Unity FurryVNE [2024-11-09] [FurryVNE Team]

3.90 star(s) 9 Votes


Aug 10, 2017
But will the animation tools be even that good, once they drop ? First of all, they outright said that in the first release it won't feature things like oral or non-penetrative sex, probably many other things that people asked for since YL1 too. Which sounds like it won't be that much different from what they had in YL1(actually seems like they didn't fix their problems with why YL1 was YL1 and didn't allow oral and non-penetrative sex). And secondly, the Character creator started good at first, not hard to learn, and and quite powerful, you can do many things with assets provided with no actual skills required and time investment ain't that big either. How a good character creator should be. but later they just stop giving shit about that "character creator" part really. Since custom offsets added, no new body types in quite a fucking while, and no updates to older ones. And the new features like clothes or custom offsets are completely behind a wall of - Not a 3D modeler, Don't use blender ? Get fucked, you won't be using those features. And it would be at least fine and bearable if you could use what other people made. But no, Those features set up in such a way that you cannot re-use them for your own needs, clothes needs to be modeled around already made character model, they won't fit on any other unless the other character is exactly the same size and shape. And you cannot just use custom offsets other people made as well. If your character isn't the same head and feet type as character you exported the custom offset from, applying the offset to yours will deform it's head and feet into complete ugly mess. At this point this becomes more like an asset pack/plugin for blender than an honest character creator. Even when people suggest in their discord server that having "X" would be cool, the usual answer is: you already can do it in blender 4head.
So I'm not sure if this kind of shit won't repeat with animation tools too. What's even the point of using their app would be then ? Just learn blender and do animation there, there are plenty of ready to use models or model bases out there too.
Also they say that they will add ability to create custom maps, but not in their app of course lol. Go and learn how to do unity, and only unity. Like, bruh...
Imagine advertising blender plugins as: "Right now we're creating FurryVNE - a Furry Visual Noveling Editor in full 3D. With this project, we're aiming to create a complete toolset for creating furry avatars and stories."
the interaction build have previously listed in the updates they've make, so yeah it will be at the same level of Yiff 1, you will even have more control.
And what about making everythings on blender : yeah sure blender can do everything, but trust me you don't want to. it required a shit tons of hours to make a simple but complete character walk for 3sec. (without counting the learning phase)
you don't have to use blender to make good looking character, i mean you have a lot of head available, you can modify a lot on the last heads and have an okay control on the shape of the body, as for the colouring honestly it's really good, thu it lack a bit of randomizer.
but sure if you don't know the basis of blender you are limited :
you can't make a Valstrax :
or the Lion king of Armello :
aaa (2).jpg
i agree that it really lack body type and appendage. but on discord i don't see ppl complaining of the lack of it, probably why.
right now Dogson work to make all the heads done and refine the old head with all the sliders/option the news have.
look at the cartoon mink head for an example of the possibility.

and i agree with the custom scene too, it will be way better if it's in the program. i have scenes i want to import in FVNE but if i need to learn the basis of unity.... well it's a no.

"Not a 3D modeler, Don't use blender ? Get fucked, you won't be using those features."

true, because of this "game"(test build in fact) , I began to learn work in blender. What about creating clothes - I still have not found anything easier and more handy than "marvelus designer"(is designed for that actually).
for clothes unfortunately you only have two good solutions : Marvelous Designer or simply cloth pro (blender add on)
for cloth i personally use Marvelous designer, fast, simple. for hard surface (like armor plate) i use blender.

i've never imagined my pc storage filled with 20Go dedicated only to 3D sculpting/texturing.
now 70% of my playtime i pass it on FVNE/Blender/Marvelous designer/substance painter/Gimp. (yeah i really like it)
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Nov 8, 2019
According to what they say in one of their patreon posts:
"Roughly speaking, we've been releasing dev logs about every 3 months. As the last dev log was in Jan, we're expecting the next one to be around April, but it may release later (or even earlier, depending on how things go).

We think the next dev log will be our last before interactions are released, and we intend it to include a "live" demonstration of them, explaining in great detail how these new systems work and how to use them. So essentially a demonstration/tutorial of interactions that should hopefully prepare you for the release and get some ideas going."

