Unity Abandoned Frosh Life [v0.6.1] [Sexy Simulations]

4.80 star(s) 17 Votes


Devoted Member
May 10, 2018
That's a lot of clicking just to get through the text the only let down so far, it's a good looking game though and as it's only V0.01 it will get better over time as there is room from improvement so not a surprise that there is little to do for now.
the other option in the settings..if you click it..text goes full auto..lol..read real fast!!..it stops when you have choices to make..then goes full auto again until you get to the sandbox..lol
also..no crashes ran smooth..loaded immediate...zero issues throughout..


Active Member
Mar 17, 2019
No text when running using standard WINE with core fonts installed in Linux. Yes, Renpy would be a much nicer platform for us non-Windows users, if this will be more like a visual novel than a game.
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Feb 12, 2018
Looks good but if the girl in the first picture isnt my smug little sister im going to rage.


Before Alice went to Wonderland, she had to fall.
Sep 6, 2017
I like the cast, it has some diversity, the girls seem to be nice, the renders are good too, but what it kills for me is the fucking free roam crap... Sry, but Elvis has left the building.


May 1, 2017
i didnt even finish the game as i left when meeting the grls. becuase the text moves way to slow. there no save button so if u mess up you cant go back. there's also no going back on a back log. you might want to add these feature and speed the text up or people wont play the game.

Stareagle lord

Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
Renders look good,
But Unity :rolleyes:
so bye!
Best of luck (y) (y)

how about simply see you later when you have upgraded text speed?
Unity is a very diverse engine and while its not like those like specially made for text games,
with scripting and time much can be done actually. Unless you have an too old computer :p
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Active Member
Oct 23, 2019
how about simply see you later when you have upgraded text speed?
Unity is a very diverse engine and while its not like those like specially made for text games,
with scripting and time much can be done actually. Unless you have an too old computer :p
This is out off topic
(That's not only many of options wanted easy to play like a saves(mostly) (y) )
(After reading delete this some moderator(y)) and (u reply to my profile lol)


Sep 16, 2017
This one looks pretty interesting.

Once the text got put to instant it became bearable to play. The setting is fun, reminds me of my frosh week at uni, though the game features a lot less teens stripping down and diving into a pool of purple dye and coming out looking like noname brand smurfs.

The maze was fun to figure out, but it took me a moment to realize that rotating the map doesn't update the cardinal directions. So even though you can figure out which way is actually North, buddy in the maze keeps his sense of direction that may not align with your map.

The biggest draw back the game has currently is that there's so little to do inbetween events. Sleeping for hours on end or hitting the skip time button is not fun and makes me nervous that I'm missing content (that I highly doubt is there yet).


Active Member
May 11, 2017
I dont know why ppl hate on unity, its a very good engine if things done correctly...I played the game 3 times to see all the scenes
and i did not have a single bug so im very happy with the outcome...and the walkthrough is simply there to help you get all the scenes my 1st playthrough i didnt even use it...Anyway he's got my support on patreon cant wait to see more.
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Guyin Cognito

Gentleman Pervert
Feb 23, 2018
Usually the text waits for you to click, and moves really slowly. Except for when it changes automatically without warning, which it does the instant the line is complete, so that you can't finish reading it if you blink at the wrong moment. Also, there is no rollback if you missed what it said. I missed some joke the dad made, and the whole following conversation made NO sense to me. I also agree with all the other complaints being made about not being able to access a menu to save or change options during, what I suppose, is the "opening" of the game. Bottom line, if there is a choice to be made, I should be allowed to save before that choice comes up. Also, I'm not even allowed to click the mouse to force lines to complete when I get tired of how slow it is? I REALLY want to enjoy this, but you're making it as difficult as possible to do so.
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Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Dec 16 at 5:33pm
Let's get things going (slowly)!

Apparently Frosh Life has reached quite a few new players this last week. I looked at the Unity Analytics stats and there was like more than a thousand new players in a day. Surely a bug in Unity Analytics, I thought :)
I have actually very deliberately NOT pursued a larger audience for Frosh Life these last months. I was hoping to get episode 2 done and put a bit more polish into it before doing that, as I think episode 2 will be much more representative of what my vision for the game is, and I was afraid people's first impressions wouldn't be as good as they could have been.
Well, the cat's out of the bag, no use crying over spilled milk etc. On the upside - new Patrons, which is awesome! I really appreciate it.
Also on the upside - I'll resume development of episode 2, although slowly at first. I'll try to juggle Frosh Life with my other commitments.
So, what can you expect from the next episode? Well, you'll know most of it if you've played version 0.1 to the end.
  • New characters. Lindsey is one of them, but there are other major characters that I'm keeping under wraps for now ;-)
  • New locations. I've already implemented the gym, which leaves the beach and maybe something more.
  • More story, obviously!
  • More simulation elements.
  • UI improvements and some quality of life features.
I'll let you know in more detail as I get the development going.
If you have any questions or suggestions, let me know in the comments or send me a message. All the best!



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2018
In the overview it's said :
"There will be blood (no, there probably won't be...)"

Can't we have at least one virgin girl ;)


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2020
I'm not inherently opposed to unity, but I do always miss rollback, and I hate when these games don't let you save during events. If I can't turn back time or savescum my bad decisions then I'm gonna have a bad time. Think I'll put this on the watch list and see where it goes.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2019
i think that this game will become on of THE BEST game . The characters are studied to perfection ( even how they dress ) . I hope this game will have the recogniton that it deserves and its developer/s . I even hope in next update they will introduce first sex scenes ( they sayed many tipe of fetishism i beg for FOOTJOB ahaha in particular for the BEST character ZOEY )
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4.80 star(s) 17 Votes