Jul 15, 2021
I think one of the appeals to female protagonist games is that you have (for the most part) one titular character that you can see continuously be degraded and corrupted until they fall into depravity.

Unlike male protagonist, where you basically embody the protagonist and the focus is on 'conquering' the love interests, the female protagonist genre puts more emphasis into the protagonist themselves and the focus is on their corruption journey. You don't embody the protagonist, you act as a guiding force and orchestrate how you plan to watch this protagonist turn into a slut from their angelic starting point in the beginning of the game/novel.

This is also why the characters in the paths follow the corruption archetypes rather than being 'love interests'. Its not about pursuing male love interests as a female protagonist, its about selecting which characters lead to a more depraved story/transformation for the female protagonist and bring them into very kinky situations that would almost never happen in real life. Like taking a prim and proper girl at the start of the game and eventually turning her into a Queen of Spades (BBC slut), incest toy, the old boss' fuckdoll, a back alley whore, drug addicted cum puppy, and other very kinky situations.

Basically, the backbone of female protagonist games is guiding and watching an innocent, everyday girl being slowly turned over time through countless vile situations, into a corrupted, broken slut.

View attachment 3071778

View attachment 3071787

Its definitely not for everyone, especially with just how vile and depraved the situations get compared to what happens in male protagonist games. But for those who enjoy the corruption part of these h-games, female protagonist games just deliver an a level that most male protagonist games are not able to. You just have to be able to realize that they are designed for you to guide the female protagonist, unlike the 'self-inserting' you would do for a male one.
I know, but I might be a bit stubborn, whenever I play a game with a female protagonist I always can't help but bring myself into the role and then get fucked by everyone and I become disgusted, of course I'm not targeting the game, I'm just suddenly feeling that way myself, I don't know why.


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Mar 22, 2020
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Sep 12, 2023
Now I know you trolling, my sig is dedicated to you. Maybe just don't self-insert in every porn game you play, be careful not to give yourself a headache trying to understand that crazy concept.
I do that with everything (including movies and actual rpg games), otherwise I don't see the point of even bothering with it. Apparently I'm not the only one, otherwise immersion wouldn't be so important to most.

Fun Shaundi

Jun 24, 2021
looks like not many understand is that this is not the ending of the whole joon story. its just the ending of season 1.
i dont like the remake that much. i loved the OG story and what happend to this game is really sad. in my eyes this is a great example of what happens to games when they get more popular and fans scream for what they want and the dev tries to get them all what they want. the original was slow paced and brought a lot of story and told us some things about other cultures. all the charcters and storys felt fleshed out. than more and more people came and wanted that the story get faster to sex and wanted a male protagonist. and ac tried to appeal to them and rebooted it the first time. that really not worked out. the people who asked for male mc didnt supported the game and those who supported it got angry. so than came another reboot. and now we have this. it just feels like the games soul got cut out. i still support ac because i hope we get another great story/game like the og especially since its now a little team.
What happened with the OG story is sad as hell. We had a non-cliche female protagonist who was silly, utterly cute and, truly, not any other female protagonists we usually see in this site. Many people complained cause you could tell dev's native language wasn't English, but he dialogues and story were just so charming, funny and sweet. In my opinion, OG had the perfect pace in regards to lewds/sex: It wasn't super fast, but also it didn't let us wait too much to see action happening. My favorite character was Sukkhon because she was so balanced and respectful to Yoon.

Sadly, dev made the mistake of listening to the very loud minority, so she changed the protagonists. Then made a poll when the quiet majority voted to have OG story back, but instead of listening to that, she implemented the female protag only, but she got rid of a female character many liked (Jasmine), she completely got rid of a beautiful love story between Michelle and her childhood friend (if Michelle wasn't romanced), and she completely changed Zukkhon's personality. It really didn't help that some trolls would show up and plainly insult the dev instead of giving her legit criticism, so at some point she just got fed up and she snapped also at people who were just trying to voice how they felt about the changes.

I'd invite everyone to play the original story just to have a taste of what AC can do when she's working without stress, without the constant insults and without the pressure of having so many newcomers demanding the silly things they can already have in other games (male protag, fast sex scenes etc.). The original have so much potential and I believe it was way better than the remake, and I also wanna believe that from now on, AC will only keep making better VNs.


