4.50 star(s) 17 Votes


New Member
Aug 26, 2021
the game does not detect the meta quest 3 when connected to the pc with Virtual Desktop ? Not compatible ?
Try Steam Link app.

Add the game to your steam library, execute steam link and select the game in your VR steam library.


Active Member
Aug 6, 2019
Improved lighting is going to be great. Lighting makes or breaks 3D games.
If I could kneel to any poster it would be this one. This and good materials. So many games using pbr have horrific lighting that totally negates half the maps.


New Member
Jun 20, 2021
is anyone else having an issue where when you go to select a scene/location, none of the maps show up and you can't start a scene? Anyone have a fix?


New Member
Dec 24, 2021
HAH, I haven't had the patreon for 8 months, but their bot never took away my alpha-release channel access in the discord until now, I used to get completely free sneak peaks and releases pretty much.


New Member
Mar 21, 2022
hello buddy!
there you can upload any stuffs following these fileservice...


thanks for your works!

can i integrate this in my skin pack?
i already managed some here:

i am still alive i just don't make previews/post...
i complete ripping the entire goat discord channel from customskins....
now i just need to fix some/edits some stuff...is like 95% done....
last WIP is this: scroll down a LOT
now i need just the time to pack an upload.....12.6gb!!!
is ready for downloads!

surely! just give me a bit to upload. I'm not on here every day and I have finals to study for. Feel free to edit as I literally made it in a couple of hours with MS paint on a whim, so it definitely not "professional" lol


Apr 14, 2020

Update v2.0 - In new light
5 hours ago

Initially I planned to save the graphic update for the 2nd year anniversary, but I see no point in holding back an update, when every character have been rebuilt/reworked for 2.0.

Since this update used up all my time and sanity, I could not make new content this month, so enjoy your favorite characters in new light! (For now)

More details in the previous WIP posts(if you missed it):

Key features
  • Updated Unity and render pipeline version
  • Enchanced shading and lighting
  • All characters have been rebuilt to fully support the updated visuals
  • Overlay UI - an UI that stays always on top, even in VR
  • Eye-glow adjust option for characters, if the character allows, you can even choose between full glow or pupil glow.
  • A new expression subsystem that allows the game to generate more varied expressions(It can't be implemented on all characters, only a few supports this currently)

    Full list of character updates here if you care:

All updates/changes:
-Added SSAO toggle(Screen space ambient occlusion)
-Added HDR toggle(Use it to tune down blooming effects)
-Adjustable screen sharpening
-Added "Open skin folder" button above skin selection, which opens the characters current folder in desktop
-Some default custom skins have been updated with PupilGlow texture for the new Eye glow system
-Night vision and Pixelate filter,Head mounted flashlight option added to Graphics & Visuals
-Shininess setting is saved for all character
-Custom skin loading bugfix,saved skin ID stored correctly
-Emission map override support, enabling reskinning of glowy characters like Prototype
-Selected outfit is saved for next session
-Partner skins & body options merged into one panel
-Since I rebuilt every character, archived ones are moved back to the main folder
-Toned down the loud BJ and penetration sounds a bit
Known issues:
In the main menu, the buttons may appear before the fade out effect ends,due to the overlay UI effect.
-Some maps have a few problems due to the update, but nothing game breaking. The worst is the Forest with some white textures, others missing some graphics elements, like seagulls from the beach. Maps have not been rebuilt with the 2.0 system, so that will probably solve the map related issues later.

Links at the usual place:

Next steps:
I'm kinda tired of Unity, so I take a short break. Then return with new characters on the anniversary, which will be on May 12th. I will most likely release all the remaning poll winners in May.

I hope you like the new visuals/features, and see you later on the Anniversary!


Jun 20, 2021
FYI to everyone: Kemono’s importers haven’t been active the past couple of weeks, (seems to be a storage update or something on their end,) so we’ll have to wait for an actual patron to drop a link for us until those get back up, because the ones on there now just go to the download for 1.9.5.


Active Member
Sep 23, 2017
GOAT VR Custom Skin Edits Pack EXTRA EDIT AGAIN???