They obviously won't release the build with animation right after the dev log. Probably a couple of months later. So my guess would be something from 06 to 08 of this year. That is if things go smoothly, but this project isn't really known for that as of late. So i will not be surprised that they will stall for much longer, cause they again are not satisfied how shit looks, or even before they say they will release the animation update, they once again encounter some gamebreaking bug.
Would be nice if they finally released it before 2023 ends, but hopes are not high.

But will the animation tools be even that good, once they drop ? First of all, they outright said that in the first release it won't feature things like oral or non-penetrative sex, probably many other things that people asked for since YL1 too. Which sounds like it won't be that much different from what they had in YL1(actually seems like they didn't fix their problems with why YL1 was YL1 and didn't allow oral and non-penetrative sex). And secondly, the Character creator started good at first, not hard to learn, and and quite powerful, you can do many things with assets provided with no actual skills required and time investment ain't that big either. How a good character creator should be. but later they just stop giving shit about that "character creator" part really. Since custom offsets added, no new body types in quite a fucking while, and no updates to older ones. And the new features like clothes or custom offsets are completely behind a wall of - Not a 3D modeler, Don't use blender ? Get fucked, you won't be using those features. And it would be at least fine and bearable if you could use what other people made. But no, Those features set up in such a way that you cannot re-use them for your own needs, clothes needs to be modeled around already made character model, they won't fit on any other unless the other character is exactly the same size and shape. And you cannot just use custom offsets other people made as well. If your character isn't the same head and feet type as character you exported the custom offset from, applying the offset to yours will deform it's head and feet into complete ugly mess. At this point this becomes more like an asset pack/plugin for blender than an honest character creator. Even when people suggest in their discord server that having "X" would be cool, the usual answer is: you already can do it in blender 4head.
So I'm not sure if this kind of shit won't repeat with animation tools too. What's even the point of using their app would be then ? Just learn blender and do animation there, there are plenty of ready to use models or model bases out there too.
Also they say that they will add ability to create custom maps, but not in their app of course lol. Go and learn how to do unity, and only unity. Like, bruh...
Imagine advertising blender plugins as: "Right now we're creating FurryVNE - a Furry Visual Noveling Editor in full 3D. With this project, we're aiming to create a complete toolset for creating furry avatars and stories."
This made me think that if the entire project devolves into a variant of "Heres a blender like tool" then most of the folk who cant operate blender are literally falling out of purchaser base.

Im no good with these tools, so for me a good scene designer allows me an extremely streamlined, easy to understand and quick to use without any prior knowledge type of experience.

For example in HEAT im constantly frustrated that i can select individual limbs and activate an X-Y-Z command screen where i could move that specific limb and all attached to a needed position like how in Koikatsu you could make custom masks by stiching together items and moving them to the proper place.

If what i get in the end of the day is a resticitve blender variant then i might aswell use blender.

i've never imagined my pc storage filled with 20Go dedicated only to 3D sculpting/texturing.
now 70% of my playtime i pass it on FVNE/Blender/Marvelous designer/substance painter/Gimp. (yeah i really like it)
Ferret i need to ask is this a program that i could put my grandpa infront of it and have him make basic scenes within hours or is it something that he would need weeks to learn how to even pose a singular char?

If its the latter that means they could be losing customers not just on the fact that theres no advertising, no demos and not much of presence they create but also lose customers because they dont have the skills to actually use the program.
I could make some barebones scenes in YL1, i have doubts the same would be for this game if it works like a blender version.
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Jan 27, 2022
the interaction build have previously listed in the updates they've make, so yeah it will be at the same level of Yiff 1, you will even have more control.
And what about making everythings on blender : yeah sure blender can do everything, but trust me you don't want to. it required a shit tons of hours to make a simple but complete character walk for 3sec. (without counting the learning phase)
Well yeah, that's animation in general, even in SFM it's hours of work for a simple walk cycle, and blender is probably way more complicated that SFM. What we had in YL1 have really nothing to do with creating real 3D animation in programs designed for it. But i recently saw Odes stated on twitter "You could still animate it manually though, as FurryVNE will feature a keyframe editor. (Will be possible in first interactions release.)" Which is cool by itself, but again i really hope they won't go the same route as with Character Creation tool, like "Want oral'n'stuff ? animate it yourself, manually." At least it would be in game, not in blender, thank god.

