
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017

The Cutscene Editor is done!

This is actually an old Patreon post, it’s been about a month since the Cutscene Editor was finished, but I wanted to make it known to the public that the Cutscene Editor is finished and working!
We’re still adding more features to it every day, but in the most recent release (v022) back at the start of the month, we had quite a few cutscenes (over 20 of them), with voice work coming to them soon as well.
Future builds will allow us to do even more customized cutscenes, and yes, there will be sex in them as well, and while there’s already branching choices/consequences for your choices in v022, the future builds will have even more choices/consequences as well.

In fact, cutscenes;
  • are affected by what order you run into them in
  • have different choices based on what you chose in previous cutscenes
  • can have more content if you return to the area the cutscene was originally at after leaving the room or doing something else
  • may not even show up at all based on what you picked or did earlier.
Additionally, v022 only has cutscenes affecting other cutscenes within the same level, so it's self-contained; the full game will have cutscenes that affect other cutscenes and events in other levels, so you might save someone in the Fire level who has a brother in the Electric level that's grateful for your actions, but the assassin who was trying to kill the guy in the Fire Level backstabs someone else even more important in the Earth Level as revenge for you spoiling their plot, for one example out of many.

As a last note, each choice you make in a cutscene (and even some outside of them!) will affect what ending you get, out of 7 “core” endings with 4 “variables” to each of those endings as well.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
ayatrolla New Member you only have one message did HentaiWriter make new acc to just lie to us? (back-up-acc?)

the fact is the game have around 3 years so if i recall you received like 10,000 dollars for the game every month
so you guys received around 360,000 dollars and only have around 50% of the game? that means the game will cost around 1,000,000 ((( 1 million dollars ))). LOL

you guys are doing the same as BREEDING SEASON, the developer got greed and just remake the game animations (((a hundred of times))) just to don't stop milking theyr patreons ...

they remake the animations a hundred of times just to extend the creation of the game as much as possible!!!!!

they released around 500 (five hundred) new "demos" just to remake some animations.

so what are you truly intent adding functions to game is just to extend the game development as long as possible too.
The mods can confirm that it's not me making the account; they joined months ago, anyways.
The game hasn't been out for 3 years, it's been 2 years, and we only got up to $10,000 around the start of 2017. Prior to that we were around $4500, we got a huge boost from the Newgrounds demo. Most of development was around $2,000-3,000 a month for 3 people.

And yes, believe it or not, games with significant quality and content do take quite a lot of money. We pay;
  • $500 per game over CG (there's 25 of them in the game)
  • $100 per minute of music in the game (there's already 40 minutes of music in the game with 5x that planned)
  • $2 per voice line (with thousands of those in the full game and hundreds already in the game)
  • $2-5 per sound effect (lots of those in the current builds too)
As well as of course us paying our bills/food/rent while we work on the game full time.

Breeding Season had no actual direction, as well as a host of other problems; what we're doing and what they did is completely different. We went into this with a game plan, design documents, a clear goal, and actual drive to make sure the game gets completed at all costs.

We also aren't "remaking the game animations" or "adding functions" besides what we already had planned out for the game since the start of the game's development, so I'm not sure where you're getting that, or any of the other baseless/factually incorrect assumptions in your post. As noted before, we've been progressing onwards with a new level every 3-5 months, with each level containing a pretty high amount of content and gameplay.

Breeding Season released countless demos, yes, but most of them had little to no progress. We have progress images at the start of each new demo listing specifically what has been added to the game, and usually I can't even fit it on one screen per each demo. As also noted before, we aren't releasing monthly demos to pad the game out, we're doing it to show progress; we're still easily on track to finish the game by the end of 2018 and we're wrapping up the Electric Level come November.

If you're a Patron and you feel you haven't had your money spent in a good way, please feel free to PM me on Patreon and I'll be happy to refund you in full. If we were really "greedy" and "just milking people", we wouldn't be offering this; we want to make a good game, period. The money helps us pay rent, food and bills while we work on these games, as well as afford external assets, but it's not the motivation; making a really great game is.
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New Member
Jul 7, 2017
There are links Lurking in the shadows. Keep up the good work. So long as there is progress and you're not Living in a box, I see no issues with the Current format of how You handle your game.
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Staff member
Dec 22, 2016
There are some accusations regarding multiple accounts in this thread; I've checked and no one in this thread is using multiple accounts (residential connections, no proxies or VPNs).

Please keep the discussions in good faith, debates, disagreements and discussion is more than welcome. But lets try avoid this thread descending into petty name calling.

After closer examination, these 3 accounts are the same person:
funnything / hentaiwriterisfool / aysdgaysdgsayd, banned.
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Jun 6, 2017
Developing games costs a massive amount of money. I heard that creating even shoto clone characters in fighting games can cost between 10k and 100k. Now imagine how much it costs to create something unique. It's insanity.


