VN Ren'Py Completed Gargoyles, The beast and the Bitch [Alx & Khronos]

4.30 star(s) 6 Votes


Sep 14, 2017
@Fuckit @nuklear let me tell you this guys, sometimes it feels like a burden is something that will shake off the downcast mood and put some perspective and aim forward while in fact subconsciously it better to be taken away. i saw ppl telling "thank you" for things like that.

"firing" is no bueno. but a backup of the codebase in a private repo sounds like a reasonable idea that can actually conduce him to tackle things again. if not, someone else will be able to complete the coding in case things will get worse...


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2016
1st you would have to find out if the work that he does work in bvb2 frustrates or depresses him

if it is affirmative to lower the workload or to entrust him with something else that encourages him or helps him better to think about other things and if it is just the opposite "to force him" a little bit to get some sugar cane and to take refuge in the work he does not think in what causes problems and improvement

to make him work in what he likes can make him forget his personal problems by dedicating himself to it can go well

and if your problems are due to work, it is best to leave it

and order a different one


Game Developer
Aug 26, 2017
his problem isn't due to the game
Life took a left turn, he accepted a great opportunity but things didn't turned out as planed... it's his private life so i'll leave it to that

When we talked about it last week, he told me he was feeling depressed,
I offered him an out, telling him I had received a few offer for programmers to take the load of his shoulder. That I'll still be willing to work with him in the future and that if need be this was a possibility.
He turned it down
End of story

This is his project. I wouldn't have any game out if it wasn't for him. so yes... I'm willing to wait for him if he ask me to.
That is not to say that I won't be cheeking on him on a regular basis to see how he's feeling. or that someday I won't flip on this position. But at this moment, I think this is the right move.

I understand that it's frustrating for those of you waiting for the game (heck, I am frustrated! I worked on it for a year and a half. I though it was about to get publish, I was ecstatic ) ... but, in the end, I think his well being should come first.

I don't mean to say you guys aren't concerned by his well being... I totally get your POV. i'm just explaining why this is my stance at this point of time


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2016
then perhaps if you should "force" a little to focus on the work so that for a few hours think about something else and be distracted

in these cases the worst thing is to leave him alone because he only ends up eating his head and that in the long run is worse


Jul 20, 2017
I just want to thank you guys for telling us what is going on and I agree that depression is a kick in the balls at the best of times.

I'm currently, and finally, studying the thing I wanted to when I was 17 (I am now 31) and right now I don't feel like I deserve to be doing this and in my mind I keep turning it on myself. It's a pain in the ass and I hate myself for it but I can't change it. All I can do is try to keep pushing all this 'shit uphill' until maybe I'll get to the top and it'll be a smooth ride. But I can't take away the fact I am constantly depressed and I feel like an epic burden upon everyone around me including my partner and my teacher.

Love your work and I know it's going to be a masterpiece when it is finished!!


Game Developer
Aug 26, 2017
I just want to thank you guys for telling us what is going on and I agree that depression is a kick in the balls at the best of times.

I'm currently, and finally, studying the thing I wanted to when I was 17 (I am now 31) and right now I don't feel like I deserve to be doing this and in my mind I keep turning it on myself. It's a pain in the ass and I hate myself for it but I can't change it. All I can do is try to keep pushing all this 'shit uphill' until maybe I'll get to the top and it'll be a smooth ride. But I can't take away the fact I am constantly depressed and I feel like an epic burden upon everyone around me including my partner and my teacher.

Love your work and I know it's going to be a masterpiece when it is finished!!
Thank for the kind word... and don't give up friend. Doing what you like is way more important in someone's happiness than one would think! Good luck!
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May 6, 2017
If the game is 95% of the way there, then surely all that's left is the final push? I wouldn't say that anyone should be kicked off the project, but bringing in someone to at least look over the code seems wise. Just get an estimate of what's required to go the rest of the way. An appraisal. It would be a shame to get so close and then not reach the goal.

