Seeking Girls Smoking in games

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Oct 3, 2021
Deviant Anomalies starts out promising, with
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menu screen video. This scene is then repeated in one shot in the game proper with another character,
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I'm not sure if this has some sort of import, or is just lazyness. Anyway, that's all the smoking from those two characters. Which makes sense for angel/demon girl, she's barely in the game. Catherine's lack of smoking is slightly more annoying, but honestly that one shot feels more like the dev mis-edited something as opposed to being meaningful.
While unnamed girl and Catherine remain unfulfilled potential, the game has one more female smoker, Vixie, and there is nothing unfulfilled with her. She's a prostitute, and she
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MC eventually gets the opportunity to purchase her services, and she apparently sees no reason to not smoke her cigarette while he goes to town. If you like smoking sex and aren't put off by Honey Select, holy shit. This game has interactive animated sex scenes, and most of the selections of speed and act you can choose show her with her cigarette. To be fair, the scene has typical HS animation quality, and the complete lack of smoke effects is a negative, but you can only expect so much from an indy VN. I'm just going to post two of the twelve webms I saved, because they're rather large for a forum post.
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Edit: I had the sound off when I actually played this scene, so I just noticed that the dev actually put in a burning sound effect when she inhales. Neat.

Okay, I have more finds, but I'm not sure if there's an attachment size limit and Omerta just updated, so I'm going to just make another post in a bit.
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Oct 3, 2021
Well, first things first, Omerta didn't have any new relevant content. On to other things.

Harem Hotel has one scene where 3 girls and MC smoke weed, except it's "tinu" because fantasy or something. One of the girls is new to it.
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The first chapter of Melatonin Magiks underwhelmed me in all regards, to the point where I didn't even save any images, but it does have a little bit of cigarette and joint content.

Marked for Eternity has one very brief "There's a lot you don't know about me." scene.
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The titular witch in Witch Story smokes a pipe in two different animated loops. Pipes aren't my thing, and the rest of the game is...short, but credit where it's due. If there were a game with 20% or more of it's content being animated cigarette smoking with drags and exhales, I'd go nuts.
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Lineage or Legacy has a pot-smoking LI. MC has to at least pretend to smoke with her to not end the date.
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Three Rules of Life has one LI who smokes. Don't see much of it though, unfortunately.
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University of Problems has one character who smokes with a holder one time.
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Maid to Please has one scene with an LI.
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Cycles of Sin is at the moment not particularly interesting. Just a demo with one haggard looking smoking character.
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Oct 3, 2021
Pandora's Box and its still in development sequel, Pandora's Box 2 both have a fair amount of incidental smoking. The title screen of 2 is a bit misleading, the female lead only has 2 smoking renders. Her daughter does have a scene where she tries weed for the first time.
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Happiness Double Room was another lesson for me in the dangers of getting my hopes up. The promotion for the game heavily featured the singular LI smoking, so of course she quits the second time she speaks to the MC. To be fair, if you only take into consideration what is in the game itself, it's pretty decent smoking wise. She quits early, so the game doesn't leave you hanging. Furthermore, why she started and why she quit are actually discussed, and it makes sense for her story and motivations. I like when smoking is used intelligently and deliberately in storytelling. At the end of the day though, there just wasn't enough content for me to recommend this purely for the smoking, even if it did have some qualities I'd like to see replicated in other games.
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Speaking of games leaving you hanging, Fates Collide has one smoking scene in the first episode with an LI named Avis. At the end of episode 2, you walk with Avis to a house party, and she specifically emphasizes how much smoking occurs at these house parties. You actually get to the house at the beginning of episode 3, and as MC walks through the door he remarks on how it smells of cheap perfume and cigarettes. There is no more smoking, even from background characters. *sigh*
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Golden Mean has one scene with a prostitute smoking.
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Total Corruption has one very brief scene where you catch a teacher with a joint so you can blackmail her.
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In Lust of Pain the MC's boss smokes (as does MC). I found it noteworthy that in this early build, that doesn't have much animation, the dev chose to animate the boss taking a drag. It's not a good animation, but I'm hoping it reflects dev interest in smoking rather than dev interest in practicing making animations.
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Finally, Fashion Business, or at least episodes 2 and 3 of Fashion Business. The bad news is that despite what the title screen from Episode 3 update 9 shows, Monica (the MC) never smokes anything in the game, at least not that I could find.* The good news is there's a little smoking from other female characters. There's a couple of prostitutes that smoke. There's a recurring older woman who smokes several times. And most interesting to me, a character named Misty smokes, and she likes to smoke while she gets eaten out. There's even an animation of this, but only the cunnilingus is animated; she just holds the cigarette.

