Seeking Girls Smoking in games

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Oct 3, 2021
The MC's mother, Julia, smokes in Altered Destiny. One lighting animation, one idle animation, and three scenes, one of which is a Back to the Future parody fantasy. Quite a bit of content, especially given she "quits" halfway through the build. There basically has to be at least one more scene in a future update (a key plot point involves Julia carelessly discarding a cigarette in the past.) but given the narrative trajectory so far, I wouldn't bet on more than that.

As an aside, I rather enjoyed this game. It's a simple point and click adventure rather than a straight VN. The writing, while neither amazing nor flawless, is still a cut above the typical game here. Now here's hoping it doesn't get abandoned.
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F.I.L.F is another game by the same developer. Has one smoker character with a few scenes.
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The Awakening has one and a half brief scenes. The half is because one of the scenes is in the original prologue, which is getting reworked/remade/redone/re-whatever euphemism for charging patrons twice for the same content (To be fair, the renders are greatly improved.). Anyway, the new version of the prologue doesn't have the smoking scene the original prologue had. This might just be because the remake isn't that far along yet, but I have a feeling it will get cut, given the character (MC's sister) only ever smoked in that one scene. (This is annoying, since she reveals in the scene that she's been smoking for a year, and the MC explicitly states he has no intentions of ratting her out.) The other scene is a friend of the MC smoking outside her apartment building.
Edit: Prologue remake has advanced, the smoking was not cut. Pics here.

As a side note, you can add "The slutty fairy sidekick smoking" to the list of content I would like to see in a game. Not necessarily the slutty fairy in this game, just in general, I want a game with a slutty fairy sidekick who smokes.
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Two of the titular Nope Nope Nurses smoke. Nothing exciting, just some holding visuals and some functional narration. MC does make one comment about the mixed smell of shampoo and cigarettes being kind of arousing, for what that's worth.
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Love Bakudan has a smoking love interest. Just the one pose (featured in a preview image) for visuals. The character does smoke often in the narration, but never in a remotely erotic context that I recall.

Elfheim has a character with a pipe in the header image, but no smoking of any sort in the game so far.

Revenga has just one scene.
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Oct 3, 2021
Name 88's Triangle* is, so far, a smooth, pleasing experience. Nothing to wow or amaze, but a solid game that seems to have an idea what it's about, both in general and smoking wise. The opening scene is the MC, Ghost**, waking up to his alarm and immediately lighting up. I don't directly care about this, but I find that female characters smoke more often if the game universe actually has cigarettes. The first truly thread relevant bit is after the second sex scene:
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So eventually, Ghost gets recruited into super-special not-SG-1 and moves to the undersea base in the titular (Bermuda) Triangle. Hope he'll have some leave soon, I mean, what with air filtration issues and needing the team to be at peak performance, there obviously won't be any smoking in the base. The blurb says alternate times and places, maybe they'll go to a film noir dimension/planet or something. Anyway, guided tour...
priorities.jpg ***
Oh. Never mind. Dev, you're doing good things. Keep it up.
Okay, time to visit the girls. Let's see what our red headed friend is doing...
Okay, time for the first mission. Things happen... Time to power up the portal so we can get back, so that means sex. Oh yeah, the not-stargate is powered by human sexual energy, I should have mentioned that. After sexy time...
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Wow, a dev who remembers his smokers smoke. (He also remembers Ghost smokes, but who cares.)
Finally, a party to celebrate our first successful mission:
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Only two renders, but I'll note that they are distinctly separate smoking events, i.e., she smokes at least two cigarettes at this party.

So that's Name 88's Triangle. Like I said, nothing crazy good, but solid and most importantly, consistent. I will definitely be watching this one.

*Not to be confused with a four-year old game just called "Triangle". Also, don't worry about the "chapter 2" in the thread title, both chapters are in the download.
** For those that care about such things, you can change MC's real name when it becomes relevant. But he goes by Ghost.
*** Just so it's clear, only one of the girls smokes so far, and I really, really don't expect any of the others to surprise us. That said, I can be wrong, and they do go to different places through a portal, so there's opportunity for "guest stars", so to speak. Wait...maybe...I mean, the foreshadowing could be for other things, but...hmm...fuck it, I like it. And I like being disappointed, apparently. But anyway:
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Oct 3, 2021
Mad World has a couple of post-coital smokes by two characters who happen to be adopted sisters. Game has a few male smokers as well, and Eva's smoking is related to both her plot and character arcs (and possibly an arc for MC, but that's more speculative) so there's a better than average chance of the smoking sticking in this game.
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Bright Lord updated and the mom character is still smoking.
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Oct 3, 2021
Sun has a character smoking in the title image. Unfortunately, that's about all it has. "Teaser" is an overstatement of the amount of current content, the renders are grainy, and the English is horrible. There isn't even any in-game smoking yet, though that character being a smoker is brought up in conversation.

