this year when it's expected to be finished.

If anybody has suggestions for the game or requests for content, please feel free to let me know. I endeavour to add as many suggestions as I can, although it sometimes takes me a while to get through my backlog.

Cheers & have a good one!
Holy mother of based, what a professional and well put together response to several pressing and sometimes outright cruel criticisms. I've had 3 devs directly come to my page on here and tell me to go fuck myself, unlife myself, and a really funny one of just "You're a very mean person." Respect, man. Respect.

I fully understand the draw of Patreon, especially when you want to do it for a living. You haven't directly done the stuff I personally find detestable yet, at least not to my knowledge, but I also don't think your project is personally worth subbing to. Now, I'm stingy and that's a huge part of it, so take that with a grain of salt. There are very few porn games I'd pay monthly for in general, if any. The reason I don't think yours is worth it, though, is the amount of content being added. If you're doing 20-30k words a month, that's...not super great in my eyes. I'm writing my own novel and I did 10.6k yesterday. It was a good day, and I'll typically get 5k on average with the occasional drought of 3k. But that's 5k average when I'm making no money from it and working a full time job, so I barely have time to work on it. If I were making enough to survive, I'd be doing far, far more.

The BIG issue is that I don't see any of that new content when I pick up a new version 2 months later. I'll find maybe one or two new things, but the rest just gets mixed in. Good if you're going in fresh, not so much if you've already played. That's the big issue with games like yours in general. Unless you're able to spare the change to directly support it, the updates don't really incentivise normal-ish people with lighter pockets to cough up dough every month. I'd be happy to drop 10$ once and then get updates from then on. I do personally enjoy your writing style a lot and many of the kinks, so if there were ever going to be art, I'd probably be willing to drop 20$. That's tops for me, though. The lack of outright complexity, and the overall flaws that stem from what you're creating the game on, limit my budget.

But for obvious reasons, that creates an issue for a smaller dev like yourself where you will likely lose overall funding. I get not wanting to do it, but it's why I am out. That being said, I think shorter stories that are funded by Patreon should just be things that go to the public to help get your name out there. The demo was good, but I'd have honestly been pissed if I paid for the full game since it didn't feel much longer than the demo.

I'm just a stickler in general, so hopefully I still gave you some criticism that might be slightly more universal outside of my own tiny set of opinions, but eh. I tried. I don't have many direct issues with how you go about things, I just don't see enough being done each update to warrant subbing monthly. Too many people give up or start doing weirdo shit for me to want to risk it.

If there's anything to really impart, just don't be a POS like the TiTs people and sell the free public version on Steam. That shit is just downright messed up. They also make a shit load a month and put out...almost as much as you, maybe less, honestly. Those people pioneered Patreon scamming. Don't be like them if you make it big. Good job on being able to handle and respond to harsh criticism. This site is a great example of just how many devs can't do that.
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Engaged Member
Jan 29, 2019

I'm the creator of this game. I don't have a problem with my work be re-distributed, but I do wanna respond to some posts here and answer some questions. Hopefully y'all won't mind the wall of text, and if so, sorry!

There are definitely months where I'm writing for certain kinks, and if they're not your thing, I can totally see how that'd feel like a content drought. That being said, I average like 20,000-30,000 words of content every month, which iirc is actually not too bad for a single-person project. I think a lot of comparisons are against games like TiTS where, unfortunately, there's just no way I can compete with entire teams of talented writers.

Also, you weren't the reason I stopped uploading to Patreon directly. It's a bit of a funny story, I had a guy request his kink be added and I took too long, so he sent me a message claiming to be the guy uploading my work, along with a bunch of other vague threats of various types. There wasn't any truth to them, I don't think, but I ended up making it slightly harder to pirate my games, if only to spite that one guy.

From a dev perspective, Patreon and the like offer a reliable source of income. Sales can fluctuate and it can be stressful to live on, especially if you're indie, a single-person team, or making niche content. I make around the minimum wage for my country from Patreon and other game sales, but being able to work on weird little projects is entirely worth it.