you don't have to use blender to make good looking character, i mean you have a lot of head available, you can modify a lot on the last heads and have an okay control on the shape of the body, as for the colouring honestly it's really good, thu it lack a bit of randomizer.
but sure if you don't know the basis of blender you are limited :
Of course you can make decent characters without even touching blender, or use it very minimally, like just to import parts. My problem is not that ability to use blender exist or that you can't make anything good without it, one of my favorite creator there don't use blender. it's how it's implemented, where you can't really use clothes/offsets other people made (and using like textures, parts and even edits of other people's characters aren't against the rules and easily doable) And second that when they introduced blender into the FVNE, they are now just brushing off any requests for QoL of people who don't use blender with "bruh, just do that in blender" For example I remember some time ago someone complained that decals are very pixelated when they are small, and they just said use blender. Yeah they showed how to do it in form of a video even, but imo that's not the solution at all, that's just shifting the problem to 3rd party software and the user.
But coloring and rest of things related to that, yeah. That's implemented very good, tho having an ability to manually paint masks would be very handy.

i agree that it really lack body type and appendage. but on discord i don't see ppl complaining of the lack of it, probably why.
right now Dogson work to make all the heads done and refine the old head with all the sliders/option the news have.
look at the cartoon mink head for an example of the possibility.
Yeah that might be just my thing that i don't feel that amount of body types we have is enough, but also people rarely complain in discord anyway, because you probably will get one of two answers, "all focus right now is on interactions" which is fine, but no one really says they want the thing they asked for right fucking now. or "Use blender for that" which i guess is their solution for everything. Too bad blender can't fix unity bugs and shit.
Yeah, the heads and parts for them are nice and all, but do you know how many animal types there are in the world, Dogson is not even close to half-done on that "make all the heads" thing. It would be nice to have new body types at least once in a while, but i bet they don't wanna do that, because sculpting a whole body and shape keys for it is probably way-way harder than doing a head. While just saying "go do that in blender yourself" is very easy.

for clothes unfortunately you only have two good solutions : Marvelous Designer or simply cloth pro (blender add on)
for cloth i personally use Marvelous designer, fast, simple. for hard surface (like armor plate) i use blender.

i've never imagined my pc storage filled with 20Go dedicated only to 3D sculpting/texturing.
now 70% of my playtime i pass it on FVNE/Blender/Marvelous designer/substance painter/Gimp. (yeah i really like it)
Well nice that you that you know how to do it and enjoy doing all that , but for me it's a big problem, i don't have that much time nor desire to learn all this 3rd party software, watch hours of guides for all of that, and then acquire at least decent skills in all those programs. Just for an ability to make an unusual/clothed(and not really only clothes since that feature can do more things that clothes, like back frills for example) furry character i want in an a character creator which is a standalone app i had to learn how to use as well(atleast the CC itself is fun) ? Any time i open blender it feels like pain to me. I do not enjoy it. You say "but if i need to learn the basis of unity.... well it's a no." Well for me that's a no for all of that. It's really nice that they have all the things for people with skill in 3D modeling to do all the crazy advanced stuff, but i just really don't like their attitude towards all the plebs who can't/don't want to use blender and lots of other 3rd party software.

This made me think that if the entire project devolves into a variant of "Heres a blender like tool" then most of the folk who cant operate blender are literally falling out of purchaser base.

Im no good with these tools, so for me a good scene designer allows me an extremely streamlined, easy to understand and quick to use without any prior knowledge of this.

For example in HEAT im constantly frustrated that i can select individual limbs and activate an X-Y-Z command screen where i could move that specific limb and all attached to a needed position like how in Koikatsu you could make custom masks by stiching together items and moving them to the proper place.

