Unity FurryVNE [2024-11-09] [FurryVNE Team]

3.90 star(s) 9 Votes
May 25, 2021
Wait, is this seriously just a poser/character creator?
Interaction systems (animated sex sequences) are the next major feature they're adding. So you'll be able to animate sex scenes or download scenes made by other users once they release the next major update.

If you want to see how it their last project handled this, download "Yiffalicious", it's great, but compared to what they're planning with FurryVNE, the previous Yiffalicious might look primitive.


May 30, 2017
What they are doing is really amazing, is sad that they don´t have enough incomes for this.

I think that the problem has been the way they are advertised their project, now I see more interest in getting more people to know it than previous months. Furaffinty and e621 have not had barely updates, I can understand that they can not provide builds, but more videos or images could have help to interest people on it.

As one said on previous comment, if we can do that more people know the project will be great, I think that many furries would love it, the only thing is to show them (I don´t undertand how it is so little known).


Aug 10, 2017
Just discovered this and I plan to replace Design doll with it but I have a question, how do I pose 2 characters together? Is that doable in the current version?
well you can but there is no "official" way to do it.
you need to import your 2nd character as a part(object). that mean you can't change his pose anymore(remember it's not a character here it's an object)
and you need to redo the texturing on it ,there is a way to apply original texturing and color, if i remember well you need to export the texture as well as the mesh.
here an exemple : one of the few work of chyanna i like
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New Member
Aug 3, 2018
well you can but there is no "official" way to do it.
you need to import your 2nd character as a part(object). that mean you can't change his pose anymore(remember it's not a character here it's an object)
and you need to redo the texturing on it ,there is a way to apply original texturing and color, if i remember well you need to export the texture as well as the mesh.

Hmm... I think I'll mess around a bit more before trying something like that.
Thanks though, at least now I have a general idea on what to do.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
(I don´t undertand how it is so little known).
It was pretty widely hyped at the beginning. YL1 had a pretty big audience, and when YL2/FurryVNE was announced there was quite a bit of hype behind it.

The two main issues are that the authors came right out and said that it would take a while to develop due to it being a complete rewrite, and encouraged people to pull their pledges until they had more to show, and that development dragged on for long enough that even diehards reduced or pulled their pledges.

It seems like it was a combination of scope creep and last-minute realizations (i.e. "okay, this won't work, so we need to stop and develop X before we can continue"), coupled with the tiny team size. Considering how much custom tech had to be developed to close shots stand up to scrutiny, it's nuts that there's only one programmer steering the ship.


Aug 10, 2017
the log is a mix of good news and bad, the project is progressing really well and on schedule but they're nearly unable to support themselves because of the insane taxes and their low patreon support.

we need to get the word out about this project, there's lots of commissioners who fund furry art who should be made aware of this project. I see so many commissions uploaded to lewd image boards, expensive commissions. Those people would be very interested in becoming patrons for this project. It's literally the least we can do to share links to project this to the point of near spam. Anyone here happen to be a video editor? Maybe collect clips and highlight the best content this project can provide and upload to all boards and hubs. Showcase some of the best looking OC's the community has uploaded (and credit their creators) we have to get eyes on this project.
already try to give them more view on their project but clearly not my cup of tea. i don't have a great mind to debate things a defends them.
i don't consider myself a furry even i really like furry art nsfw or not, so i've nothing todo in a furry community.
this program as it is fit my exeptation perfectly, well near perfectly ( if i didn't have to learn blender it will be perfect) and with some trick ppl who just want an avatar for vr chat or something like that can have it. some ppl made grreat work with guide and tuto to understand easly how it work.

It was pretty widely hyped at the beginning. YL1 had a pretty big audience, and when YL2/FurryVNE was announced there was quite a bit of hype behind it.

The two main issues are that the authors came right out and said that it would take a while to develop due to it being a complete rewrite, and encouraged people to pull their pledges until they had more to show, and that development dragged on for long enough that even diehards reduced or pulled their pledges.

It seems like it was a combination of scope creep and last-minute realizations (i.e. "okay, this won't work, so we need to stop and develop X before we can continue"), coupled with the tiny team size. Considering how much custom tech had to be developed to close shots stand up to scrutiny, it's nuts that there's only one programmer steering the ship.
i can't be desagree with ya for the first year... the project was a mess and even me i didn't pledge a penny. but right now i think it's the time, i mean the project have a solid base, if you have money to spare go on, they really need it.
it feel weird to promote a program like that on a pirate forum like f95 thought ^^'
and i mean, there is ZERO project like that in the past and actually like this one. and a very few project that is not shitty of furry 3d game (carnal instinct, and one or two other maybe ?)
i really don't want this project to be abandonware, for the simple reason it fit the niche and no other game or prgram fit it properly, like fuck these lazy project ...
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May 30, 2017
It was pretty widely hyped at the beginning. YL1 had a pretty big audience, and when YL2/FurryVNE was announced there was quite a bit of hype behind it.

