VN Ren'Py Completed Gargoyles, The beast and the Bitch [Alx & Khronos]

4.30 star(s) 6 Votes


Jul 3, 2017

First: the elephant in the room.
Some of you have asked why I put everything private over the weekend.

Two of the creators that I follow got shut down this weekend and since I suspected that it was because some of their public post shows NSFW material, I’ve put everything behind the paywall to make sure they couldn’t say I’m exposing youth to unsuitable material. The weekly updates will remain public , but I will move them to the private section every few weeks, just in case Patreon ask me to do so, it won’t take me hours. That being said, I could have warned you guys before, Sorry!


Got a new build to test !!! I'll be cheeking it tonight.

It’s mostly to make sure all my text fits in the narration box, but hey, that is progress ^^ I’ll take it!


What a week!
While the Comic was just a way for me to put something out while we wait for the game so that I wouldn’t lose to any of you, June, so far, has seen one of the biggest intake on new patrons since I started this page. I hope to see you guys stick around. So yeah, I’m sticking with it ^^ The games will continue of course, but Comics will be a steady part of my production from now on and I got until BVB2 is out to figure out how I’m gonna juggle between them.

Which bring me to the poll. Something weird happen there: When I created the pool, I had put a cutoff date to Saturday the 9th. I cheeked the result, early Sunday and started working on the sketches. But today, I realized that voting is still possible for some reason, and, of course, the winner has changed. This explain why MY winner of the poll do not correspond to the pool as it is published right now :/ I’m not ignoring your decision. In fact, my vote went to the Star Wars comic, but the poll had decided otherwise. Next time, I’ll write down the cutoff date in the title, in case something like that happens again.

And the winner is ( by only 2 votes )

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I worked a long time recreating that logo, pretty proud of it ^^

Due to its nature, I won’t be able to post any of it on Patreon or HU… but you guys should know by now that I have a page on HF where all my free stuff is easily available.

I'll finish the sketches and research tonight, than I have a short 2 page reward comic for one of my general that was promises a LONG TIME AGO and finally work will start on the new book with the cover posted, hopefully, Saturday.

There is a lot of comics coming! ^^
See you guys soon


I exist.
Respected User
Aug 5, 2016
Probably one of the better Patreons out there. Soon as this ones done we'll be getting it on the site. Truthfully, I'm probably gonna just head to HF and ask if he'd be willing to take a look at our site and see if he'd like to add it himself.

That or not, i forgot people were shit talking him in the early days of the forum. And by HF, he doesn't mean HongFire, he means HentaiFoundry where I first found this game.


Game Developer
Aug 26, 2017
Hey guys,
Alx here,
the fat lazy Canadian for some of you … don’t worry we’re cool. I am well aware of the fact that this game has been delayed like crazy.

I’ve been a member of the forum for a while actually but did very little in interaction. I discovered a few gems here, Patreons that I now support, but I was never narcissistic enough to search for my own game ^^ I’ve been offered to join tonight, so, why not! I’ll be sure to send you a copy of the game as soon as it’s ready to go (in fact, I was thinking along those lines before I was asked)

Anyways, I might as well, answer a few issues I read about, while I’m here:

1st, I never lied to my patrons. Not my style… In fact I have a tendency to over share. The “excuses” I gave where always the truth. My approach is this: These guys trust me enough to support me, be least I can do is being honest with them 100% of the way. If I’m sick and can’t work, I tell them. Also, yes, you guys did nailed the mosque shooting. I use to live a few blocks from there. So yeah, I was in shock that night and I did over react. And I did struggle with a fit of depression after I busted both my ankles while practicing for a dance competition ( I'm a rockabilly dancer and a burlesque performer as well as a porn artist ) and gain a shit load of weight because of it… But the last thing I wanna do is pull a Spoony on them and disappear without an explanation, so I explained... maybe a little to much for some.

2nd: I don’t see Patreon as an investment. This is not a kick starter. This is the equivalent of a tip jare and get some spare changes while I perform, days after days, weeks after weeks. It is my main line of income and I can FINALLY pay the rent and groceries with it. Yes, I hope to be able to pay my programmer with it someday. But rest assure, I am not waiting to reach 2000$ to release the game. That goal was arbitrarily chosen when I first started the page as the point, I tough, I could do it full time. If you’ve been following me, you’ll know I went full time long ago and I’m still pretty far form that goal. I'm only taking a contact here and there, if, for some reason, I need to tie up loose ends, other wise I am full time on my games and comics..