As far as the bullet points listed above, I've published two other games in the past which were funded on Patreon, and FOXXX is set to be completed this year (August for 1.0, end of the year for polish & player requests).

That being said, I'm totally fine with people grabbing my work for free from wherever they find it. It's cool knowing people are enjoying my smut.

Agreed. All the combat stuff on 'The Scar' is still WIP. I gotta adjust some values and make it more satisfying. The plan's to get enemies and their general functionalities added, then swing back to implement Oscar's store, make some of the content more juicy and interesting, etc.

A ton of scenes for finding your past selves are missing at the moment. It's definitely on my radar, and I'm slowly adding them (Luna's the focus at the moment, the Sea Lab on Luna is getting some revisit scenes in tomorrow and next week's updates).

I don't mean to be rude, but 'Asterism: Lawman' has never been sold for $10. I agree that'd be excessively priced if it was, but it's $3.

Oh! I didn't know you could do that! That's actually really handy for debugging, and I'll probably list how to do that in the Game Guide once it's written. Cheers!

That's my bad. Calling it a "Demo" didn't feel right, since it's 3 planets that rotate each month, rather than a set slice of gameplay.

How would you guys word it?

Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy my writing. There are definitely scenes I'm unhappy with as well, and hope to revisit them in the near future.

I think "Shady practices" is a bit overkill, honestly. I've tried to be as transparent as possible during the development of my games, and I've supplied in-depth stats during development multiple times. FOXXX's current word-count is 437,897 words. I can screenshot my Twine "Story Stats" window if you're not convinced.

I'd charge less for my games if I could, but I work on them full-time and make around minimum wage for my country. Prior to Patreon, I had a donation model where people could donate to my game dev if they felt like it. I made $7 in my first year, then moved to Patreon and was immediately able to pay my bills doing what I enjoy. It wasn't a difficult choice.

That being said, I'd be interested to hear what you guys think the value of my games are?


So yeah! I hope that answers a bunch of questions. FOXXX is very much still in development, and I plan to add tons of stuff between now and late this year when it's expected to be finished.

If anybody has suggestions for the game or requests for content, please feel free to let me know. I endeavour to add as many suggestions as I can, although it sometimes takes me a while to get through my backlog.

Cheers & have a good one!
TBH, You don't really need to address your monetisation model on a pirate site. Pirates and Creators are forever at Conflict Interests, sometimes they just find middle ground.
It's your work you get to charge whatever you want, the market will decide if it's viable.
BUT to put into perspectives, most commonly acceptable model is $1-$5 monthly for Early Access, come with arts + gameplay + smutt + 3-5 hours playtime(YMMV), which will go fully public later.
We often value differently compare to of a Full-time Job perspective. Many games in this market are passion projects that dev ain't relying on to pay the bills, you can't compete with that.

I don't Dislike your writing, but as I said, I'm disappointed as the Sex Scenes are very short and feels rushed. I expect lengthy scenes with great details to make them satisfying, for a pure text only game.
Your "Words Count" argument don't really matter to a player: Word Count is never a viable metric to measure the quality of a game. People will not count words when they play, they only care if the scenes are good, how long is the "satisfying playtime".

I'm actually comparing your game to the like of , , , if you ever heard about them.
All of them featuring "Bad End" and "Kinky", all of them offers more than just smutt, all of them use the EA model.

I agree "Shady practices" is overkill, but that's the First Impression this game gave me before I dived in (as a pirate). Not sure how many none-pirate does get turned off by it, maybe that's something for you to consider.

That's my bad. Calling it a "Demo" didn't feel right, since it's 3 planets that rotate each month, rather than a set slice of gameplay.

How would you guys word it?
If it's only a small fraction of the game, it's a "Demo" by definition - the purpose is to advertise the game, is it not?
If you want to reflect it gets updated alongside the paid version, you just add the version numbers.

Or you could make a description of the differences on the front page, and call it whatever you want.
Like adding "3 planets that rotate each month" will make it stands out from regular demo, makes people come back checking monthly >>> more likely to go for the paid version - That's actually quite smart.

