I encountered a dead end :
mc can enter Amy's empty room when he is on his way to the shower wearing only a towel, but he cannot leave her room due to lack of clothes.
Some more bugs :
If you choose Jennifer :
- mc can steal panties from Amy or buy some at the mall but he cannot wear them.
- Amy's room will always be open.
- mc cannot call Jennifer. The note is the same as for the parents.
- if mc meets Heather in the cafeteria, she does not respond when talking to her. (Same in free roam mode.)
Visiting Amy with Vodka and new shirt shows options and descriptions for both the Amy event and her empty room.
Leaving the Friday Girl Games event at Simmonds Hall and going to sleep will trigger a warning if the player really wants to skip the main story line, but a bug prevents the mc from returning inside the Hall. If mc bails out, he is out.
Playing the Free Roam ends at Friday Week 4 in a dead end. Despite going to the exam at the Lecture Theatre, afterwards the time cannot be progressed to evening or next day with the hint that there is an exam. The Theatre cannot be entered again since mc already attended classes.
And some suggestions :
- Please add the ingame time of the day (day, evening) to the save game description.
- Please also change the format for the save date to something like international [year]-[month]-[day]. Writing day+month+year as one string without seperators may be misleading, eg "2122023" may mean 2nd of dec or 21st of feb 2023.
- If the player buys a unique item like a Fake ID Card, maybe remove it from the store (as long as the mc owns it) to avoid buying the item twice and to reduce time for scrolling through all items.
- Maybe allow the mc to visit both boys' and girls' bathrooms from start with consequences if mc chooses the wrong one and meets someone there.
- Best add a hint at the bus stop that a day ticket costs 5 $.
- If the mc knows that knocking on Amy's door in the evening is a bad idea, then please don't display it as an option to click on it. Instead better display a hint like "It's too late to visit Amy." I noticed that the game makes an exception if mc can complete a quest like presenting a bottle of Vodka.
- Please add the current cash value to the main phone screen so that players can see it directly instead of having to click multiple times to get the value from the detailed balance sheet.