Listen, I'm not going to argue much more with you on this issue, because it's already gotten off-topic, but, it doesn't matter what you
buy, because I'm only stating something that's widely accepted to be true, it's not
my opinion. Polyamory isn't
only about romance/commitment, it also applies to purely sexual relationships outside of a relationship. And monogamy means one partner, sexual or otherwise, monogamy isn't one partner
for life, that would be a ridiculous standard. I can guarantee you, that back in ancient times, people were having sexual relations with more than one person way more frequently than us humans do now-a-days, and it wasn't considered weird or
slutty back then either.
As far as games go, I prefer harem/poly games, but I still enjoy games exploring monogamy from time to time as well. As far as real life goes, I'm very much polyamorous, although, I have no interest in sharing my partner with another guy romantically or emotionally. Sexually is a different story though. I'm not a jealous or overly possessive person, and I don't view sex as this sacred thing that should only be done with someone you're committed to/in love with. This is just my view on things, I have no delusions of how many people
don't share my view on things.
For this game in particular, I'm waiting to see which characters are going to be up for polyamorous relationships, before I lock in what my main save/playthrough will be, assuming at least one character I really like (Nicki, Ashe, or Mason) is up for it, then they will certainly be my main save.
Doesn't have to be off-topic if we keep it relevant to the game
But fair enough, I'll try to keep it short. My understanding is that there's still plenty of debate within the field about human sexuality. Personally, I view sexual & romantic jealousy as pretty inseparable from human relationships, for most people most of the time anyways. But it obviously depends on the situation because not all situations invoke jealousy in us. So, really, I guess the truth is that humans are very flexible.
I should also clarify that by 'for life' and 'for any given space of time', I meant really long-term relationships vs short-term. I'm mostly thinking of deep relationships, with a focus on love and connection and commitment, in mind when I think about monogamy vs polyamory. And that's exacerbated if children come into the mix. From that perspective, I think monogamy is more desirable and stable for most people. Once they start growing bored or tired of each other, that's usually when they try to go outside the relationship. But at that point, I'd argue the romance is either gone or very different than it was in the beginning. Again, for most people. And if the romance is dead, is the relationship anything but?
Otherwise, I can see the draw of polyamory for lots of people and I could see it working in certain scenarios, but I have a very hard time imagining both commitment and sharing at the same time; it's usually one or the other because it's hard to be committed when you and your SO are continuously finding other romances to take up your limited focus. And what if that new romance is more fun than the current one? Uh oh. But having said that, I'm honestly envious of your mentality. I think there'd be a lot more fun in the world if people weren't so jealous
Though maybe a lot more STDs too...
But yeah, I definitely see Mason as the most likely candidate for poly stuff, at least outwardly. However, it's honestly kind of easy for me to imagine him being confused about it, or easy to influence, etc. I'd be worried, while RPing in the romance route I mean, that I'd be driving him towards what I want rather than what he actually wants, if he's even sure.
Nicky's another one. I could easily see her being into sharing... but I could also see her just going along with it to please Guy, or to deflect her vulnerabilities about romance or commitment that I feel like she has. I'm leaning towards the latter, actually, which would be a surprise to most people probably, but we'll see.
Ashe seems like someone who likes to have fun. She also seems pretty open to new things (I mean, that alley BJ & incestplay was fucking wild..). So, in that sense, I could see her being into sharing. Wren would be an interesting drama dynamic, too, because of Ashe's guilt, but not sure she'd be into it.
I feel like she'd get along fine with Brit, though, but maybe that's my boner talking. They both just seem very bubbly and open to new and kinky things. So, I could see Brit being into sharing.
I can't decide if Ashe would actually be into Cassie or if she'd be freaked out if it went beyond fantasy. I'm hoping the former... because Cassie is my #1 LI in this game
But, I'm not even sure if Cassie would be interested. My instinct says yes.
Risa seems like someone that would be into sharing at first glance, but considering her background with her parents, I bet she has relationship insecurity and gets very attached. In romances, I mean. Even in corruption, though, based on her comment about 'sloppy seconds', it's hard to imagine her being down... unless it involves drugs
And that's really it tbh. Everyone else seems like a definite 'no'. An interesting surprise would be Carolina or Madison, because who would see that coming. Leaning towards Madison because there's a
little bit of a hint of a wild past with her, especially if her man was into crime from the beginning. People love to re-live their wild past.