Even in Sorrow, a Black Lily Blooms is a hypnosis game with one screen of femMC's teacher smoking. MC is super opposed, so it doesn't go anywhere interesting, for this thread's purposes, anyway.

Sylvia has one smoking character, as shown in the banner in the thread OP. The pose shown in the banner is used multiple times in game, but I couldn't find anywhere where the script actually mentioned her smoking.

Lovely Academy has a character with one smoking scene. MC is creeping in the girl's locker room, and catches her in the act. She's completely calm about the whole situation, and MC can choose to try his first cigarette or not. I did find it notable that the dev bothered to "animate" her talking while lighting her cigarette.

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Researching College Kings was interesting. Apparently the writer "directs on the page" of the script and the artist(s) then base renders directly off the script. And the writer never checks back. This resulted in images that DO NOT reflect the intention expressed in the script.
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Anyway, the short of it is that there's only one scene where the script and the renders agree that tobacco is being smoked.
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Other than that, it's all weed, all the time. And mainly via vaping. All in all, seven different female characters are shown smoking/vaping, but only one of them more than once.

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Mar 27, 2018
There's some smoking in Favorite Son. It's a new game and has had only two updates till now. The female MC smokes and both the updates had scenes of her smoking. I hope the developer continues the game and keeps the smoking content coming.
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Yes, agree this has a lot of potential. Let's hope clowns234 continues with it. Worth checking out guys. (y)
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Mar 27, 2018
New scenes in Life of Desmond by Badvador. He's created a great new hot milf character Mrs Carlton...much kudos to you Balvador! Please continue this great work and hope we see a lot more of her and maybe some more characters like stuff! She looks great and I love the fact that she has lines and wrinkles and you've rendered her as very believable sexy married older couger! Really cool and check out his game guys.

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Oct 3, 2021
Lust Village has one scene; well, one pose really. One of the girls is smoking in the locker room at school, though the script doesn't seem to actually note this. There is an animation using a similar pose, but it's literally just the character breathing (not smoking, just sitting still and breathing) and smoke streaming from the cigarette she's holding.
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Sekira features a FemMC whose cigar habit comes up rather frequently, both casually and mechanically. She demands cigars in addition to booze from a barkeep as payment for keeping his guests entertained, smokes to relax at the beach, and looks for a light for a post-coital smoke at one point. In addition, she frequently needs the help of her dead master, whom she can summon by smoking a cigar. (He appears to lecture her not to smoke, then sticks around for whatever she actually needs.)
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In A Promise Best Left Unkept, the main couple share a cigarette at work now and again. It's not a focus of the game, but it does happen multiple times, and there is some context/internal commentary regarding it. Visuals are limited to different facial expressions on the poses below.
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Oct 3, 2021
Let the Nightshine In has two smoking characters, MC's girlfriend and her mother. MC is trying to get the girlfriend to quit; the mother's smoking has no context as of yet, it's just present in the renders.
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Tamas Awakening has a simply animated smoking sex scene between MC and his mother. A little bit of decent dialogue leading up to it too.
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And finally, on the off-chance anyone was wondering, Glamour's changelog mentions new smoking scenes. Long story short, it's nothing worthwhile. No new visuals, just non-smoking related dialogue that occurs with some of the old smoking renders. But the smoking hasn't been dropped, and is mentioned in other scenes. I feel like the smoking issue is a plot point that will come to some kind of head eventually. Not necessarily a head that the readers of this thread will like, but a head nonetheless.


Oct 3, 2021
My New Life and My New Life Revamp both have smoking content in their CG rips. They're largely the same, with Revamp having more content overall, but there are a couple of shots in the original I didn't catch in the remake. Revamp contains both cigarette and joint content, with multiple instances of each.
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Bad Bobby is back in BBS2 and his mom smokes. This game is still very early and doesn't have much content of any kind yet.
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My Real Desire has 2 smoking scenes; a post coital smoke by a LI, and some bullies in an alley.
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Welcome to Hell - The Vampire Chronicles has a cig smoking character (who uses a holder) and a weed smoking character (who happens to also have cigarettes on her nightstand in one scene, but you only ever actually see her smoke weed.)
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We Were Just Kids is a game about sex, drugs, and rock n' roll. So of course the only smoking is one scene with a minor character.
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Ripples doesn't have any in-game smoking (though one character states she used to smoke pot.), but I wanted to share this custom I found on another site.
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Finally, A Wife and Mother has already been mentioned in this thread, but the images are deleted, so I thought I'd post some replacements.
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Mar 27, 2018
Hey Deedle, I can't remember because it's been ages since I played AWAM due to the slow pace, but is there still smoking content in the game, or has it been removed?

