(Okay, so, I continue to enjoy this game. I haven't tried out every possible combination yet, but I am actually interested to do so, which is a fair score above many other game choices. So far, I like what's been done with Nikki's return, the protagonist, as a nice guy, feels very frustrated but ultimately forgiving and caring, and as an evil monster, is... well, an evil and abusive monster. I enjoy playing both of them, for entirely different reasons, and again, look forward to mixing and matching my evil and kindness with future playthroughs.
Just wanted to say though that so far, I really enjoy the choices and options. The girls have good personality, and I enjoy it. While Gabby didn't make the best first impression, I find her energetic, kind of pushy romantic personality intriguing, and look forward to more evil interactions with her. Other potential options so far are interesting, especially Caroline to me right now. And I hope that
dies a horrible and painful death. Whether or not we are the ones who cause it. On both paths. Because I hate monsters that I'm not playing as.
So, all in all, that's what I had to say! Well done, good characters, hope to see more!)