I see a lot happened since my last post... Some low tier patron leaked entire game with saves (so-called hero), after half a year or more someone finally updated the thread (amazing speed, really), game got review bombed with the lowest scores and there were a sea of mean or boring/repetitive comments made by very entitled people.
Just one more reason why I feel less and less pressure to post here. Actually, I should reward high tier patrons more in the future for their support and nice attitude.
Don't expect teasers in the future.
People complaining about or criticizing several aspects of your game have a right to do so. A board like this and many others actually exists just for the purpose of exchanging opinions on various matters. Unfortunately you don’t listen, but just act thin-skinned.
People value their time. You don’t seem to value the time of gamers playing your game by sending them on really redundant, time consuming and very much pointless quests in your game. The farming simulation of the previous update absolutely hit the rocks. It was no fun at all, just time consuming and tedious to click each damn spot of the many fields several times.
The climbing action was also pointless and pesky, but somewhat tolerable compared to the damn farming simulator or carrying 10 times crates to the barn, while only being able to move extremely slowly. (I get it, those crates were supposed to be heavy, so the movement speed was slowed down, but why the fuck do you force players to do that 10x times in a row?!)
Why do you do that? Do you really think ANYONE enjoys such kind of boring tasks doing nothing else but stealing our precious time? Those are really bad quest design decisions and since nobody else seems to tell you, someone has to.
Why do you think people play your game? To play a silly farming simulator within the (in modern gaming standards) rather ugly rpgm engine or to see sexy renders together with a good erotic plot moving forward?
Since your subscribers don’t complain about that kind of idiotic tasks, they seem to have too much time to waste. But that’s exactly the problem, if you only get feedback from uncritical fanboys: real criticism, which is needed to improve, doesn’t reach your ear. But even worse, obviously you aren’t used to criticism at all, so you act all butt hurt and complain about “entitled” commentors and reviewers. That’s really not very mature of you.
It’s not rewarding to finally reach the renders of the update after such pointless time consuming grunt work, but actually disappointing to see how few renders there actually are. All these pointless tasks and the big maze like maps are just stretching the time needed to play an update and to hide the fact, that there are only very little rewarding renders.
It would be so much better to spare us with silly grunt work while playing the game and concentrate on creating more renders and more content for existing characters, instead of introducing more and more new ones, which all lack content.
Apart from that, the 2 mcs are totally unbalanced. Isabella sees much less action than Philip in the dirty route, despite her having witnessed Philip with another woman. While Philip already received 3 bjs, Isabella is still just dreaming/fantasizing about sexual acts. Once again your subscribers don’t seem to mind. How long are you intending to only tease in the Isabella route? It’s getting really lame and people begin to lose interest in your game.
For the record, what happened here, isn't review bombing, but a direct consequence of several disappointing updates in a row and bad quest design decisions.
Some of the criticism might sound too harsh, I'll give you that and some also might not be brought forward politely. But that's the internet for all of us. There are still a lot of aspects of your game people criticize deservedly.