3rd, the game. It’s coming ( I’m crossing fingers ). We are at the debugging stage. My part is done: The script, the texts, the art. It’s in Khronos hands at the moment. Sadly, a few months ago, his life took a crazy turn ( this is his private life so I won’t say more about it ). He seems fine, but he has a shit load on his plate at the moment. Even though we only know each others online, the guy has always been there for me, and the least I can do is let him work through it at his own pace and not push him. He’s doing this for free ( I did offered him money by the way, He turned it down). I am honestly in the dark as if he’ll stick with me for Hogwarts afterward. I hope he will, he's GOOD! and a very nice guy, but I got other offers if he decides not to. We’ll see.

At first I tough starting work on the next game while we waited was a good idea, and I did for about 2 month ( mostly scripting ), but I started to receive some complaints, which I totally understood… Starting work on a third project while still not showing any signs of progress on BvB2 was not a good move for me. This is why I moved to comics for the time being. To get stuff out, something I could produce all by my self and that my supporters would enjoy. It actually worked great. Everyone seems happy with it and June, so far, looks like it’s going to be the 3rd best influx of new supporter since the beginning of 2015, even though all I was hoping for was to retain those I already had.

You gotta understand something. My patreons was never a cash grab for me. I was truly interested to work on xxx games for YEARS before starting that page, I use to spend hours writhing down concept and ideas. But I knew the amount of time I would have to spend on a game was too important for me to be able to have a day job and/or a shit load of commission at the same time. So I never did until Akabur wrote me and convinced me that this was the way to do it. I never planned for BvB2 to spiral out of control as it did. But I’m truly grateful for the supporters that stuck with me through all the ups and down, making it happen. This is why, all my stuff is free. Why I’m not asking for promo by others creators while I give as many shout out as I can to spread my luck. And no, I don’t plan to have tiers for the next one either, even if it’s going to be separated by chapters. Everything will be release for all my patrons first, no matter how much they gave, and free for all the month after that.

No, I still have no Idea when Khronoss will be done. But I know he’s doing what he can, when he can. Meanwhile I’ll continue with the comics, which seems to do the trick for my supporters.

Thank you for your interest in my work, I'll make sure to pop up now and than to keep you guys updated

See you guys, hopefully, soon!


Hey guys,
Alx here,
the fat lazy Canadian for some of you … don’t worry we’re cool. I am well aware of the fact that this game has been delayed like crazy.

I’ve been a member of the forum for a while actually but did very little in interaction. I discovered a few gems here, Patreons that I now support, but I was never narcissistic enough to search for my own game ^^ I’ve been offered to join tonight, so, why not! I’ll be sure to send you a copy of the game as soon as it’s ready to go (in fact, I was thinking along those lines before I was asked)

Anyways, I might as well, answer a few issues I read about, while I’m here:

1st, I never lied to my patrons. Not my style… In fact I have a tendency to over share. The “excuses” I gave where always the truth. My approach is this: These guys trust me enough to support me, be least I can do is being honest with them 100% of the way. If I’m sick and can’t work, I tell them. Also, yes, you guys did nailed the mosque shooting. I use to live a few blocks from there. So yeah, I was in shock that night and I did over react. And I did struggle with a fit of depression after I busted both my ankles while practicing for a dance competition ( I'm a rockabilly dancer and a burlesque performer as well as a porn artist ) and gain a shit load of weight because of it… But the last thing I wanna do is pull a Spoony on them and disappear without an explanation, so I explained... maybe a little to much for some.

2nd: I don’t see Patreon as an investment. This is not a kick starter. This is the equivalent of a tip jare and get some spare changes while I perform, days after days, weeks after weeks. It is my main line of income and I can FINALLY pay the rent and groceries with it. Yes, I hope to be able to pay my programmer with it someday. But rest assure, I am not waiting to reach 2000$ to release the game. That goal was arbitrarily chosen when I first started the page as the point, I tough, I could do it full time. If you’ve been following me, you’ll know I went full time long ago and I’m still pretty far form that goal. I'm only taking a contact here and there, if, for some reason, I need to tie up loose ends, other wise I am full time on my games and comics..

3rd, the game. It’s coming ( I’m crossing fingers ). We are at the debugging stage. My part is done: The script, the texts, the art. It’s in Khronos hands at the moment. Sadly, a few months ago, his life took a crazy turn ( this is his private life so I won’t say more about it ). He seems fine, but he has a shit load on his plate at the moment. Even though we only know each others online, the guy has always been there for me, and the least I can do is let him work through it at his own pace and not push him. He’s doing this for free ( I did offered him money by the way, He turned it down). I am honestly in the dark as if he’ll stick with me for Hogwarts afterward. I hope he will, he's GOOD! and a very nice guy, but I got other offers if he decides not to. We’ll see.