If what i get in the end of the day is a resticitve blender variant then i might aswell use blender.
Well, it's not that bad as of now yet. You absolutely can make a furry character and probably be satisfied with it, if you like how default assets look. All the problems begin when you want something more advanced and complex. You probably still can find some workarounds but they will look not as good as if you used blender for that, and that kinda sucks. But with how they treat this issue of some features completely blocked behind a 3D modeling skillset... Yeah that probably can cause some people to fall out of purchaser base.
Animations are not done yet, and no one really knows yet how they will actually work or how hard they will be to learn, i can only say about the CC tool for sure. Played HEAT only once, i don't have a VR headset and stuff, so this game wasn't really enjoyable for me and controls were hell. But Posing tool(in FVNE) that is a part of CC tool is pretty easy to use. Nothing complicated there and you can move limbs and other parts of character very freely. And the CC tool itself isn't that hard to learn eiher. No hours of guides on youtube you need to watch. They have a couple of short guide videos that just explain very basics, the rest is learnable by yourself. Just have to sit down, and invest some time to understand how everything works, no real skills required, harder than YL1, but on the whole another level easier than blender. Would be a very damn good CC if it didn't completely block some features behind 3rd party software.
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Aug 10, 2017
Well yeah, that's animation in general, even in SFM it's hours of work for a simple walk cycle, and blender is probably way more complicated that SFM. What we had in YL1 have really nothing to do with creating real 3D animation in programs designed for it. But i recently saw Odes stated on twitter "You could still animate it manually though, as FurryVNE will feature a keyframe editor. (Will be possible in first interactions release.)" Which is cool by itself, but again i really hope they won't go the same route as with Character Creation tool, like "Want oral'n'stuff ? animate it yourself, manually." At least it would be in game, not in blender, thank god.

Of course you can make decent characters without even touching blender, or use it very minimally, like just to import parts. My problem is not that ability to use blender exist or that you can't make anything good without it, one of my favorite creator there don't use blender. it's how it's implemented, where you can't really use clothes/offsets other people made (and using like textures, parts and even edits of other people's characters aren't against the rules and easily doable) And second that when they introduced blender into the FVNE, they are now just brushing off any requests for QoL of people who don't use blender with "bruh, just do that in blender" For example I remember some time ago someone complained that decals are very pixelated when they are small, and they just said use blender. Yeah they showed how to do it in form of a video even, but imo that's not the solution at all, that's just shifting the problem to 3rd party software and the user.
But coloring and rest of things related to that, yeah. That's implemented very good, tho having an ability to manually paint masks would be very handy.

Yeah that might be just my thing that i don't feel that amount of body types we have is enough, but also people rarely complain in discord anyway, because you probably will get one of two answers, "all focus right now is on interactions" which is fine, but no one really says they want the thing they asked for right fucking now. or "Use blender for that" which i guess is their solution for everything. Too bad blender can't fix unity bugs and shit.
Yeah, the heads and parts for them are nice and all, but do you know how many animal types there are in the world, Dogson is not even close to half-done on that "make all the heads" thing. It would be nice to have new body types at least once in a while, but i bet they don't wanna do that, because sculpting a whole body and shape keys for it is probably way-way harder than doing a head. While just saying "go do that in blender yourself" is very easy.

Well nice that you that you know how to do it and enjoy doing all that , but for me it's a big problem, i don't have that much time nor desire to learn all this 3rd party software, watch hours of guides for all of that, and then acquire at least decent skills in all those programs. Just for an ability to make an unusual/clothed(and not really only clothes since that feature can do more things that clothes, like back frills for example) furry character i want in an a character creator which is a standalone app i had to learn how to use as well(atleast the CC itself is fun) ? Any time i open blender it feels like pain to me. I do not enjoy it. You say "but if i need to learn the basis of unity.... well it's a no." Well for me that's a no for all of that. It's really nice that they have all the things for people with skill in 3D modeling to do all the crazy advanced stuff, but i just really don't like their attitude towards all the plebs who can't/don't want to use blender and lots of other 3rd party software.