Engaged Member
Jun 5, 2017
I am Genuinely surprised no has posted any links to 022 yet. What happened to those friendly sharing rascals?
You can find download links to 0.22 online now. Pretty easy to find on Google. I haven't found a Mega link, but I could supply one if there is demand.


New Member
Jun 26, 2017
My first time posting and an admin posts! I'm both honored and intimidated, I didn't mean no trouble!

I apologize, I just get really riled up when folks complain about what is essentially for us FREE CONTENT. Creators are nice enough to put out these demos after the HOURS of work they do and folks still find a way to complain? It's free content! Free! Just enjoy it or walk away! I know I have no horse in this race but still gets under my skin.

Keep up the good work, HentaiWriter. You guys are one of the 3 projects I'm planning to support big time once I get my promotion at the end of the year :)
Aug 9, 2017
I need to know two things:
1 Is there a reset button in game or do I really have to close and restart the application to get a reset?
2 Is it possible to delete all save data?


Engaged Member
Jun 5, 2017
Just when you're about to post a Mega link yourself, someone beats you to it.

Anyway, here's some things to note about version 0.22. There are two doors in the starting area that you cannot access to begin with. One to the far left, and one in the bottom right. I haven't been able to get into the one in the bottom right, but the dialogue that triggers when you get near makes me think that there is a way. You can get into the one on the left, although you'll get a message that you shouldn't have been able to do so. There is nothing beyond that door. You need two power-ups in order to do it. One that reduces the effects of gravity, and one that boosts your jump.

As far as I know, there aren't any new animations in this demo compared to the one that came before it. There are some cutscenes, but I don't think there are any H-animations in those. If I'm wrong, please tell me. And we've seen all the enemies before, I think.

Goblina Lover

May 20, 2017
the one on the left can easily be accessed by using the boots and the fire dash, there's nothing there just message from the dev notifying you that you shouldn't be able to be there

dunno why the dev are surpised you manage to get there, they give you the tools in the starting area ( although they might have forgot about the fire dash ability since every time there's a jump that requires momentum the protgonist says "i could use the conveyor belt belts" in which i say "no" and use the fire dash)

as for the door on the right i don't know what to do


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
I need to know two things:
1 Is there a reset button in game or do I really have to close and restart the application to get a reset?
2 Is it possible to delete all save data?
There isn't a reset button in-game; you have to close/open the game to reset data, yeah. We might have a reset button built into future builds, but do note that due to the cutscenes that span consequences/changes over multiple levels and such, the full game won't have a reset button at all, but will have multiple save files.

So if you wanted to "reset" your game you would have to make or overwrite an existing save file, etc.

As far as I know, there aren't any new animations in this demo compared to the one that came before it. There are some cutscenes, but I don't think there are any H-animations in those. If I'm wrong, please tell me. And we've seen all the enemies before, I think.
This demo was mainly about the cutscenes (there's 20+ of them, try to find them!) and the full integration of 50% of the level's maps with all the enemies/traps/concepts that had been introduced in prior demos. So no, there's no new h-animations in this, but quite a few core storyline paths have now been blatantly shown in the game.

We didn't do the full 100% of the level's maps because we wanted to get feedback on the cutscenes/maps in general before creating the rest, and it's a good thing we did, because quite a few softlocks were found. I gotta say, once we get past the Electric Level, I'm gonna be pretty happy, because designing maps for this level (and cutscenes) has been a nightmare to make sure the levels are both fun but not breakable/softlock-able. I think once we wrap the level up though it'll be pretty free of softlocks, but we'll always be able to go back and change the maps if anyone finds any crazy ones during development still (or even after with patches).

dunno why the dev are surpised you manage to get there, they give you the tools in the starting area ( although they might have forgot about the fire dash ability since every time there's a jump that requires momentum the protgonist says "i could use the conveyor belt belts" in which i say "no" and use the fire dash)
We actually hadn't had powerups in the last three or four demos because we wanted players to focus on just the base additions to each build, so not only did we forget about how powerful those are when linked together, we also forgot about chaining 3+ fire dashes because internally we've been playing/testing a build that limits that (you'll see it in either this month's demo or the one after).

Outside of the Electric Level, there's only so much the powerups will let you do for sequence breaking/getting into areas you shouldn't, but for the Electric Level, with its gravity reversal and so many objects you can use as platforms with the freeze shot, the powerups added onto that make some really crazy sequence breaks possible.