And frankly, what some people need is a deadline. I know I would never have finished several projects without people stepping in and setting a deadline. Surely, there ought to at least be a bughunt version by now to release to beta testers.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2016
I think the same

the best thing that can be done right now seeing the tremendous delay of it is to release a beta version to test it and look for bugs

if the game is at 95% I think it's more than enough to publish it and then see the bugs send them to alx and he will send them to his friend that having them located would take much less time to fix them and would be much less workload for him

so we would win all


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2017
Remember folks, patience is a virtue... even though its a pain in the ass. Besides there are other porn games to pass the time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2016
Bad news for all

So, this week was not an easy week for me.
I lost a friend who killed himself after a really weird psychotic episode ( I don’t want to go any further on the subjects. He was a very nice and funny guy , quite appreciated in the swing community… he will be missed ) , and had a full week of insomnia. But I did manage to complete my goals none the less.

As you guys know; I’ll be starting work on Tracy Scoop’s #100 issues this week. And I know that hiatus like that is always a bit stressful for you guys. So I tough I’d give you an overview of my schedule for the next month.

Tomorrow, I want to take the time to read all the submissions for the contest and post my favorites for you guys to vote on my next comic by Sunday. You’ll have a good 3 weeks to vote on it.

Starting Monday, I’ll spend the next 2 week or so on Tracy’s book. We’d like for it to be out around the 15th. And 2 weeks should be more than enough time. Next week, I should give you guys a link for my first book with her ( Raiders of the Sexverse) which is still one of my favorite piece of work to date.

As soon as #100 is done, I’ll be back on StarWars2. Planning for 3 pages/week, it should be completed around August 31rst.

I’ll start September by taking 1 week off (because I think I'll deserve it and I can already see that August will be a bitch :p ). I’ll use that week to figure out the script based of the winning pitch. I’ll also make sure to see how Khronoss is doing. And we'll be back on our regular shedule.

That is it
I hope you guys will stick with me though a month that will be more than just a little busy for me :p

See you guys soon!

I feel the loss of your friend ALX


Game Developer
Aug 26, 2017
We are still at the same place.

I talked to Khronos over the weekend
He assure me that the game is still is #1 priority
But he's not doing great

I didn't add this in this week update, because I didn't think it's was worth mentioning ...
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Active Member
Aug 7, 2016
We are still at the same place.

I talked to Khronos over the weekend
He assure me that the game is still is #1 priority
But he's not doing great

I didn't add this in this week update, because I didn't think it's was worth mentioning ...


Sep 14, 2017
1- I don’t have the source files, although I don’t think Khronoss would hesitate a moment to give them to me if I was to ask for them, I don’t plan to, because:

2- Khronoss is not my employee; he’s my partner on this project. There wouldn’t be any game if it wasn’t for him… at all… so as long as he tells me he wants it; it’s his… period. The guy has been there since the beginning, for 3 years, he putted up with my own laziness, depressions, insecurities and technical problems and helped my through it both as a moral support as well as a financial one. I think he earned our patience in return.

So, please, stop asking… I’m not pissed or anything, it’s just not helping. As soon as thing changes, I will update you on BvB2. The game is still alive… On hold, but alive. If I’m not updating you on that on a particular week, it’s because nothing changed and I felt it wasn’t worth repeating.

I understand that it is frustrating, I also feel the frustration. It’s very not pleasant to know I have this project so close to completion but still unreleasable. It should have been out for months; instead, it’s in limbo… I hate that… I feel has a failure because of it. But it’s not a fail, and we still intend to see it to completion. I just have to wait. Meanwhile I'll have lots of other smaller projects for you.

The only possible way to get BvB2 done is to find that chick who broke this guys heart and to force her to rejoin him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2016

"The only possible way to get BvB2 done is to find that chick who broke this guys heart and to force her to rejoin him."

Hopefully not

And if a girl has left it that bad, the worst thing you can do is reunite it with her


Sep 14, 2017
I only care about the game. There’s a plenty of drugs that treat depression. Can’t figure out why the hell the dude can’t just use ‘em.
4.30 star(s) 6 Votes