Well, it's not that bad as of now yet. You absolutely can make a furry character and probably be satisfied with it, if you like how default assets look. All the problems begin when you want something more advanced and complex. You probably still can find some workarounds but they will look not as good as if you used blender for that, and that kinda sucks. But with how they treat this issue of some features completely blocked behind a 3D modeling skillset... Yeah that probably can cause some people to fall out of purchaser base.
Animations are not done yet, and no one really knows yet how they will actually work or how hard they will be to learn, i can only say about the CC tool for sure. Played HEAT only once, i don't have a VR headset and stuff, so this game wasn't really enjoyable for me and controls were hell. But Posing tool(in FVNE) that is a part of CC tool is pretty easy to use. Nothing complicated there and you can move limbs and other parts of character very freely. And the CC tool itself isn't that hard to learn eiher. No hours of guides on youtube you need to watch. They have a couple of short guide videos that just explain very basics, the rest is learnable by yourself. Just have to sit down, and invest some time to understand how everything works, no real skills required, harder than YL1, but on the whole another level easier than blender. Would be a very damn good CC if it didn't completely block some features behind 3rd party software.
This made me think that if the entire project devolves into a variant of "Heres a blender like tool" then most of the folk who cant operate blender are literally falling out of purchaser base.

Im no good with these tools, so for me a good scene designer allows me an extremely streamlined, easy to understand and quick to use without any prior knowledge type of experience.

For example in HEAT im constantly frustrated that i can select individual limbs and activate an X-Y-Z command screen where i could move that specific limb and all attached to a needed position like how in Koikatsu you could make custom masks by stiching together items and moving them to the proper place.

If what i get in the end of the day is a resticitve blender variant then i might aswell use blender.

Ferret i need to ask is this a program that i could put my grandpa infront of it and have him make basic scenes within hours or is it something that he would need weeks to learn how to even pose a singular char?

If its the latter that means they could be losing customers not just on the fact that theres no advertising, no demos and not much of presence they create but also lose customers because they dont have the skills to actually use the program.
I could make some barebones scenes in YL1, i have doubts the same would be for this game if it works like a blender version.
the project focus 2 group :the one who create and the one who play.
-creating is like on any other programs of the same type: hours of learning, external program to complete it, i don't see it as an issue. but like i've said i agree that some things NEED to be in and not: "do it on blender".
-playing is like : for posing(since there is only that for "playing" rn) you can put your granpa in front of it, he simply load a character and make pose easily, after less than 1/2hour of practice he can do it perfectly.

if you just want to play, wait for ppl creating stuff when interaction comes out (and VN later in a decade... no i dunno when x)
if you want to create then like any other 3d program spit on your hand, clap your head and focus on learning. (depending on your standard ofc, if you want a nude mare with big breast it's easy. But if you want todo a Griffon wearing a 3 piece suit with a monocle smocking some tobacco with his pipe and say "indeed", then be ready to work on it for hours and hours (+ learning phase))Sorry if you find it harsh but it is what it is (without joking)

for the clothes and the offset be wary that it's IMPOSSIBLE to adapt them to other character just with porting it. this is due to the "nature" of the program, there is no standard size, you can make a giant you can make a Lilliputian you can make oversized boobies or flat chested, for the offset it's made for a specific head and body, for the clothes it's roughly the same. i don't see how they can do it.

for the oral things a lot of ppl asked for this, this will be implanted in the future. like some feature previously asked.

and in finality FVNE : will be a visual novel editor, a character creator, and an animation editor.
i dunno what to say more than it's already say in this thread. if you prefer Blender then enjoy your time on it ! i personally enjoy doing things in blender, but i'm no where ready todo animation on it, on the other hand i know i can create a character in less than an hour on FVNE.