At first I tough starting work on the next game while we waited was a good idea, and I did for about 2 month ( mostly scripting ), but I started to receive some complaints, which I totally understood… Starting work on a third project while still not showing any signs of progress on BvB2 was not a good move for me. This is why I moved to comics for the time being. To get stuff out, something I could produce all by my self and that my supporters would enjoy. It actually worked great. Everyone seems happy with it and June, so far, looks like it’s going to be the 3rd best influx of new supporter in 5 years even though all I was hoping for was to retain those I already had.

You gotta understand something. My patreons was never a cash grab for me. I was truly interested to work on xxx games for YEARS before starting that page, I use to spend hours writhing down concept and ideas. But I knew the amount of time I would have to spend on a game was too important for me to be able to have a day job and/or a shit load of commission at the same time. So I never did until Akabur wrote me and convinced me that this was the way to do it. I never planned for BvB2 to spiral out of control as it did. But I’m truly grateful for the supporters that stuck with me through all the ups and down, making it happen. This is why, all my stuff is free. Why I’m not asking for promo by others creators while I give as many shout out as I can to spread my luck. And no, I don’t plan to have tiers for the next one either, even if it’s going to be separated by chapters. Everything will be release for all my patrons first, no matter how much they gave, and free for all the month after that.

No, I still have no Idea when Khronoss will be done. But I know he’s doing what he can, when he can. Meanwhile I’ll continue with the comics, which seems to do the trick for my supporters.

Thank you for your interest in my work, I'll make sure to pop up now and than to keep you guys updated

See you guys, hopefully, soon!
Ok, I'll admit that I have a weakness for rockabilly burlesque porn artists, there are far too few of them in the world!

Burn she-devil, burn burn she-devil, burn burn she-devil burn she-devil burn burn burn she's a hootch dancer down underground one hot flame pot she-hellhound burn she-devil, burn red pointy tail, big black mass burn your fingers on her hot ass burn she-devil, burn... crotchless panties, breakaway bra warlock antlers, monkey paw burn she-devil, burn... they're all horny down below and she's the reason they all go... "burn she-devil, burn..."
-The Cramps-

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Sep 14, 2017
You have a tremendous talent. That can be said by how fast you do the comic for the SW. But games as a more complex project that requires teamwork is something that can be improved from the technical perspective.
All this time i thought you know Khronos in person and you be like friends or something.

This is your work, your art, your business. But if i were you i'd do as much as possible from my side to decrease the level of positive reinforcing PR and repeating the same core values that you stand by at Patreon and here now.
Overexplaining stuff puts you in a bit of guilty position which is obviously has nothing to do with your work.

But involving more people to work on projects in parallel may do the trick. I am sure you had a lot of offers for help with coding but for some reason you refused that while in long perspective you could benefit from it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2016
Hey guys,
Alx here,
the fat lazy Canadian for some of you … don’t worry we’re cool. I am well aware of the fact that this game has been delayed like crazy.

I’ve been a member of the forum for a while actually but did very little in interaction. I discovered a few gems here, Patreons that I now support, but I was never narcissistic enough to search for my own game ^^ I’ve been offered to join tonight, so, why not! I’ll be sure to send you a copy of the game as soon as it’s ready to go (in fact, I was thinking along those lines before I was asked)

Anyways, I might as well, answer a few issues I read about, while I’m here:

1st, I never lied to my patrons. Not my style… In fact I have a tendency to over share. The “excuses” I gave where always the truth. My approach is this: These guys trust me enough to support me, be least I can do is being honest with them 100% of the way. If I’m sick and can’t work, I tell them. Also, yes, you guys did nailed the mosque shooting. I use to live a few blocks from there. So yeah, I was in shock that night and I did over react. And I did struggle with a fit of depression after I busted both my ankles while practicing for a dance competition ( I'm a rockabilly dancer and a burlesque performer as well as a porn artist ) and gain a shit load of weight because of it… But the last thing I wanna do is pull a Spoony on them and disappear without an explanation, so I explained... maybe a little to much for some.

2nd: I don’t see Patreon as an investment. This is not a kick starter. This is the equivalent of a tip jare and get some spare changes while I perform, days after days, weeks after weeks. It is my main line of income and I can FINALLY pay the rent and groceries with it. Yes, I hope to be able to pay my programmer with it someday. But rest assure, I am not waiting to reach 2000$ to release the game. That goal was arbitrarily chosen when I first started the page as the point, I tough, I could do it full time. If you’ve been following me, you’ll know I went full time long ago and I’m still pretty far form that goal. I'm only taking a contact here and there, if, for some reason, I need to tie up loose ends, other wise I am full time on my games and comics..