So we probably won't nerf the powerups much at all, but we will sweep through them for extensive testing once all 50 powerups are in (right now only about 30 are in), probably sometime around the Earth Level as we won't have anymore core game mechanics/features to put in the game at that point and can focus on stuff like that.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017
here's a very short survey about what voice you think, just off of the brief bio i've given of her alone, this character would have; would appreciate it if you'd take it!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2016
Hee hentai Writer the new char vie whit sertain of her movements i can see doesnt wear panty's so whe can see her you know what lol
but i do like your game from what i have experienced and there isnt rly need for powerups at all maybe Double or triple jump but thats all i think


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 30, 2017

PROGRESS REPORT for September 8th, 2017

FrougeDev is working on the Electric Boss as well as an update to the Fire Level Public Demo!
Triangulate is continuing on Earth Level content!
I'm directing SilkyMilk with new voicework for the cutscenes, as well as getting a much wider variety of moans/sex noises and finishing off the Electric Level maps!
Rtil is continuing work on the Electric Level CGs!
Fuyarinpa is working on a few things on other projects, but he'll be back on Future Fragments within the next week or so!
Lewd K. is still knocking out SFX for the game!



Something we haven't really went into much was Vie's abilities; being that she's from the year 3000, and adapted to the technology of that era, she's magnitudes more powerful than say, two magicians from the year 1000.

It's a good thing she's (probably?) on your side then, as one of her core abilities is to digitize herself, allowing her to send her body/mind through any of the circuitry in any of the first three levels. This lets her effectively teleport to any part of those levels nearly instantly, which is why she seems to be everywhere at once!

It's not just the device she's tapping on that's causing this, either; her entire outfit is the height of technology in this era, and the device is simply tapping into the suit. (If you want a comparison, and you've watched ReBoot back in the day, her device is essentially "Glitch", if that makes more sense.)



I'm happy to say that the overall response to the Cutscenes being introduced was overwhelmingly positive, with around 80% of voters saying the cutscenes were a 4 or 5 out of 5, and only 5% felt they were anything lower than a 3!
I wanted to address some of the direct feedback though, as well as one question on the survey regarding the types of cutscenes you'd all like to see.
In regards to which cutscenes people would like to see more of, to no one's surprise, #1 was "custom sex scenes", and I'm happy to report that Triangulate and I are making multiple ones of those; in fact, we plan for every level to have two Talia and two Faye scenes that are specifically designed for those levels, and any other scenes where sex is involved will involve enemies that have had their sex animations and designs slightly altered.

For example, in the Ice Level, we might have a special "Commander Celodst" that has special adornments and an extra set of arms that only shows up for a particular cutscene, using a slightly modified version of the Tall Celodst's #1 clothed sex animation.

It will of course take time to implement/create these animations, but they are definitely being worked on and will be in the final release, even if they're not all in next month's demo at once!
Next up, people voted for, in order from most to least;
  • Character Development
  • Easter Eggs
  • Main Plot-Based
  • Comedic-themed
  • World-building
  • Dark-themed
  • Other
The votes between these were pretty close, but one thing I wanted to address was one particular response someone left under "other";

"This is perhaps a more stylistic perspective, but I think the dark-themed scenes should be heavily discouraged against in a game like this."

The comment goes on to mention that the vibe of the game is light, and getting too violent/intense might off-put the feel of the game. While I do agree about violence, and there won't ever be any bloodletting or permanent injuries to Talia (or Faye or Vie for that matter), I do want to make it clear that the actual storyline of this game is somewhat dark.

Among the three games I'm working on, this is probably the middle-ground (with actually being lighter than this game and being darker).
That said, it probably DOES come off as light-hearted to a lot of you, and that is intentional also. So, how is the game both dark and light at the same time?

My intent is that if you play through the game at a surface level, it SHOULD come off as light, even comedic at times, and shouldn't really appear to be too dark or gritty.

However, if you actually read into the databanks and pay attention to certain visual/audible subtexts that are already in the game and more of them that we've got planned, you'll notice a lot of the darker tones I've worked into the game.

This is done intentionally so that people who want to just enjoy a fun platformer and not have to read a lot of depressing/negative/darker stuff can do so, they can enjoy the cutscenes (most of which will be a lot lighter than the databanks) and the game should still be fun and enjoyable to play through and engage with at that level. If you want to read about all the shitty stuff the WORM has done though, or just how shitty it is in the future in general, you're free to take that up yourself. This way, nothing negative/dark is forced on the player, but that content IS available there for those who want to go looking for it.
Now, for a few more quick responses to questions/feedback from the survey;
  • "I would like a function to enlarge the map, so I can see where I've been where I haven't. I can't find that last cutscene with Vie."
We have this already planned for the ESC menu; you should see an empty area on it, and that's where the gigantic map for the level will go!
  • "The Grunt vs. Spiderbot conundrum isn't very compelling to me due to it being a clearly random choice, I'm given no prior clue either way to encourage me to have Talia decide one way or the other... feels really arbitrary."
This is intentional; not every cutscene will have a very clear cut choice, but if this were the full game, you would have probably had a lot of experience with Grunts who were actually Rebel Soldiers. Combine that with the fact that the Grunt DIDN'T attack you, despite the JumperBot having made it obvious that you'd worked out a deal of some sort with them (and thus if the JumperBot was really something the Grunt was seeking to destroy, he would have tried to kill you too), and you'll be able to have more weight based around your choice.

