If you work in tech in the US, UK, or EU, $6000 nets you a very modest lifestyle. Rent in most major cities is between $2000-4000 unless you want to live an hour from the city center or in a hovel. $2500 will get you a mortgage on a small rural home these days. You'll barely afford a used car payment while you scrounge for groceries, electricity, internet, phone, healthcare, heat... basic necessities are huge roadblocks. You're not living like a king, you're barely scraping by. You will likely die working.
Not everyone thinks it's super reasonable to completely upend their lives, leave their families, learn Spanish, get a $1500 flight out to Argentina and buy themselves protection for their wealth in an unstable country.
Two people living off of $6000? Sad fucking incel life, probably in the same small apartment to save on costs.
The people making this game have the potential to have far more lucrative careers outside of the adult games industry and very easily could. I'm not saying be grateful, $6000 is just a stupid criticism by someone who doesn't understand how little that money is.