3rd, the game. It’s coming ( I’m crossing fingers ). We are at the debugging stage. My part is done: The script, the texts, the art. It’s in Khronos hands at the moment. Sadly, a few months ago, his life took a crazy turn ( this is his private life so I won’t say more about it ). He seems fine, but he has a shit load on his plate at the moment. Even though we only know each others online, the guy has always been there for me, and the least I can do is let him work through it at his own pace and not push him. He’s doing this for free ( I did offered him money by the way, He turned it down). I am honestly in the dark as if he’ll stick with me for Hogwarts afterward. I hope he will, he's GOOD! and a very nice guy, but I got other offers if he decides not to. We’ll see.

At first I tough starting work on the next game while we waited was a good idea, and I did for about 2 month ( mostly scripting ), but I started to receive some complaints, which I totally understood… Starting work on a third project while still not showing any signs of progress on BvB2 was not a good move for me. This is why I moved to comics for the time being. To get stuff out, something I could produce all by my self and that my supporters would enjoy. It actually worked great. Everyone seems happy with it and June, so far, looks like it’s going to be the 3rd best influx of new supporter since the beginning of 2015, even though all I was hoping for was to retain those I already had.

You gotta understand something. My patreons was never a cash grab for me. I was truly interested to work on xxx games for YEARS before starting that page, I use to spend hours writhing down concept and ideas. But I knew the amount of time I would have to spend on a game was too important for me to be able to have a day job and/or a shit load of commission at the same time. So I never did until Akabur wrote me and convinced me that this was the way to do it. I never planned for BvB2 to spiral out of control as it did. But I’m truly grateful for the supporters that stuck with me through all the ups and down, making it happen. This is why, all my stuff is free. Why I’m not asking for promo by others creators while I give as many shout out as I can to spread my luck. And no, I don’t plan to have tiers for the next one either, even if it’s going to be separated by chapters. Everything will be release for all my patrons first, no matter how much they gave, and free for all the month after that.

No, I still have no Idea when Khronoss will be done. But I know he’s doing what he can, when he can. Meanwhile I’ll continue with the comics, which seems to do the trick for my supporters.

Thank you for your interest in my work, I'll make sure to pop up now and than to keep you guys updated

See you guys, hopefully, soon!
1º I congratulate you for giving your face and so I can say that I am a big fan of your 1st game and I look forward to the 2nd

also tell you that if you have more public appearances like this you will be beneficial for the feedback of your games etc an not only limited to the patreon for it

then about the delays and the complaints you must understand that many times the fans of something just cheated or even cheated by watching things as an interesting game of something interesting that catches our attention is opened a patreon and after a o, oo1 version with a birria of content are abandoned and never again wsabe while they are taking money in the patreon for nothing

this is solved by putting something more masterial within the reach of the public that the scenes you have shown are fine but there came a time when you stopped showing nothing and with the latest problems by the censorship policies of Patreon because they did not help

a new trailer or maybe a demo or some video like akabur / sunsetriders7 showing how you draw or work in the game while discussing something new or mechanical in these last weeks or even months of drought are usually a great help to keep the fan interested and above all make it clear that you are not staying with your money for nothing and you are still working on the project in question
as the saying goes

sign not tell


Game Developer
Aug 26, 2017
Hey guys, me again…
just gonna answer a few points you addressed, and up my post count at the same time so that when I need it I’ll be able to post the links to the game ( killing 2 birds with one stone, smart I know ).

All this time i thought you know Khronos in person and you be like friends or something.
Well, you don’t work more than 2 years with someone, even long distance, and don’t become friendly with him. But no, we never meet, as far as I know, we never even been on the same contry. He wrote to me on Christmas eve back in 2015 ? 16 ?? (I’m REALLY bad with time estimates and don’t want to search my archives just for this) and offered his services for free… at the time I was trying hard to learn pyton to make my games on Ren’py but my dyslexia made it clear it was impossible and I was about to give out on the games… it took a LOT from him to convince me it wasn’t a scam or something :p Than he surprised me when my computer died on me and not only helped me find the best machine for me at a good price, but sent me the little $$ his own patreon had made.. So you can understand I fell a little bit of fidelity toward him. Least I can do. Is give him time.

But involving more people to work on projects in parallel may do the trick. I am sure you had a lot of offers for help with coding but for some reason you refused that while in long perspective you could benefit from it.
You are not wrong… But I’m not a project director and wouldn’t know the first thing how to work with multiple programmers ( this also is not something Khronoss was interested in either). I was an art director for a few years and truly hated the team management part of the job :p I’m just really bad at it.

