It worked, I mistakenly hit the full screen button and it no longer fixed it the other way, setting it to 8 bits ifI use Windows 10
I fix the black screen with K-LITE Standard and Megamix LAV Filters(idk which one is work, just install all of it :v). After that I also Run in Windows 7 and 8 bit color compatibility. Also based on my experience DON'T TRY TO PLAY THIS GAME ON FULLSCREEN or the black screen gonna come back. Hope this work for u
Ty knight, you arrrsommeee!Don't think there is aYou must be registered to see the linksof this.
I have tried doing that in the properties of the .exe program and is not working, and Im having the exact same problem as the screen stays dark and the mouse just gets stuck in the loading circle.I know I'm quite late to this forum but for anyone having issued with the black 'Now Loading' screen, I've found that reducing the colour mode to 16-bit in the compatibility settings fixed the issue.
This one Works for me...i just google "lav megamix" and install it and change the exe file nameMade an account just to post this.
First I download Lav filters Megamix, 32bit. Being 32bit I think that what is important because the game is 32bit.
Secondly I removed the " -eng" from the exe file, now it reads just "IntouYuugiOmega".
Now it works flawlessly as well as other umemaro games.