Final word for me
after they release the interaction build and fixing the bugs that come with, i think they will be more open to discuss on the problems you encounter.
as for interaction i think all as been said already, and to speak more on it we actually need to test it.
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Jan 27, 2022
the project focus 2 group :the one who create and the one who play.
-creating is like on any other programs of the same type: hours of learning, external program to complete it, i don't see it as an issue. but like i've said i agree that some things NEED to be in and not: "do it on blender".
-playing is like : for posing(since there is only that for "playing" rn) you can put your granpa in front of it, he simply load a character and make pose easily, after less than 1/2hour of practice he can do it perfectly.

if you just want to play, wait for ppl creating stuff when interaction comes out (and VN later in a decade... no i dunno when x)
if you want to create then like any other 3d program spit on your hand, clap your head and focus on learning. (depending on your standard ofc, if you want a nude mare with big breast it's easy. But if you want todo a Griffon wearing a 3 piece suit with a monocle smocking some tobacco with his pipe and say "indeed", then be ready to work on it for hours and hours (+ learning phase))Sorry if you find it harsh but it is what it is (without joking)
Okay sure, but it's important what "any other programs of the same type" means. Because for me YL and FVNE were a type of apps like TheKlub17, Koikatsu and Honey select. In all of those you as a creator did all the app allowed to do without any external software(like make charactes and custom animated scenes). And where game didn't allowed, came the third group: modders, that actually used 3rd party software. But FVNE isn't really mod friendly. But you could count the blender features and other 3rd party soft stuff, as modding in FVNE. The problem is, modders who make mods for those apps do it in a way so the creator group could use them too, and without using those external programs modders do. This is simply not the case for FVNE, as you cannot use anything walled behind blender.
Well i didn't want to just play, i wanted to create too, and i learned. Learned FVNE, to create in FVNE. Not blender. But suddenly out of the blue, they just say, here's our clothing system, here's our custom offsets. Pretty cool, right ? It's only for blender users. Now go and learn that actual professional software, not our one(the one that is actually way much easier). Because that is the only way you can access those features, and you have no alternatives to do that in our app. FVNE was an engine redesign of YL1, It was even called YL2. They only changed it cuz troubles with their bank, or so they said. YL1 YL2(early builds of FVNE) as a creation tools were accessible for everyone and was completely standalone. This blender stuff with no alternatives kinda feels like a bait-and-switch. Using blender and other things is not a problem, problem is that it's the only possible way if you want those features.

for the clothes and the offset be wary that it's IMPOSSIBLE to adapt them to other character just with porting it. this is due to the "nature" of the program, there is no standard size, you can make a giant you can make a Lilliputian you can make oversized boobies or flat chested, for the offset it's made for a specific head and body, for the clothes it's roughly the same. i don't see how they can do it.
I do understand why clothes from someone else's character cant work on my character. But they did that to themselves. They can make all this coding magic, physics stuff with SDF, surely they could come up with a clothing system that would make it possible with the nature of the program. But okay clothing in a furry porn game isn't even that important.
But custom offsets is absolutely doable. At least a way to alleviate almost all the pain in porting them to your character. Just make it so you can choose that custom offset won't affect head/feet/hands. If there will be some small deformities at the junction of those parts it's not a problem, whole head being an amorphic mass is tho. You don't really need to learn more than basic blender UI or have any skill in sculpting to simply use the smooth tool. Or even better if said smooth tool was already in the game. Bodies themselves would work fine, because they all use the same base model. And the segmented custom offsets were already suggested, the suggestion just hangs there for a year without any response.

Final word for me
after they release the interaction build and fixing the bugs that come with, i think they will be more open to discuss on the problems you encounter.
as for interaction i think all as been said already, and to speak more on it we actually need to test it.
I really hope that would be the case that they will be more open about that, and i do want to test the interaction system and even learn to use keyframe animation they did, because its in the program.


Aug 10, 2017
Okay sure, but it's important what "any other programs of the same type" means. Because for me YL and FVNE were a type of apps like TheKlub17, Koikatsu and Honey select. In all of those you as a creator did all the app allowed to do without any external software(like make charactes and custom animated scenes). And where game didn't allowed, came the third group: modders, that actually used 3rd party software. But FVNE isn't really mod friendly. But you could count the blender features and other 3rd party soft stuff, as modding in FVNE. The problem is, modders who make mods for those apps do it in a way so the creator group could use them too, and without using those external programs modders do. This is simply not the case for FVNE, as you cannot use anything walled behind blender.
Well i didn't want to just play, i wanted to create too, and i learned. Learned FVNE, to create in FVNE. Not blender. But suddenly out of the blue, they just say, here's our clothing system, here's our custom offsets. Pretty cool, right ? It's only for blender users. Now go and learn that actual professional software, not our one(the one that is actually way much easier). Because that is the only way you can access those features, and you have no alternatives to do that in our app. FVNE was an engine redesign of YL1, It was even called YL2. They only changed it cuz troubles with their bank, or so they said. YL1 YL2(early builds of FVNE) as a creation tools were accessible for everyone and was completely standalone. This blender stuff with no alternatives kinda feels like a bait-and-switch. Using blender and other things is not a problem, problem is that it's the only possible way if you want those features.