This isn’t exactly a business for me… just a way to put the kind of xxx games I always wanted to play out there. Even if it take more time... I tried 2 times to start businesses and ended up in debt both time… 20 years ago, when western hentai was rare ( it was me, Sirkowsky, Jab, T-Kat and a few others ) I failed at putting a profitable website togetter when porn was consider to be THE way to make easy money on the net… I’m just not tech savy or business savy… at all. All I know how to really do well is draw and I have a good grasp about what makes good smuts. That is it… so that is all I try to do.

then about the delays and the complaints you must understand that many times the fans of something just cheated or even cheated by watching things as an interesting game of something interesting that catches our attention is opened a patreon and after a o, oo1 version with a birria of content are abandoned and never again wsabe while they are taking money in the patreon for nothing
I totally get that ^^… I did not chose Spoony as an example out of the blue. I use to give every months to him. And even when he disappeared, having struggled with depression myself on a few occasions, I decided to keep giving… right until the Mister Metokur video when I learned about the let’s plays and how he treat his fan. He now serve as an example as what exactly I don’t want to be in regards of my Patreon…

this is solved by putting something more masterial within the reach of the public that the scenes you have shown are fine but there came a time when you stopped showing nothing and with the latest problems by the censorship policies of Patreon because they did not help
I showed all I am comfortable showing about the game, at this point, without spoiling all the fun bits and the 2 bigger elements I worked really hard to keep a secret ( I showed about 60 scenes by the way… not a small number). But I did NOT expect the coding to last as long… on our first game, drawing took me about 2 or 3 months, and coding about 2 weeks… so when I stopped showing scenes, I was truly expecting for the game to be ready about a month later. That was what… 5 month ago or something? I don’t want to keep teasing and creating hype until I’m SURE that we are about the get the game out...

Until then, I’m going to concentrate on keeping my supporter happy. But as soon as I know for sure that things are back on track, yes I’m gonna have a teaser of some kind ( still have to figure this out )

that is it
See you guys around


Memento mori
Nov 12, 2017
Wow the real Alx right here? What an unexpected turn of events lol. Big fan of your first game.
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New Member
Jun 14, 2017
I'm missing one of the achievements so if anyone can list all of them and how to get them, that would be great


Jul 3, 2017
Any have the new comic patreon content ?
All his completed comics are available on his page, the last page also provides links for Hi-Res PDFs.
Star Wars 1 - | |
Power Girl Comic - |
Masters of the Universe Comic - | |
Alx also started a Star Wars comic but no link for this one yet.


Sep 14, 2017
On BvB2: I talked with Khronoss. Things are not getting better on his part either. And without going into details, I had the distinct impression that it was getting hitting him hard on his moral. I offered him an out, telling him I got some offered from other programmers, hoping to take some pressure off his shoulder, but he turned it down. So I’ll be waiting for him. He earned it.

@Fuckit come on. If a man fights depression the only thing you can do to help him is to take the burden of the game out of his shoulders.


Jun 4, 2017
On BvB2: I talked with Khronoss. Things are not getting better on his part either. And without going into details, I had the distinct impression that it was getting hitting him hard on his moral. I offered him an out, telling him I got some offered from other programmers, hoping to take some pressure off his shoulder, but he turned it down. So I’ll be waiting for him. He earned it.

@Fuckit come on. If a man fights depression the only thing you can do to help him is to take the burden of the game out of his shoulders.
or taking it away after he turned down the offer could make them think you don't trust or have confidence in them and push them even farther down... my mom is a bipolar manic depressive trust me sometimes trying to help that way just makes worse
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Game Developer
Aug 26, 2017
On BvB2: I talked with Khronoss. Things are not getting better on his part either. And without going into details, I had the distinct impression that it was getting hitting him hard on his moral. I offered him an out, telling him I got some offered from other programmers, hoping to take some pressure off his shoulder, but he turned it down. So I’ll be waiting for him. He earned it.

@Fuckit come on. If a man fights depression the only thing you can do to help him is to take the burden of the game out of his shoulders.
I don’t know what to tell you… I’ve struggle with 2 major episodes of depression in my life (as well as a few periodic fits of it). I’m acting with Khronoss how I would have wanted people to act toward me in these times: Giving him time and making it clear I still believe in his worth in our work. I’m no psychiatrist, I don’t know if he’s actually depressed, or if firing him would be the kick in the pants he need. All I can do is try to act as a decent human being, and this is what my instinct tells me to do.
4.30 star(s) 6 Votes