I'm glad you are one of the diligent devs and are willing to talk about stuff.
And I'm glad my initial impression is off, that I didn't miss this good game.
I can clearly see your Growth from Asterism: Lawman to FOXXX.
Good luck and wish to see great things from you in the future.
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Active Member
Sep 2, 2020
Howdy! That being said, I'd be interested to hear what you guys think the value of my games are?
If anybody has suggestions for the game or requests for content, please feel free to let me know. I endeavour to add as many suggestions as I can, although it sometimes takes me a while to get through my backlog.
Sure, will do.

There are definitely months where I'm writing for certain kinks, and if they're not your thing, I can totally see how that'd feel like a content drought. That being said, I average like 20,000-30,000 words of content every month, which iirc is actually not too bad for a single-person project. I think a lot of comparisons are against games like TiTS where, unfortunately, there's just no way I can compete with entire teams of talented writers.
I'm acquainted with a furry porn writer at Furaffinity that's more specialized in pokemon and hypnosis content, often both. He had a whole backlog of unpublished content written to prepare for Hypnovember. However, me and a good friend (who introduced me to the writer) examined his work. Tons of corny stuff, paragraphs not ageing well by the redraft, and some story points overhauled due to plot dead ends or janky transitions. In the end, he only published like 6 stories for 2022 november. The reason for the low number is that he really wanted quality over quantity. For him, the lines of the paragraph matters more than the raw volume of words. That's why he approached us to proofread his work, because he isn't sure if his bias would blind his inaccuracies and mistakes. I know this paragraph is more as a response to Polarthief, but I hope you aren't using word count as a metric of a successful story. Sure, long stories are fine and even desirable, but they can also overstay their welcome and opens up more chances of mistakes.

Agreed. All the combat stuff on 'The Scar' is still WIP. I gotta adjust some values and make it more satisfying. The plan's to get enemies and their general functionalities added, then swing back to implement Oscar's store, make some of the content more juicy and interesting, etc.
I've actually replayed the final boss multiple times. It seems blocking is very much a safe choice as you have to be unlucky to get the insta-cum attack and be down all 3 heals. I can definitely would prefer enemies to be countered, given that our protagonist is basically Little Mac from Punch-out, except without the physical prowess or training. It's more like playing Mike Tyson Punchout Speedrun. To emphasize, on the harder bosses, I prefer that some attacks can be countered by multiple options and some attacks to be countered by one option.

Sidenote: are there revisit scenes for both the small final boss and the big final boss?
A ton of scenes for finding your past selves are missing at the moment. It's definitely on my radar, and I'm slowly adding them (Luna's the focus at the moment, the Sea Lab on Luna is getting some revisit scenes in tomorrow and next week's updates).
One of the major selling point is that you can live in the same world as your game over selves, the revisits would very much be considered. I can also expect past selves to be interactable game overs (the sea lab is a nice start) as they can be threatening themselves.

I'd charge less for my games if I could, but I work on them full-time and make around minimum wage for my country. Prior to Patreon, I had a donation model where people could donate to my game dev if they felt like it. I made $7 in my first year, then moved to Patreon and was immediately able to pay my bills doing what I enjoy. It wasn't a difficult choice.
Well, good for you. I can hope you can fix the rough patches and some more obvious missing content before you embark on something big.


So yeah! I hope that answers a bunch of your response. FOXXX is very much checked in development, and I plan to see it's growth between now and late this year when it's expected to be finished.
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Dec 29, 2021
There are definitely months where I'm writing for certain kinks, and if they're not your thing, I can totally see how that'd feel like a content drought. That being said, I average like 20,000-30,000 words of content every month, which iirc is actually not too bad for a single-person project. I think a lot of comparisons are against games like TiTS where, unfortunately, there's just no way I can compete with entire teams of talented writers.
Oh no absolutely. No one is expecting you to either. I just personally have a thing against subscription models, but I get why they're necessary. I just feel bad I can't always support people who I would want to.

