@Teron I guess its the intention you'll have to keep searching for NPCs and not get their location handfed. However, everything's too sterile. I'd advocate for some random stuff being displayed, like stack of documents in the lab or a 'wandering' tv remote & TV magazine. Later... underwear.
also, PLEASE never ever again end a story at a "looking forward to..." junction like sis' saturday party (btw, is that one proccing on every sat?)
Not an intention exactly just a limitation currently. Eventually there'll be a log/journal that'll indicate where you are with each character, for example;
"Lexi has asked me to go to a party with her on Saturday, Evening. I should meet her outside the villa at that time."
Three criticisms.
1) This game is threadbare for a .3-something release, and what we have now is already showing signs of content bloat. Having a story where the character can be two genders tacks on a lot of work, especially for a first time developer, and it's painfully obvious that you have quite a bit in mind (the game has shades of Son of a Bitch, The Company, and every other incest-based "You're coming home to visit your family after a long time!" game on this site) but not enough groundwork to really...demonstrate how your idea is going to evolve from your basic premise. Yes, there's enough of a story thread here with hinting at the secrets behind Lance + the father's company, and the inclusion of the Dom/Sub mechanic, and working for your father to make psychotropic drugs; but, like Fulcrum commented above me: everything else is all too sterile.
It feels like there should be more in terms of how I can interact with the game, or at least more events if we're going to be introduced to five different family members right off the bat--like, in my opinion, there absolutely needs to be more available to do at home with the family before the game starts having events take place outside of the house. Which leads me to:
2) You need to flesh out your characters more, and give a more clear reasoning behind why our protagonist is such a pervert right off the bat. If you're going to have the game keep track of how much each family member "loves" us, then there absolutely needs to be more going on at home, first, to give us a better sense of who these characters are--as it stands right now, the two characters we can most interact with right now--Cory and Molly--can basically be summed up in stereotypes. That, and how we can interact with them at the moment (perving on your sister for no reason, or doing chores for your mother so you can then perv on her) doesn't add a lot of dimension to them; both of them disappear from the house during certain periods, for example, but there's no real explanation as to why. Like--
Okay, what I mean with this is that, basically, if we take a game like Son of a Bitch--for example--it really feels like the characters have lives outside of how the player can interact with them. The mother does things that aren't influenced by the player, like date and have a social life, while the player is also allowed insight into the "Bitchy" sister's character and how it changes by, say, seeing how she goes from sunbathing fully-clothed to then sunbathing half-naked after you start corrupting her. Stuff like that absolutely should be demonstrated to the player in real, directly-tied-to-the-gameplay ways, or else these characters and your story just feel flat and one-dimensional.
3) You absolutely need to give a better indicator that doing X will lead to Y, at least where Molly's next storyline step after fixing her laptop and starting the lingerie shoots is concerned. I don't know if I broke something, or if the number of times you have to do that particular event is very high, but after ten practice sessions nothing more happened. Her love score stayed at 1. (Most of the other fun "surprises" that happen are all easy to predict.)
I know this game is just starting out, but having a tighter idea of who these characters are, how they interact with the world regardless of the player, and focusing on one area of game at a time, will only benefit you in the long run.
(Normally, I wouldn't comment so much on a game that's only on .3v, but you're using three of my favorite pornstars here lmao)
Firstly, thank you for the detailed feedback. It is always helpful to see how the people playing my game feel about it (even if it does appear to only be the negative aspects, I hope you are having positive experiences as well!

I think you may be being a little bit harsh with your expectations for a 0.3 release, especially when comparing to games with the size and scope already implemented in them like Son of a Bitch and The Company, granted I never played them in their earliest releases but I can't imagine they were anything like they are now back then. You do go on to mention why your expectations are higher and that's OK, I get that people who are big fans of the main characters in this game want to see a solid story involving them, trust me, I'm one of those fans.
Explaining my thought process for writing the content may clear things up with regards to your comments on focus and fleshing out characters - My intention is to introduce the main characters of the game who will all, in one way or another, take part in the main storyline. If I chose to focus primarily on one particular storyline to completion or even to the next primary chapter then the others would likely make little sense in comparison so I'll be introducing everyone early on and then I'll be fleshing the main characters out more - such as Cory going shopping on Saturdays or Lexi attending college throughout the week between the 'Early Morning' and 'Evening' game times. I do have a large scope in mind and I'm glad some of the pieces are being picked up but I don't have any doubts about whether or not I can pull it off.
With regards to non-story related content, this kind of stuff doesn't take me too long to add and doesn't detract from the main storyline work. If you take a game like Big Kuyash or Girl Life for example, there is tons of non-story content that is essentially self contained, similar to the old town scenes or the gloryhole scenes in my game - I think that this kind of content is important to have along with the main story content as I'm certain many gamers here enjoy that kind of stuff as well as pushing ahead with the story. True, it'll likely not feel as organic as the main story will eventually but for me, that's OK.
Regarding the main character I think that's a personal preference you have to have intentions explained but at the end of the day the choice is yours to perv, you don't have to.

If I'm honest, I've never played a game that presented the journey from innocence to incestual degenerate in a good way, it either takes too long to get to why I'm actually playing the game or the jump from good brother to sister fucker happens suddenly.
Finally re Molly - The 0.3.1 version has a bit of an issue with Molly's photoshoot, if you run through it a few times before returning the laptop it can bug out and you can't proceed to the final set of photos for this version. In hindsight it was probably a mistake to include that part in the update, the code was written a couple of months ago for that part and I enabled it as something of an afterthought for this release, I'll be revisiting it for the next release.
Games with an agenda.
All the stuff you don't want to see are easily unlocked without warning.
All the stuff you want to see are seemingly impossible to unlock or "not yet finished"
Logical progression does not seem to apply to parts of the story you are interested in.
I don't really follow - what do you want to see and what don't you want to see?
I've tried to write everything with intentions being either clearly defined or be a consequence of stupidity, such as joining a bunch of random strangers in the street for a drink in their dingy ass apartment. The only thing you will be explicitly warned about is NTR content as I am aware that many gamers here have quite strong reactions to that.
Thanks for all the feedback, all of it is noted and considered when moving ahead - I'm cracking on with the 0.4 work now but I will be uploading a 0.3.2 version soon that will fix the Molly photo issue and any other bugs that get reported between now and then.