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2020
First, I miss the old days, before the reboot, when After Choices frequented this forum, when there was some activities on the fan art thread, and a little good community here around this game.
I liked the slow burn of the first version. Hell, it's take more than a year to finally got a love scene with Sukkhon (and yes it feel like a love scene, not just only sex). But it worth the wait!
I liked the vision we got of a religious traditional Asian woman who was slowly opening her mind and discovering her sexuality.
The hints we saw of Burmese culture...

I'm not a fan of the new version.
But for to all those who do nothing but talk trash about the game, After Choices had it rough for the last few years.
Having to flee a military coup, with a wife and a newborn baby. Arriving in Thailand with a temporary visa. While transitioning.
She have to provide food and shelter to her family fast! In a foreign country, where she could not even be able to settle for good. With her games as her only sources of income.
So she had to make some quick decisions.
Female protagonist game aren't so popular. Even less when it's a slow burn.
So she try to expand her fan base, by adding a male protagonist. Unfortunately that doesn't work. She didn't get much more supporters, and the old ones weren't happy with it.
Then she try another approach. By removing the male MC, and accelerate the corruption path. But know the game seems rushed.

Did she make some bad decisions? Probably.
But did she deserve the contempt some people show here? Definitively not!

For me, the game has lost much of its charm. What make it so unique.
But I understand why After Choices made the choices she did.
And I hope she will have more success with her future projects, she deserve it.


Aug 16, 2018
Renders in this update compared to the rest of the game IS BAD like really bad! (in quality that is not in resolution)
If your comparison is based on other games that has low res and grainy shit? then yes, they are not.
no not really i played through the game again a couple times and didnt notice a drop in quality but if you do thats fine but personally didnt notice it


Sep 2, 2023
Reading through the posts made here sheds a lot of light on to why this VN turned out the way it did.
I neither approve nor disapprove the result, I hope we will get better VNs in the future.
As an aspiring game dev, I have my sympathies for her situation and best wishes for her future project.
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Aug 14, 2019
no not really i played through the game again a couple times and didnt notice a drop in quality but if you do thats fine but personally didnt notice it
Not really?!
Man this game get rushed ending with low quality renders compared to previous updates. Facial expressions, writing, animations (frame switching animations if any even exist) and even Yoon's model and skin looks so much different in a bad way.. it's like a totally different dev took over this game... sad.

Edit: here is some examples:
View attachment 3071518 View attachment 3071657 View attachment 3071659 View attachment 3071661
View attachment 3071520 View attachment 3071523

Even her asshole is gone...
View attachment 3071549
Your telling me that the final update is on par with the rest of game in terms of quality and animation??? I'm sorry to say this, but your either lying and haven't played through the game again as you claimed (you forgot how good the renders looked) or your bar for VN is pretty low or you're just simply blind...

Look. I apologies if I my sound a bit aggressive, but there is no way a sane/normal person cannot see the difference between the two. It is like night and day my man.


Aug 14, 2019
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Sep 6, 2017
Not really?!

Your telling me that the final update is on par with the rest of game in terms of quality and animation??? I'm sorry to say this, but your either lying and haven't played through the game again as you claimed (you forgot how good the renders looked) or your bar for VN is pretty low or you're just simply blind...

Look. I apologies if I my sound a bit aggressive, but there is no way a sane/normal person cannot see the difference between the two. It is like night and day my man.
Here is more "good" renders to compare..
Agreed, that drop in quality is very noticable.
Shame, that it's gone the other way around, normally your renders gets better with time, but this is just sad.
Guess it has to be released asap...


Aug 14, 2019
Agreed, that drop in quality is very noticable.
Shame, that it's gone the other way around, normally your renders gets better with time, but this is just sad.
Guess it has to be released asap...
Not only it got rushed, but I suspected that someone else other than the dev made this atrocity and someone actually confirmed it to me
The dev hired a team and trained it, since july, thanks to the dev's sales of Reallusion's models


Aug 16, 2018
Not really?!

Your telling me that the final update is on par with the rest of game in terms of quality and animation??? I'm sorry to say this, but your either lying and haven't played through the game again as you claimed (you forgot how good the renders looked) or your bar for VN is pretty low or you're just simply blind...

