Sir Anal

Aug 19, 2021
Bon sang je mets un point d'honneur sur l'orthographe et je suis choqué d'avoir laissé passé ça !
Je vais le corriger ! Merci !
Je ferai la liste complète de ce que je remarque, si tu veux. Mais je ne joue pas beaucoup, ça peut prendre un certain temps ;)
Comme je disais, c'est un des meilleurs jeux en français que j'ai vu ici. Et puis passer de l'anglais de la programmation au français ça perturbe toujours un peu ;)

En tout cas, merci pour le jeu.
I'll make a full list of what I notice, if you like. But I don't play much, so it might take a while ;)
As I was saying, this is one of the best French games I've seen here. And switching from English programming to French is always a bit confusing ;)

Anyway, thanks for the game.
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Reactions: Leonave


Post Pro
Sep 3, 2022
Is the patch up to date ?
It doesn't need updated...

define unk = Character( "????", color="#940909" )
define us = Character( "????", color="ffffff" )
define m = Character( "Man", color="#4457eb" )
define frm = Character( "Homme", color="#4457eb" )
define uh = Character( "????", color="#020bf5" )
define uhm = Character( "????", color="#020bf5", what_italic=True, what_color="#bdb746" )
define h = Character( "[heroname]", color="#020bf5" )
define hm = Character( "[heroname]", color="#020bf5", what_italic=True, what_color="#bdb746" )
define um = Character( "????", color="#fd75ff" )
define f = Character( "[fName.formel]", color="#fd75ff" )
define fm = Character( "[fName.normal]", color="#fd75ff" )
define frfm = Character( "[fName.fnormal]", color="#fd75ff" )
define e = Character( "Emilie", color="#e0d900" )
define es = Character( "Ms.Short", color="#e0d900" )
define ue = Character( "????", color="#e0d900" )
define d = Character( "Dr Hyde", color="#b2f58c" )
define da = Character( "David", color="#9d03fc" )
define uu = Character( "????", color="#f786f0" )
define u = Character( "Uma", color="#f786f0" )
define tt = Character( "Teacher", color="#34ebb1" )
define frtt = Character( "Professeur", color="#34ebb1" )
define t = Character( "Ms. Token", color="#34ebb1" )
define hs = Character( "Hot dog seller", color="#eb7d34" )
define frhs = Character( "Vendeuse", color="#eb7d34" )
define r = Character( "Rachel", color="#eb7d34" )
define sec = Character( "Secretary", color="#b942f5" )
define frsec = Character( "Secrétaire", color="#b942f5" )
define mv = Character( "Manvoice", color="#f5f5f5" )
define frmv = Character( "Voix d'homme", color="#f5f5f5" )
define gv = Character( "Girlvoice", color="#f5f5f5" )
define frgv = Character( "Voix de femme", color="#f5f5f5" )
define aw = Character( "Anchorwoman", color="#f5f5f5" )
define fraw = Character( "Présentatrice", color="#f5f5f5" )
define pu = Character( "Intruder", color="#f5f5f5" )
define frpu = Character( "Intrus", color="#f5f5f5" )
define mau = Character( "????", color="#7dfa4b" )
define ma = Character( "Matthew", color="#7dfa4b" )
define nu = Character( "Nurse", color="#ffffff" )
define frnu = Character( "Infirmière", color="#ffffff" )
define upunk = Character( "????", color="#d13ddb" )
define punk = Character( "Tara", color="#d13ddb" )
define pg = Character( "Prison guard", color="#326fa8" )
define frpg = Character( "Gardienne", color="#326fa8" )
define alu = Character( "????", color="#7532a8" )
define al = Character( "Alice", color="#7532a8" )
define kau = Character( "????", color="#a8324e" )
define ka = Character( "Karen", color="#a8324e" )
define svu = Character( "????", color="#a88b32" )
define sv = Character( "Svetlana", color="#a88b32" )
define keu = Character( "????", color="#ff0015" )
define ke = Character( "Kelly", color="#ff0015" )
define rec = Character( "Receptionist", color="#ffffff" )
define frec = Character( "Réceptionniste", color="#ffffff" )
define emp = Character( "Employee", color="#ffffff" )
define fremp = Character( "Employé", color="#ffffff" )
define uns = Character( "????", color="#a83258" )
define sam = Character( "Samantha", color="#a83258" )
define wom1 = Character( "Woman 1", color="#a88b32" )
define wom2 = Character( "Woman 2", color="#009258" )
define fwom1 = Character( "Femme 1", color="#a88b32" )
define fwom2 = Character( "Femme 2", color="#009258" )
define sop = Character( "Sophie", color="#009258" )
define car = Character( "Carla", color="#a88b32" )
define maru = Character( "beautiful lady", color="#36bf43" )
define frmaru = Character( "jolie dame", color="#36bf43" )
define mar = Character( "Maria", color="#36bf43" )
define pol = Character( "Officer", color="#0b1296" )
define fpol = Character( "Policier", color="#0b1296" )
define secu = Character( "Security", color="#eb6b34" )
define frsecu = Character( "Securité", color="#eb6b34" )
define sci = Character( "Scientist", color="#ffffff" )
define fsci = Character( "Scientifique", color="#ffffff" )
define usa = Character( "????", color="#f58edf" )
define sa = Character( "Sara", color="#f58edf" )
define une = Character( "????", color="#6d04c9" )
define ne = Character( "Neon", color="#6d04c9" )
define dav = Character( "Davis", color="#f59e42" )
define sal = Character( "Salesman", color="#ffffff" )
define fsal = Character( "Vendeur", color="#ffffff" )
define umas = Character( "????", color="#e889e5" )
define mas = Character( "Masseuse", color="#e889e5" )
define ulin = Character( "????", color="#3279a8" )
define lin = Character( "Mr.Lincoln", color="#3279a8" )