Mangle ORIGINAL> Mangle MY EDIT v2>Mangle MY EDIT v3

made it separated from the main skinpack release because well...
i feel this way..... i dont' want to mess up the pack with this...

finally got rid of all skins with double colors on pussy areas!!!
and wow is much more sexy this way!!!

if you want you can keep v2...
but i only cares for v3 from now on!!!

place here:
[GOAT VR] Gallery of Ambitious Talents Art Enjoyer v1.9.5\Content\Custom Skins\actress_roxy2

salut an take care
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Sep 28, 2022
GOAT VR Custom Skin Edits Pack EXTRA EDIT

integrated the new skins from Foxgal777
View attachment 3571037
Rose Gold Roxy v2> Rose Gold MY EDIT>Tan & Brown Roxy v2
made it separated from the main skinpack release because well...
i feel this way..... i dont' want to rob him for this.....

what happen to you??? did you got burnout???
Feb 27, 2024 after a least 2 month from this......
I've just been busy with some other stuff for a while. Recently I've been doing skins for American Truck Simulator for my wife. I'll get back to GOAT mods in a bit :3


Active Member
Sep 23, 2017
v2.0 Complete

v2.0 Updater
Mega (You must have 1.9.5)

VirtualUnreality is the password
so finally was able to test this new 2.0 new graphics....
men looks super great!!!
but also is super heavy now!!!
is in slow motion now even at medium details thanks to dinamic shadows....

so for potato pc is LOW your new friend!!!
SSAO and HDR does no impact so heavy as the dynamic shadows ...nice!

for the new textures of the eyes...
well is a long way to make all the PupilGlow new texture for all these actress

for this pupil glows i also need to make some serious tests for see the reaction of the colors if is the wrong/different one....
also what if i make that negative or desatured???
or just keep this default for all the different colours?? maybe we can found a new way to do eyes colours tricks!!!
need a lost test to see his limits and potencials!!!
Snap2.jpg also i have to copy/paste in black blackgrounds a LOTS of STUFFs!!!! ahh i made so many new eyes!!!

or just wait than he will implements the eyes colours features... mhh no idea about....

there is always some new edits to make......


UPDATE so i have found 2 BAD things:

1° the ram usage really sky rocket with this update......
10gb is now too much low for this....you can easy reach 100% now....

2° the modular SKINS loading system than i have discovered in the last build is now GONE!!!
most of the skins from skinpack v1.9.5 are now incompatible WTF!!!
so if you want to use it you must Rebuild it using the same system i used up to 1.9.4....
because if you put only a file in the skinfolder and load it......
the game will override your actual skin with the default one!!!! AH AH

so for me...
i will not' use 2.0 anymore because i dont want to make 200 variant for each actress for combining eyes+skins....
luckly the game is modular so i can stay with 1.9.5 even if they release the new actress/positions !!!YEAH!!!

i will keep EDIT/making MODULAR skins for 1.9.5 in the future that's for sure!!!!
Last edited:

Garwaron(GOAT VR)

New Member
Nov 11, 2023
Dev here
Sadly I had to modify the custom skin loading system to apply the default skin first, then apply the changed textures.
This was because the previous system had some nasty bugs in with some characters that relied on built in material skins.

I think the system can be extended with a method that allows custom skins to not reload the default skin,therefore it would work like it worked before.
If you have questions, you can find me on discord with the name "garwaron",I only check this site to see the reviews.


Active Member
Aug 6, 2019
Dev here
Sadly I had to modify the custom skin loading system to apply the default skin first, then apply the changed textures.
This was because the previous system had some nasty bugs in with some characters that relied on built in material skins.

I think the system can be extended with a method that allows custom skins to not reload the default skin,therefore it would work like it worked before.
If you have questions, you can find me on discord with the name "garwaron",I only check this site to see the reviews.
Question for the dev, say I wanted to add or change a normal map for some customs, is there any way to do that? For example I did a custom skin for anka (haven't uploaded it anywhere yet) However I notice the base has no slots for it or anything so I'm assuming there is no way to make it that way in the game either. I suppose that would be a bit complicated to change materials on the fly or their types right?

I am just posting this on the off chance you do take a peek here again. Great game by the way. Simple concept but really good execution.

My other rec is a toaster room that is the exact same as the virtual desktop but with the color able to be changed. I can run the game fine but I know some would do good being able to just disable backgroups completely in a box room or something.


New Member
Feb 10, 2022
If you have questions, you can find me on discord with the name "garwaron",I only check this site to see the reviews.
I'll never go on discord but here's my review: you're doing great, I would love to see more eye contact and support for modding how the game interacts with IRL toys
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4.50 star(s) 17 Votes