Also, you weren't the reason I stopped uploading to Patreon directly. It's a bit of a funny story, I had a guy request his kink be added and I took too long, so he sent me a message claiming to be the guy uploading my work, along with a bunch of other vague threats of various types. There wasn't any truth to them, I don't think, but I ended up making it slightly harder to pirate my games, if only to spite that one guy.
Well good to know, but *MAN* am I super embarrassed now. You feel very anonymous on the internet, and then the dev shows up and... >_>; yeah.

I don't mean to be rude, but 'Asterism: Lawman' has never been sold for $10. I agree that'd be excessively priced if it was, but it's $3.
I am more than okay admitting when I am wrong: I am so sorry for my past comment being erroneous in the price, though it was $5 when I purchased it: 1705624055764.png
(also now I feel extra guilty for sharing it :eek: I do legit enjoy the games though)

If anybody has suggestions for the game or requests for content, please feel free to let me know. I endeavour to add as many suggestions as I can, although it sometimes takes me a while to get through my backlog.
If I may be bold enough to make a request: More sex content on La'ard (since most of it's just WG and not inherently sexual) would be my personal top request, especially with other large critters there. Other than that, I do enjoy the anon use/cumflation that tends to happen to the poor cadet. If you might consider more monster or potentially ferals, that'd be a plus here too. (y)

Thank you again for all your work though! I wish I was rich af and could just throw you all the funding I could manage.
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New Member
Dec 5, 2022
That's my bad. Calling it a "Demo" didn't feel right, since it's 3 planets that rotate each month, rather than a set slice of gameplay.

How would you guys word it?
I actually appreciate the way the demo is handled. I can see how (since it is not the norm and everyone hates change lol) it could be confusing initially because what you are doing is actually showing off more of the game for free just not all at once. If someone plays through quickly and it is 'meh' they can come back in a few months and maybe land a few interesting planets that are right up a person's alley.


Jan 18, 2024
I actually appreciate the way the demo is handled. I can see how (since it is not the norm and everyone hates change lol) it could be confusing initially because what you are doing is actually showing off more of the game for free just not all at once. If someone plays through quickly and it is 'meh' they can come back in a few months and maybe land a few interesting planets that are right up a person's alley.
Meant to message sooner but was ill last week.

I've changed the nomenclature used so that it's now referred to as a "Demo", which does seem more accurate than a "Free version". I've also added a little disclaimer to the Demo's page, so hopefully that'll avoid some confusion as well.


If I may be bold enough to make a request: More sex content on La'ard (since most of it's just WG and not inherently sexual) would be my personal top request, especially with other large critters there. Other than that, I do enjoy the anon use/cumflation that tends to happen to the poor cadet. If you might consider more monster or potentially ferals, that'd be a plus here too.
I'll see what I can do! :>


New Member
Feb 22, 2019
Suddenly, you feel compelled to say something to The Deity. For some reason, they feel familiar. You want to say something they'll recognise, something that'll remind them of the distant past.

It should be something short and snappy. A word or a name that'll remind them of the past.

What do you say?


Active Member
Sep 2, 2020
Suddenly, you feel compelled to say something to The Deity. For some reason, they feel familiar. You want to say something they'll recognise, something that'll remind them of the distant past.

It should be something short and snappy. A word or a name that'll remind them of the past.

What do you say?
Are you clone #0, the original?


Active Member
Sep 2, 2020
It would be interesting and definitely worth considering a conception that, after multiple failures in a row, a new option presents itself.

Say for example, you somehow keep getting the Musician Na Ja's wife Bad End over and over, at some point he just gives up trying to get more wives since he has too many to keep and lets you have more options to explore with him and your failed clones. Or what about the Taun wife Bad Ends where a band of friendly Gnolls (with your clones) actually assist you in some events.

Another thing you could do is add new options once you pass any Scar mission, like the holodeck allowing you to actually combat the enemy of the difficulty chosen, with the loss scene mostly just the original script.
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Jan 18, 2024
Suddenly, you feel compelled to say something to The Deity. For some reason, they feel familiar. You want to say something they'll recognise, something that'll remind them of the distant past.

It should be something short and snappy. A word or a name that'll remind them of the past.

What do you say?
"Simon", or the name of any other character from 'Worshippers of the Gain'.