The two main issues are that the authors came right out and said that it would take a while to develop due to it being a complete rewrite, and encouraged people to pull their pledges until they had more to show, and that development dragged on for long enough that even diehards reduced or pulled their pledges.

It seems like it was a combination of scope creep and last-minute realizations (i.e. "okay, this won't work, so we need to stop and develop X before we can continue"), coupled with the tiny team size. Considering how much custom tech had to be developed to close shots stand up to scrutiny, it's nuts that there's only one programmer steering the ship.
Wow I didn´t have idea, I knew the first one when they were working on furryvne, it is great that they had such a solid base, maybe is their time to get them back.
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May 30, 2017
I have only see a few minutes of the video dev log and and what I see it seems so exhaunting for them that have me worried about the proyect, I don´t know if for the moment they can release the update beacuse of the bug, or if the problem is for keeping to work on this.

This reminds to other game, Wild Life, I lived their progress, they were with such a small base, some months with more or less incomes and with the proyect sometimes in danger, but it was include in one top video "most anticipated games" and they grow unexpectedly, being to date one of the most paid games.

I think furryvne only needs that, one good way to publicy their proyect in order to reach little by little more people.


Nov 8, 2019
It was pretty widely hyped at the beginning. YL1 had a pretty big audience, and when YL2/FurryVNE was announced there was quite a bit of hype behind it.

The two main issues are that the authors came right out and said that it would take a while to develop due to it being a complete rewrite, and encouraged people to pull their pledges until they had more to show, and that development dragged on for long enough that even diehards reduced or pulled their pledges.

It seems like it was a combination of scope creep and last-minute realizations (i.e. "okay, this won't work, so we need to stop and develop X before we can continue"), coupled with the tiny team size. Considering how much custom tech had to be developed to close shots stand up to scrutiny, it's nuts that there's only one programmer steering the ship.
In my opinion the best approach would been to keep improving the original YL1 so theres reason for supporters to stay and slowly but surely continue working on this one.

The original game could have got new chars, some customization, polishing and whatnot while they constantly make the new one so in the end of the day you are still there getting actual useable content and still see the new one progress.

As things currently stand and as i expressed already i dont really believe in this game anymore. I have doubts we see any animation coming before 2023.11 and even that feels too hopeful for me.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
In my opinion the best approach would been to keep improving the original YL1 so theres reason for supporters to stay and slowly but surely continue working on this one.

The original game could have got new chars, some customization, polishing and whatnot while they constantly make the new one so in the end of the day you are still there getting actual useable content and still see the new one progress.
I'm sure if they had the benefit of hindsight they probably would have recruited someone to do some basic maintenance on YL1 (I certainly wouldn't expect odes to take on both at once, given the scope of YL2), but I really don't think they expected it to take this long.

One thing to consider is that adding polish to YL1 would have likely resulted in existing animations breaking between versions, as they already had several times during YL1's development. I imagine that wouldn't have made many people happy. In a hypothetical timeline where YL1's development continued, I imagine the only thing we would really be able to expect would be skins and models.


Sep 11, 2020
... their low patreon support....
I wonder how much money is patreon actually making for them, as i cant find the actual numbers, or they are not shown.

Take a look at Heat by Edef, and their patreon. They seem to be doing good, and the game development seems to me, started about the same time as YL2/FVNE, but with an important difference.
Heat you can already actually play (and by play, i mean have VR "fun", pose characters around, mod new poses and chars, etc...).

Im not surprised people dont really run to pay for a game, that actually still cant be played, after 2 years of development. While i understand that the character creation and how that works, will be important for development of the rest of the engine, this might not have been the best marketable decision.

Best and easiest kind of marketing would be, if users could make something interesting with your game and post it for you on sites like e621/FA, but you cant really post much stuff if the only thing you can create is a static character.
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Aug 10, 2017
after high taxes, they barely have enough to afford rent and utilities to split between the two devs, they get very little if none of that 6k.
i live in one of the high taxed country. and no you can live with 1k-1.5k/month, it depends on what lifestyle you have.
we are all touch by the price inflation.
but for sure it's clearly not the salary of a graphic designer nor a dev, that's clearly underpay.
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3.90 star(s) 9 Votes