Finally, A Wife and Mother has already been mentioned in this thread, but the images are deleted, so I thought I'd post some replacements.
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Oct 3, 2021
Hey Deedle, I can't remember because it's been ages since I played AWAM due to the slow pace, but is there still smoking content in the game, or has it been removed?
Yeah, it's still there, but it's just the three scenes I posted. Well, as of two weeks ago or whenever exactly I downloaded it.

Speaking of games removing content, the Summer's Gone rework is removing Mila's smoking. Damn. But, on a positive note, The Awakening's rework has progressed and the sister smoking scene in the prologue was not cut, much to my surprise. Here's hoping that means that the smoking is part of an actual plot thread.
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In new news, your adopted* sister's friend smokes during her camshow in Worlds of Wonders. Prior to the show she also tries to talk your sister into smoking with her, but your sister gives a very firm no, so I don't think that's going anywhere. However, MC brings a new girl into the house at the end of the current build, and I'm stupid enough to hope that maybe Keira will have better luck turning her into a smoke buddy.
*Technically, you are her adoptive brother. You live with her and her biological mother. Given that MC is white and they are black, and that MC's ancestry is a major plot driver in the game, there is no patching them to blood relatedness.

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Oct 3, 2021
Fairly long post today, which makes it all the more unfortunate that most of the news ranges from "meh" to "There is a new contender for biggest smoking fetish blueball in a game." I'll start with games that haven't been mentioned in this thread, then move on to a couple updated games.

The Blackout spends some time going through your mother's past. We get a scene of her meeting her soon-to-be lesbian lover smoking. Unfortunately, mom makes her quit.
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Superpowered has 3 smoking girls, one cigs, one joints, one both (not that you can particularly tell from the visuals.) The smoking is mainly an excuse for MC to discipline them via his dick.
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Twisting Vines has a LI named Meggie (yes, with an "e") who smokes in a couple scenes. She explicitly quits smoking by the end of her route though.
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City of Broken Dreamers, while a very solid VN in general terms, was slightly disappointing on the smoking front. I mean, there are two LIs (and a few side characters) who put the "punk" in cyberpunk, yet none of them smoke. Still, there is a major non-LI character who smokes in three scenes, though the latter two have very little smoking content.
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Derealization has a scene with a character sneaking a smoke while her family is out of the apartment. As to what she's smoking, well, it looks like a cig and she holds like a joint, so you decide.
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None of the LIs in A.O.A Academy smoke. However, one of the LIs is a former prostitute, and her madam smokes in a flashback.
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Jason has one scene. The creator also has an unrelated image set on his Patreon that features a smoker, so it's not completely foolish to hope for more smoking content in the game.
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The Last Romantic is another entry in the "horny listless teenage boy fucks every woman he meets in a sandbox" genre that's still in the demo phase. Current build has one smoking character (an impossibly curvy prostitute) in game and another character (she appears to be a redhead redneck milf) with a cigarette in the files, though I don't think she's actually in the game yet.
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Romance After Dark has a *lot* of smoking content, though some of it is the MC rather than the LIs. I wasn't particularly fond of the models, but everyone's taste is different, and any game with this kind of ratio of smoking/non-smoking content at least deserves a look by everyone in this thread.
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Darkness Falls has one scene with a non-sexable prostitute. Worth noting for the fact that even though this is a non-sex scene with a throw-away character, the devs really put effort into "animating" the character. Not in the sense that it's actually animated, but in the sense that they put effort into having her gesture and pose naturally. Also, she smokes throughout the scene, rather than just for the first two or three renders like most games.
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As for updates, Name88's Triangle continues to be a solid game with solid smoking content. The screens in the spoiler are just a couple from a fairly long conversation where she smokes beside you as you talk. There's not *that* many smoking renders, but the dev does a good job of mixing and matching them to give a sense of her smoking as you converse.
Oh, and my speculation about the plot trajectory of the AI actually got some support, though obviously there's nothing to actually suggest she'll smoke once she has a body, that's all my fevered imagination.
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Finally, we come to Lust Theory. Long story short, there's no smoking beyond what I posted before, and I'm frustrated as hell.
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Edit: Fuck, I forgot Nothing is Forever has a Olivia smoking a cigarette in the latest update. Pretty basic, but it is content. Props to Mr. Silverlust for successfully threading the needle of neither glamorizing nor demonizing her behavior in the dialogue.
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New Member
Oct 23, 2017
Thanks for the post. I spent hours in Lust Theory trying to see Megan smoke. So it was all for naught. At least in Nothing is Forever we see some realistic smoking, and so I am optimist for the future of the game.
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Oct 3, 2021
The quasi-abandoned Lord of Imagination has two scenes; one where MC's mother comes outside to talk to MC as he's having a smoke and she bums a cig, and one where your sister's friend smokes briefly. I'm pretty sure I've downloaded the spin-off game "Loose Ends" and I don't recall any smoking in that one.
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Loser has a large amount of content, but also some choices that won't be to everyone's taste. The content is top-notch: multiple smoking characters, multiple scenes for some of the characters, the content is plot-relevant. Hell, there's even sexual activity where the characters are smoking. Two potential downsides, though. First, it's all joints, all the time. No tobacco here. Second, though you can't tell from the images I've posted, the blue haired character has a penis.
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Oct 3, 2021
Nothing terribly exciting today, just enough bits and bobs that I want to go ahead and put ink to paper...or, er, data to server?