defineDynamicName fName:
sollenel "Mrs.Short"
sollenel2 "mother"
sollenel3 "your mother"
sollenel4 "mom"
sollenel5 "mom"
fsollenel4 "maman"
fsollenel5 "maman"
fsollenel3 "votre mère"
normal "Mom"
formel "Felicity"
formel2 "my son"
affectueux "sweetheart"
fsollenel "Mrs.Short"
fsollenel2 "mère"
fnormal "Maman"
fformel "Felicity"
fformel2 "mon fils"
faffectueux "mon ange"
defineDynamicName eName:
sollenel "Ms.Short"
sollenel2 "landlady"
sollenel3 "boss"
normal "Emilie"
formel "Emilie"
formel1 "my sister"
formel2 "sister"
formel3 "daughter"
formel4 "little brother"
formel5 "your sister"
informel "sis"
affectueux "sweathart"
fsollenel "Ms.Short"
fsollenel2 "logeuse"
fsollenel3 "patron"
fnormal "Emilie"
fformel "Emilie"
fformel1 "ma soeur"
fformel2 "soeur"
fformel3 "fille"
fformel4 "petit frère"
ffformel4 "ta soeur"
fffformel4 "ma soeur"
ffffformel4 "soeur"
fformel5 "ta soeur"
ffformel5 "votre soeur"
finformel "soeurette"
faffectueux "mon chéri"
defineDynamicName daName:
normal "dad"
formel "daddy"
formel2 "David"
sollenel "Mr.Short"
sollenel2 "your daddy"
fnormal "David"
fformel "David"
fformel2 "David"
fsollenel "Mr.Short"
fsollenel2 "ton père"
dimpersonnel "my dad"
fdimpersonnel "mon père"
defineDynamicName elName:
sollenel "sister"
fsollenel "soeur"
defineDynamicName comName:
family "family"
ffamily "sa famille"
fffamily "famille"
ffffamily "ma famille"
fffffamily "ta famille"
defineDynamicName phraseName:
ph1 "I feel that we have the same blood flowing in our veins and I can't help but feel this brotherly love within me."
fph1 "Je sens que nous avons le même sang qui coule dans nos veines et je ne peux m'empêcher de ressentir cet amour fraternel en moi."
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New Member
Feb 13, 2024
Where are you supposed to meet Felicity to ask about the internship? It's the last quest and she's nowhere to be found?

