- Languages and implemented translations to game. As far as I play English only anyway, it is nice to see so many languages and possibility to support devs in process of translating it. I would gladly help with future translations and wish more devs go this way, I would make VNs more popular and available for more people.
- Expressions and body language is often too absurd, unnatural, satiric but there is nothing funny about that
- Especially MC acts often like a 6yo girl, although having big dick and fucking all available chicks. There should be some variable corresponding to MC's behaviour based on previous choices. It is just unnatural to fuck every girl and being cocky, yet still being ashamed being seen in boxers in own apartment, at the party with short trunks or telling Chole not to watch him changing clothes even after they fucked day before.
- As an addition to that, MC often dresses like a faggot ie. in storage room with Sue. His clothes in general are fucked up like he often sleeps fully or half dressed in jeans.
- Enormous tits and disproportional bodies most the girls. I know many of guys like that but there should be some kind of equality and good taste in that since this is not some kind of hentai game.
- Another game with male-jester-wingman-unableToGetLaid-friend. And as usual he is mad at me because the how he acts and I can fuck all girls and he cannot. This is so boring, predictable and annoying... Is this really a problem to make 2-3 normal male friends? Or at least one? And he is mad at us no matter what we do so this is as usual just part of the plot.
- Rooms inconsistency, often there is lack of doors either they just came in or to the bathroom in MC's apartment
- EP5 at the frat party Chole have conversation with MC how to get him to the ball despite the fact that he is in the dancing group helping Alyssa. Inconsistency and some chaos in dialogues is visible on different paths.
- Illusion of choice... I made couple runs and they barely differs, two or three sentences changed if any. I went all girls paths except Alyssa and it looks like there is no real difference, the only one interested in something more is Julia and it doesn't matter if I fucked all others or not, the most important for her was kiss after playing on console. I know there could be further consequences but it is EP5 already and seems like there is something missing. Whatever I say to Sam I still can fuck again Lily and she don't mind, having sex with Emily does not change a shit it EP5 dialogues, taking job instead going to ball... yeah, ended there anyway and with the same ending. Helping Alyssa? Expected more than that, it had much more potential. Sue acts like a bitch no matter if we fucked/helped or not, same sentences, same story. Dylan is always mad at us at the end, no matter how our relation was. At the end going with different branches was waste of time, you can have 99% of content in single go
● Story/plot - 4/10
Plot is boring and characters acting makes it even worse. Also there are some inaccuracies and inconsistency at some places. Illusion of choice, not really difference what choices we made or which path we will choose. Many scenes seem unreal, made just for some more "secrecy" but it takes the reality away of the game
● Graphics/visuals/renders quality - 8/10
Quality is very good except some of the renders got artifacts in shadows. Personal opinion, I do not like unrealistic breasts and body proportions. It is not some kind of anime or some other fantasy, in realistic stories I prefer characters to look more real than hentai-style.
● Animations - 10/10
Animations are great, irreproachable.
● Music - 5/10
Music is nice although without fireworks. Many scenes are lack of music, I hope it will be fixed in the future.
● Characters - 4/10
None of the characters charmed me enough to make me remember it. Overall they are ok but without depth I would say. Every chick seems to be flat and obvious since beginning, even after meeting them all MC's got thoughts about them and describes each of them with one word (what gives you +2 to relation with each, wtf). And again goofy male friend... It is so predictable, is it hard to write normal male friend character?
● Amount of content - 5/10
It is just almost linear story, without any additional content. It takes some hours to check all possibilities although there are not many of them. It has so much potential, especially that there is whole team working on that, not just one person like in some other games. For now it just just unfinished linear VN with poor plot and great renders.
● Overall 2/5
I played it just because of great renders and some potential since MC is a guy with big dick at the new college which is good basic start but yeah... Not sure why this game gets so many high rates, I played many VNs and this game does not deserve ranking this high. Check it yourself just to not make high expectations because you can be disappointed