Never noticed how fit and tall Rachel was until she was half naked close to Nath and on top of that she is also a hermo (the term for futa in this universe). She ticks a lot of boxes for me.
Uma also thicks a lot of boxes with her crazy and expontaneous way of getting into sexual situations with Nath.

His mother Felicity and his sister Emilie (or Ms Short as she prefer to be called) seems to be hiding a lot from proagonist. His sister in particular holds a lot of grudges against him.
It is possible this has to do with what Nath discovered about his past self from 4 years before entering cryostasis: he was a asshole according to others descrption and from what detective Kelly discovered it is possible Nath was a hacker who invaded the servers from his family company. Since his "accident" coincides with this infamous hacker stopping activities.
That being said considering Emilie's action, like sending that criminal to be raped in prison, hardly inspire any confidence about whatever the company Meteora is up too with people like that in positions of leadership.
Plus we still don't know who is the mystery woman in the main menu who likely shot Nath in the past.
This is a great mystery story with some interesting characters and cute love interests.

ps: The animations, despite being short, are well done too.