Look. I apologies if I my sound a bit aggressive, but there is no way a sane/normal person cannot see the difference between the two. It is like night and day my man.
i honestly dont spend long looking at renders as im "mostly" there for the reading but those renders you quoted i never experienced because as previously stated im on the lesbian path and looking at it for 2-3 seconds before moving on i genuinely dont see the issue im not denying they might be bad all im saying is i personally havent noticed anything worth the pitchforks and torches going on seeing as it still better quality than a lot of things on this site but taking into account what the dev has gone through lately and yet she still brought the update to us even if it was made by a team she trained it excuses some of the errors and whatnot at least for me
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Aug 14, 2019
i honestly dont spend long looking at renders as im "mostly" there for the reading but those renders you quoted i never experienced because as previously stated im on the lesbian path and looking at it for 2-3 seconds before moving on i genuinely dont see the issue im not denying they might be bad all im saying is i personally havent noticed anything worth the pitchforks and torches going on seeing as it still better quality than a lot of things on this site but taking into account what the dev has gone through lately and yet she still brought the update to us even if it was made by a team she trained it excuses some of the errors and whatnot at least for me
I say it AGAIN! No matter the route you claim you follow (played them all and I can't fuckin provide screenshots for every route). This update is a downgrade across the board.
Ok. you say you focus on the story? fine.. witting was acceptable at best before this update, now it is fucking atrocious.. Lemme guess.. you haven't noticed this too? RIGHT!
"what the dev has gone through lately and yet she still brought the update to us even if it was made by a team she trained it excuses some of the errors and whatnot at least for me"
This shows how biased your opinion is towards the dev.. Funny thing is when he/she was in a bad spot he delivered a high quality updates. Now you're telling me he/she is safe, well and living comfortably with a lot of money and have more dev's to boot and STILL couldn't deliver a proper high quality ending consistent with the rest of the game? nah dawg.. I ain't buying it.
90% of the games on this site end up in the same fate as this one either rushed or abandoned no matter what the dev circumstances is. So this trend and coping mentality has to DIE!

Have a wonderful day! <3
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Aug 16, 2018
I say it AGAIN! No matter the route you claim you follow (played them all and I can't fuckin provide screenshots for every route). This update is a downgrade across the board.
Ok. you say you focus on the story? fine.. witting was acceptable at best before this update, now it is fucking atrocious.. Lemme guess.. you haven't noticed this too? RIGHT!
well no i did notice this and have said on a previous occasion that it was rushed i would much rather something be rushed than completely abandoned or in best case scenario they take their time and take a year or 2 however long they need to update but unfortunately that cant always be the case :/ and i also dont deny my bias but bias or not i have stated and only say from what i experienced while reading/playing the game i am happy to admit i was wrong in terms of renders but it also does not matter that much too me as it clearly does to you and others
but same to you! <3


Engaged Member
Oct 24, 2018
it seems to me that every guy who interacts with Yoon is creepy or/and an asshole
Welcome to 99.99% of Female MC games. They are less distinctive and imaginative then landlady games are for Male MC, but people keep playing them the same way, so no need for innovation, I guess...

Back to this game, I remember playing it a long while ago attracted by the 'lesbian friendly' promise, but don't remember why I quit, so if someone can spoil me if any of these scenarios happen, or used to happen before reworks, I will really appreciate it.

I am basically looking for lesbian-only romance content, so no forced straight scenes 'for the plot', no dreaming, no monologues salivating about dicks and the lesbian LIs that are actually loyal and don't keep getting dicked down by half the cast while you are pursuing them. I don't have any memory of why I quit this game, but at least one of these things must have happened to make me delete it. So please spoil me, since its bugging me :)

I know, I know, I am apparently the only weirdo that plays FMC the same way I would play MMC games, I want them to get in a relationship with worthy characters, not run them into the most disgusting pieces of shit, that you can see how evil and creepy they are from their first second on screen. I was fucking shocked when the house mate in Lust Campus, turned out to be a decent human being. Rape, sexual harassment, blackmail, ugly bastards, bbc seem to be in every single FMC...one day I am sure someone will finally break the mold. /rantoff

One more question, by jumping around to posts with search I didn't get a concise answer, did this game get a rushed ending, or is this only the ending of a season. If its the latter, why tag it completed and have the need to open a new thread, seems counterintuitive for exposure.:unsure:
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GioBol - The Librarian

Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2021
I am basically looking for lesbian-only romance content, so no forced straight scenes 'for the plot', no dreaming, no monologues salivating about dicks and the lesbian LIs that are actually loyal and don't keep getting dicked down by half the cast while you are pursuing them. I don't have any memory of why I quit this game, but at least one of these things must have happened to make me delete it. So please spoil me, since its bugging me :)
Have you tried this game? The story isn't bad, but the graphics unfortunately aren't great.
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