I have similar problem but mine problem "it return main menu".Anyone knows a fix for game crashing after pressing skip button on the map?
I have similar problem but mine problem "it return main menu".Anyone knows a fix for game crashing after pressing skip button on the map?
I found this for a bit, but go to the stats page on your tablet and THEN click on the Skill Tree button - it will show how far away you are from upping your skill levelsIs it just me that played for a bit, got told every scene that you didn't meet the requirements, go upstairs cheat to unlock literally everything in the skills menu, try again, get told (again) that you don't meet the requirements, go back to an earlier save, watch hypno videos non-stop except for sleep to unlock them all, try again to trigger a scene, get told (for the 3rd time) you don't meet the requirements, then give up? Just me?
Same here, i cant advancei can't buy a new bug from Bonnie, is it normal?
i have this too, everytime when i click on "skip" it skips a little and then directly in the main menu, when i load or start after this it crashI have similar problem but mine problem "it return main menu".
Si vous parlez de séduire le gardien du club, l'indice se trouve dans le journal des tâches. Vous devez vous habiller de manière sexy - tous les articles de la boutique qui indiquent « sexy » pour tous les emplacements, et pas de chapeau - et cela devrait se déclencher sans problème.
L'histoire du chapeau m'a dérouté pendant quelques soirées de jeu, haha.
Quels vêtements « sexy » devrait-elle porter ?
Est-ce qu'elle a une culotte et/ou un soutien-gorge ?
je suis toujours perdu...
Oh, wow. It's been a while since I've played with this thing, but from what I remember...Quels vêtements « sexy » devraient-elle porter ?
Est-ce qu'elle a une culotte et/ou un soutien-gorge ?
je suis toujours perdu....