Anyway, Savior is probably the best find of the bunch. Just one scene of a young woman having a smoke while conversing, but it's pretty solid for what it is.
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Claire's Quest has two CGs of a woman with a cigarette in a holder (though the script refers to what she's holding as a pipe.)
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Two games had demos released recently that don't have much content yet, but show promise. Now, regular readers of my posts may have noticed a recurring theme of promise turning to shit, but I'm still dumb enough to hold out hope.

First up is Omerta. There's only one render with a cigarette in the game so far, but there's a further render of a different girl in the trailer. I immediately noticed one is smoking an all-white and one a cork, which I can't remember happening in another VN. It was a deliberate choice by the dev too, I asked. (Why they made that choice I don't know, I didn't ask that.) Trailer is linked on the game page, just watch it for the screens. (12 sec and 32 sec for the extremely pressed for time.)

Second we have I Was a Teenage Vampire. One of the first things we see in the game is a woman holding a cigarette, and the last quest before heading for home in the demo is buying a pack of cigarettes for a girl. So this has a chance to be amazing, or piss me the ever loving hell off. I will note that the dev's artistic choice to add a pixelization effect at runtime doesn't look nearly as bad in play as it does in the preview images on the game page. But it does mean the in-play images look slightly different than the base images I'm posting.
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Noir isn't a game, it's a patron bonus short. But it does have a tiny bit of smoking.
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One final game that hasn't been mentioned before, and I'm not even sure it counts, but I'll talk about Masters of Raana anyway. It's a heavily illustrated text-based RPG and slave trainer. No smoking visuals, but you can offer your slaves a cigarette after your morning blowjob. ( I think you can have a post-coital smoke in other situations too, but I haven't gotten that to trigger and might be wrong.) The good part is that your slave can have a variety* of reactions to this offer, ranging from "No thanks, smoking's gross." to "Excellent, my favorite brand!" The bad part is that there isn't any sort of variable for "smoking status" that I can tell. As far as I can read the code, their response to being offered a cigarette is determined by dice rolls and various general stats. So you can't actually guide a slave from non-smoker to smoker.
*At least a dozen different reactions, maybe more. I was so excited before I realized the game didn't actually track whether each girl was a smoker or not.

Onto updates. The lastest update for My Bully is My Lover is...odd. No smoking from Gwen, disappointingly, but Amber has 24 smoking renders if I recall correctly. Which sounds great. Unfortunately, the dev didn't bother to pose the cigarette 24 times, so it's in precisely the same position for 23 of those renders. *sigh* Oh, and the first time I mentioned this game I said I'd check out its sister game "Life Changing Choices." I did, and at least at the time I played it, there was no smoking.
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To end on a high note, and to have an excuse to post a holder image for Mildendo, I'll yet again talk about Photo Hunt. In a sea of games that half-ass or outright drop their smoking, Photo Hunt just keeps on sprinkling in fun little bonuses for us. I'll grant that there isn't really enough smoking content to justify playing if you don't like the game anyway, but if you do like it anyway, the extra little smoking "spice" is great. So if you're reading this thread, haven't tried Photo Hunt, and aren't sure it's not for you, try it as soon as possible. More devs could stand to follow this game's example when it comes to smoking.
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5.00 star(s) 2 Votes