Instead of relying on shock value like sexual abuse, I feel the dev could've focused on building better well-rounded character backgrounds that didn't involve girl #17 either almost getting into slavery but was saved, killed or put into a brothel that didn't already have them get raped by some other noble.
Sally being an example, I didn't care much about her character and now less so with the trauma-dumping and getting into detail about fuckwad whoever his name is railing her in the ass.
I'm not the only one who shares that sentiment and I'm not exactly fond of echoing what's already been said here a few times but I'm not keen on taking some other asshole's sloppy seconds.
I would've prefered to have skipped or made interacting with Sally optional but that's just me. Anyway I've only played up until that point and it's all I'm willing to stomach. Good luck to the dev though. Game shows promise. Cheers.