I've been among the first people to support this project, I spent quite some money over time and really beleived they could do it... But frankly after all this time and seeing only spreadshits and them saying stuff like "Almost there !", "Final stretch !", "Next month we'll have something big !" only to get a new spreadshit explaining there was some bugfix, saddly I don't really expect this game to come out at any point...
I don't know what's wrong, either
HentaiWriter was too optimistic about the release date when the project started, or they are a perfectionist who can't accept to release a game that's not perfect. And a "perfect" game doesn't exist, it's one of the first things I learned as a dev, you HAVE to accept your game is flawed in some aspect and just release the thing at some point.
[EDIT] From what they told me, it's because they had tons of things planned and did not want to release the game without core content, maybe their eyes were bigger than their belly. All I hope is for them to prove me wrong and release this game I've been waiting like the messiah... And I say all that without any hard feeling.