I do understand why clothes from someone else's character cant work on my character. But they did that to themselves. They can make all this coding magic, physics stuff with SDF, surely they could come up with a clothing system that would make it possible with the nature of the program. But okay clothing in a furry porn game isn't even that important.
But custom offsets is absolutely doable. At least a way to alleviate almost all the pain in porting them to your character. Just make it so you can choose that custom offset won't affect head/feet/hands. If there will be some small deformities at the junction of those parts it's not a problem, whole head being an amorphic mass is tho. You don't really need to learn more than basic blender UI or have any skill in sculpting to simply use the smooth tool. Or even better if said smooth tool was already in the game. Bodies themselves would work fine, because they all use the same base model. And the segmented custom offsets were already suggested, the suggestion just hangs there for a year without any response.

I really hope that would be the case that they will be more open about that, and i do want to test the interaction system and even learn to use keyframe animation they did, because its in the program.
i was refering to tester72 post when speaking about other program of the same type : Blender, Poser you can include virt a mate, these kind of programs.

the alternative to offset is the slider (modifier&expression in pose mode), but the program lack of it actually(won't elaborate again :p), the offset is originally created for ppl who want to go more far away and pushing the limit of what is possible, so they offer the possibility for them, don't see it like it's a mandatory feature.
and i don't see your idea working, it will not solve the problem you encounter.
in majority it depend on how ppl do their offset, the offset take your character shape made in FVNE, if like me ppl make their offset with one shape key then it's impossible to port it to another character with different characteristic, on the other hand if ppl make their offset with 1 for the head 1 for the hand ectect, yeah it MIGHT work, but for an offset to work on another character it must have the same specificities.
but there is solution, like sliders, or you can ask for a coop work with another person , you do the FVNE stuff he/she do the blender stuff !

they don't have a lot of money (i'm not saying this because of motivation but recruitment purpose)they are only two, one for the coding one for the graphic. give them time for that, and don't overthink that blender things, it seem to turn your head hard =)
yeah there is things that MUST be in the program and not outside, yeah there is problems, but also it's not like they have soon reached the end of the dev

ps : actually there is a smothing tool.


Jan 27, 2022
and i don't see your idea working, it will not solve the problem you encounter.
in majority it depend on how ppl do their offset, the offset take your character shape made in FVNE, if like me ppl make their offset with one shape key then it's impossible to port it to another character with different characteristic, on the other hand if ppl make their offset with 1 for the head 1 for the hand ectect, yeah it MIGHT work, but for an offset to work on another character it must have the same specificities.
I believe exactly because people make custom offsets with one shape key the idea is relevant. Having an ability to make them segmented(in FVNE), choose if they would affect the head/limbs or not. Would absolutely solve my problem.

ps : actually there is a smothing tool.
Really, Where ? Cause I haven't seen anything like that in FVNE.


Aug 10, 2017
I believe exactly because people make custom offsets with one shape key the idea is relevant. Having an ability to make them segmented(in FVNE), choose if they would affect the head/limbs or not. Would absolutely solve my problem.

Really, Where ? Cause I haven't seen anything like that in FVNE.
yeah MB for that, was tired, it's only for the clothes : 1679924778763.png
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Dec 2, 2020
The memory leak bug that was stopping SDF building finally got fixed in some of the more recent builds of Unity.

This means that the devs can FINALLY start actually working on real time soft body physics, which is a major aspect of the animation engine they're designing. So basically, we're probably a month or two out before we get either a soft body physics build or maybe even an animation build. Time will tell.

heres the issue tracker if people want to see for themselves.
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