Edit: Never mind... For once the receptionist was useful for something.
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New Member
Apr 25, 2023
Yeah I downloaded it and gave it a look. To be frank calling it an update is extremely generous, there's barely anything there at all. Took all of 3 minutes. After such a long wait... what was it? 6 months? 8 months? ... I really would have expected a lot more.

The game takes place 2060-something but at this pace we'll be waiting till 2080-something for it to get done.
The dev of this shitty game is a fucking joke.

Yet another update with non-existent story progression, subpar poor renderings, and absolutely horrendous animations that will take you all in all 5 min max to finish which is quite laughable since it took that incompetent dev nearly half a year to produce.
The story path ending added in this update made absolutely no sense story wise, like the story itself, there is so many nonsensical inconsistencies that it might take me more time to write them down than it took the dev to deliver this useless filthy pile of crap the he call an update, to tell you how poorly written the game is !

Apparently, the dev believes somehow in his delusional mind that spending more time rendering useless crappy pinups and making absolutely absurd excuses about his shitty life on patreon on why he can't deliver in a timely fashion, that nobody asked for and that nobody gives a damn about, will somehow "fire up the crowds" so that he could be making a living out of this. That mere thought alone is nothing short of ludicrous given his poor track of record of missed deadlines, nonsensical development cycles, and silly excuses and even more silly excuses if you didn't have enough already.

All in all, this is a very bad game, that rightfully deserve the lack of attention by a large audience even after more than 3 years of development. Do not waste your time here, the dev will certainly and ultimately conjure up another one of his ridiculous lies to hide the fact that he is not competent at what he's doing and abandon the game when he will be running out of excuses to make, if he doesn't just disappear out of the blue like it's usually the case with this kind of individual...
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Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
A sauna scene with the sister and her girlfriend would be quite nice, we haven't even seen her topless yet. With the mother, we barely talk with her, so progress with her will take some time, which is a shame since mothers are my main goal in games followed by sisters.

I just hope we get a family update soon.
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Game Developer
Jan 13, 2020
I think i said yes for everything except Rape. Which i did accidentally
I found the problem! ( I had a hard time... )

I forgot a door or at some point.

When Uma offered you a handjob in class, you put no and that blocked the romance with Uma, but I forgot to include this variable to move on to scene 28.

I've corrected it for the next version.

To continue, you'll have to accept a handjob in class and not refuse the romance with Uma.
  • Red Heart
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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2023
So, you move in with Rachel, sleep in the same bed with her every night, but nothing happens (except a handy in a car)? Seems like build up is supposed to happen and then goes nowhere.


Active Member
Aug 10, 2017
So, you move in with Rachel, sleep in the same bed with her every night, but nothing happens (except a handy in a car)? Seems like build up is supposed to happen and then goes nowhere.
you can give her a blowjob, and then have sex with her after the driving lessons.


Dec 25, 2020
Quite disappointing with the forced Blowjob in the Alley with the Futa Punkgirl, guess i've got to ignore her from now on and if it locks me out of any Content i may not even continue this Game.
Aug 7, 2024
this game always show to me and I decided to give it a try after a few updates, and I just wanted to get back the time I wasted trying this shit. game has close to no content still and a have a feeling that is because a turned off futa. mc family is distant and pisses me off and for how slow the story moves i wont be here to see it devolop for the reasons i already explain, TLDR: if you see incest mom and sister and is trying to see if the game is any good, JUST DONT! this seems like a gay game to bait people that like the fetish and gather more audience types.
So what is the hole game futa yeah the Incest seems like bait.
3.80 star(s) 53 Votes