The quality of the renders in this is really high but if you're looking for constructive criticism, most people when looking for porn aren't interested in a sort of buffet of many different kinks. What people really want, especially when it comes to stuff like adult VNs, are titles that really deep dive in their specific kinks so that they can have a trusted experience that always delivers exactly what they know they're going to enjoy. People are free to disagree with me, but in the grand scheme most people aren't going to really click with a game where every new release or episode is a complete gamble on whether it even delivers something they're going to have any interest in at all.
You can tell that this is mostly how it works because more than 90% of all the really big VNs on here that has been around for a long time operate on the idea of choosing a lane and really focusing on it and doing it well.
This is not to say that you're really doing anything wrong or that this game is a waste of time, you're just starting out and you're already delivering some real quality. I think a title like this is a great opportunity for you to find out what kind of content you really like doing, and what resonates with your players, and then pick that as your focus for you next game.
Just one thing, if you do "pick a lane" probably the worst thing you can do is start introducing new and clashing themes half-way through. If you think you might get tired with whatever "lane" you've picked, it's MUCH better to finish what you've started and keep that it's own self-contained experience and then start something new where you get to try out new stuff. This way you don't risk ruining an entire game, which has happened more than a few times with games on this site.