Are you clone #0, the original?
This will be explored later on, but it's unlikely you're ever the original, especially since you "start" with your black box pre-installed.

It would be interesting and definitely worth considering a conception that, after multiple failures in a row, a new option presents itself.

Say for example, you somehow keep getting the Musician Na Ja's wife Bad End over and over, at some point he just gives up trying to get more wives since he has too many to keep and lets you have more options to explore with him and your failed clones. Or what about the Taun wife Bad Ends where a band of friendly Gnolls (with your clones) actually assist you in some events.

Another thing you could do is add new options once you pass any Scar mission, like the holodeck allowing you to actually combat the enemy of the difficulty chosen, with the loss scene mostly just the original script.
I'd love to add some more nuance like this in the future. It's definitely on my to-do list!

Adding the 'The Scar' combat encounters to the holodeck is a great idea too. Adding that to my notes.
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New Member
Jun 19, 2023
seeing the creator interact here, I feel very strongly about buying the game when it comes out in August.
cheers to you, I'll stop playing it so I can enjoy it to the fullest when it's finished (or at least v1.0)
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Active Member
Sep 2, 2020
seeing the creator interact here, I feel very strongly about buying the game when it comes out in August.
cheers to you, I'll stop playing it so I can enjoy it to the fullest when it's finished (or at least v1.0)
There are developers in here that are either a POS and/or have awful things in the game, like fucking paywalling save slots (I'm looking at you, Luna Tavern).

You shouldn't take noble souls like FOXXXDev for granted.
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Jun 13, 2023
also, iirc some people were talking about no images as a con for the game I think. my opinion on it is that for some pictures can be good, but depending on the art, it can also wholly take you out of it, if the art is bad, not your kink, AI generated, or just not your cup of tea. I get some people wishing for a lot of games like these with no art for there to be art, but IMO i feel like a toggle for art would be best, so if you want to imagine it yourself, you can do it that way, but if you like the art, you can keep it on.


Jan 18, 2024
also, iirc some people were talking about no images as a con for the game I think. my opinion on it is that for some pictures can be good, but depending on the art, it can also wholly take you out of it, if the art is bad, not your kink, AI generated, or just not your cup of tea. I get some people wishing for a lot of games like these with no art for there to be art, but IMO i feel like a toggle for art would be best, so if you want to imagine it yourself, you can do it that way, but if you like the art, you can keep it on.
Thank you for this insight. Currently, I'm just planning to add artwork for the bad endings, but if I end up adding any more than that I'll be sure to include a toggle :)


Dec 29, 2021
also, iirc some people were talking about no images as a con for the game I think. my opinion on it is that for some pictures can be good, but depending on the art, it can also wholly take you out of it, if the art is bad, not your kink, AI generated, or just not your cup of tea. I get some people wishing for a lot of games like these with no art for there to be art, but IMO i feel like a toggle for art would be best, so if you want to imagine it yourself, you can do it that way, but if you like the art, you can keep it on.
10000% this. So many games have art that just ruins the game for me (most human stuff or going for that "realistic" style), or makes the MC look one way I don't like, but if you don't do that at all, I can imagine whatever I want.

Like I'm personally not a fan of femboys, but FOXXX doesn't have art (outside the little bad end portraits) which lets me enjoy it a lot more than if I had to see our space cadet in all these scenarios instead of just reading about it.


Engaged Member
Jan 29, 2019
Thank you for this insight. Currently, I'm just planning to add artwork for the bad endings, but if I end up adding any more than that I'll be sure to include a toggle :)
As a text based game, art should not be your priority. Especially if you struggle to find a good artist / art style to fit into your game.
Sure, adding sprites / CG could level gaming experience, but It has to be done right.
Many such games try to shoehorn in arts for the sake of 'having arts', but in fact ruined the experience instead of enhancin' it.

Remember, people playing text-based porn game for the text.
And IMO the writing on sex scenes are a bit lacking.

OFC, If you want to upscale, finding an artist that perfectly matches your idea / vision to work with, would be the best.
But I'd avoid to do simple commissions. So many things could go wrong.
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