Speaking of your choices, you'll gain points in a variety of "categories", from "violence" to "naivete" to "loyalty" and so on depending on the choices you make. Whatever you have the most points in out of those categories will be the ending you get at the end of the game.

For this specific cutscene, there is no real "best choice"; it depends on whether you wanted info on Seeber enough to kill an innocent man, or if you wanted to destroy a malicious JumperBot that could have been feeding you false information. There is no "correct answer" for a good deal of the cutscenes in the game, actually, as your "good choice" early on might result in a "bad result" later on.

That said, your choices aren't arbitrary, as noted above with the endings, and you won't just get some ending at random; your choices will add up over the span of the game to get you an ending that is pretty relevant to your overall behavior/choices.
  • "I felt that the dialogue from the jumpbot after refusing to help him was too crass, like he broke character."
This is another way you can tell that the JumperBot is up to no good; he DID break character, in this case, the "character" that he had been putting on for you as an act, acting weak and cordial to you in an attempt to get what he wanted from you. This won't be the last time a character does this, so watch out for it.
  • "Levels feel pretty flat in terms of lighting and shading, effects don't seem to give off light, or even glow, and there really doesn't feel like a lot of shadows."
This is something we've had plans to fix for a long time with the dynamic lighting engine; we'll be adding that sometime during the Electric Level.
  • "Also, I don't know but both the protagonists sound kind of bratty with all the swearing. Like teenagers trying to look adult."
Believe it or not, they only swear around 10 times within the demo out of around 150 lines of dialogue. That said, "teenagers trying to look adult" IS exactly what I'm going for here; Talia and Faye are from the year 1000, brought into the year 3000 and completely unable to process a good deal of what's going on due to it just being so far over their heads.

When we get into situations that we feel are out of our control, we cope with it in different ways; a common way for that is for people to curse as as show of dominance/boasting, to not make it obvious that they're afraid. Since Talia and Faye don't want to show this side of themselves to one another, as well as simply hating one another, they curse like that when talking to each other. (You'll notice that Talia hardly, if at all, curses when in any of the other cutscenes in the game.)

A few people commented on this though, so I will try to tone down the cursing a bit between them, but it's still going to stay for the above reasons.
  • "Please, PLEASE read this! I highly suggest that you don't make the same mistake as Star Wars did and make the game totally based off fan ideas and suggestions."
Not to worry; while we heavily value feedback, and it HAS changed the game in small ways quite a few times, the overall vision of the game/gameplay/storyline isn't something we're going to have get steamrolled by backer requests. Notably though, I'd probably say less than 1 out of every 100 comments we get about suggestions for the game are outright "ridiculous" ones; the majority are either things we already planned to implement or are actually pretty neat ideas that we do end up implementing without negatively affecting the game.
  • "Possibility of a check list of rooms from the minimap like the name of the room and its picture in the pause menu"
Speaking of suggestions we already had planned, you'll notice on the ESC menu that there is a section on the far left already setup for this; you'll be able to replay any databanks/cutscenes you've already seen, which will be organized by the map you found them on as well as the level.
Any cutscenes/databanks you've missed will be greyed out, but they will have location information on them so you'll know what map they're on; as far as how to trigger them though or where they're at on the map, that's up to you to find out!



As a small quality of life update, Triangulate's done icons for the right side of the main Patreon page for the Reward Tiers, and I've streamlined the reward info as well for them so it's not as much to read.



Later this month/early in October, we're planning to release an upgrade to the demo at Newgrounds for the Fire Level!

This upgrade will contain;
  • Redone cutscene dialogue
  • Intro cinematic
  • New GUI (the GUI we have now)
  • The first Game Over CG scene for the Fire Boss
  • all new audio by SilkyMilk for Talia
  • Parallax scrolling backgrounds
If you're wondering why we're not implementing things like the cinematic and parallax in the current demo, it's because Triangulate got the art done for those long ago for the Fire Level, but we haven't had time to implement it due to rushing to get the cutscene editor out, etc.

All of the new content will of course be in the final game too, so this just gets us closer to the finished game!

This will also serve as a public testbed for all of the above concepts, so when the upgraded demo is out, we'll be sure to let you all know! (Note that Patreon demos take priority over this of course, so we'll be focusing on making sure the core Electric Level demo is ready before focusing on the Fire Level upgrade.)


The next demo, v023, will be out September 30th, and will have a number of improvements and additions :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at and .)
3.70 star(s) 89 Votes