Also a small warning if you play this game: There is a stripper character who has an ashtray and pack of smokes on her vanity. As of Ep3 v13, she never actually smokes. So don't go chasing that route for the sake of seeing her smoke. Oh, also a character named Natalie mentions going outside for a smoke. I never saw any renders of her smoking either.

And if you're wondering why I didn't download the first episode: Primarily laziness on my part.

*My download of episode 3 had a few broken images, so technically Monica could smoke in them, or she could have smoked in episode 1, but given her behavior in the parts of the game I saw, I highly doubt it.
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Oct 3, 2021
So Bad is another v0.01 game reeking of potential (and marijuana). While it does have some tobacco content, the focus is on weed. Seriously, the majority of content in the first half of the release is either characters smoking weed or talking about weed. It's insane. Rather than trying to summarize it, I'll just leave one tidbit. The MC finds out from his aunt that she, his mother, and three of their friends (one of whom MC works for) were known as "The Sisters of the Weed" in college.

Now, to be clear, most of the weed focus is in the first half of the episode, the second half is pretty standard "MC is richer and more important than he knew, and also here's the college he'll be attending." VN stuff. Also, the writing and the English are rough. And now that I actually look at the renders I saved, the women talk about weed more than they are shown smoking it. Still, seems great for the weed fans, and as I said, there's some tobacco smoking content as well for non-weed fans.
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Forgive isn't my cup of tea, but it has one joint smoking scene.
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Oct 3, 2021
Today's post is just a couple of games which I have "reviewed" before, but have improved their score with recent updates. I still wouldn't recommend going out of your way for either just for the smoking, but if they're already something you're interested in, keep them in mind.

The last scene of the latest update for College Kings 2 is too good not to share. You may recall when I discussed College Kings that the only confirmed cig smoker was Nora, very early in the first game. For a the rest of that game and the previous updates of CK2, the only further reference to her smoking was her mentioning she was trying to cut back. But, for once, patience is rewarded. We get a scene where not only can MC get eye-fucked while being a gentleman, but the girl actually talks at some length about how she enjoys smoking, very specifically, cigarettes. Note that there will always be smoking in this scene, but the best content only happens if Nora is your girlfriend, and you ask about her ex rather than praising yourself in the first choice.
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I was initially dismissive of Giggle Night: Trixie's Trial despite the dev actually listing smoking in the genre. I thought smoking was listed for a few brief one-off scenes, particularly a dream sequence at the very beginning of the game. Well, further updates and some investigation have demonstrated I was wrong, smoking is going to be a minor recurring fetish in this game. Trixie's dead ex-fiance, the man in that dream sequence, is now a ghost who corrupts women, especially through manipulating their dreams. He's pissed Trixie got away from him, and he explicitly has a strong smoking fetish. To be clear, he's not the main antagonist, so there isn't and is unlikely to be nonstop smoking content, but he and his corrupted smoking minions will be around.

So far, there's been one more "corrupt dream" render and a bad end sequence. It's a forced/coerced smoking sequence, which isn't really my jam, but I can't think of another game that does this, so if it's your jam, congratulations, you got some content. Unfortunately, it fails to stick the ending. While Trixie eventually gives into the torture* and smokes, you never see her holding, dragging, or dangling, you just see an exhale; nor has she learned to enjoy it by the time the sequence ends. This is perplexing to me, since the main fetish of this game is transformation. Trixie is essentially (among other changes) being "transformed" from a non-smoker to a smoker in this sequence. When Trixie is transformed into a wax statue, or a scarecrow, or an anthropomorphic pumpkin, or whatever, the sequence ends with a Trixie enjoying being that thing, and render of her being that thing. We don't get that here.

*Starvation and getting fingered non-stop, for those interested or concerned.

TL,DR on Giggle Night: Smoking is and will continue to be a minor but recurring fetish in this game. It hits at least one rarely hit niche, but I think the execution has been OK at best in the content so far.
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Oct 3, 2021
Our Bright Days has smoking listed in the planned tags, and one scene with a character that I assume will be recurring. (She's not even named yet.) The characters' BonBond (this game's twitter variant) bios actually list how they feel about drinking and smoking. Of the 4 named characters so far, one (the mother) has no entries in those fields, and the other three are "very negative" towards smoking. Of course, those three bios also state the girls are negative or very negative to drinking, which is a blatant lie as evidenced by the story. So we'll see how things shake out.
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In Intertwined Souls a character named Rachel bullies a lighter for her cig from the MC.
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Living in a Brothel has a brief scene with an LI named Beatrice.
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Summer Crush has one fairly long scene with an LI, Ela. She also asks if she can smoke indoors in another scene but is refused.
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A Few Days has one character that smokes cigarettes and joints.
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Both The Shadow Over Blackmore and Moving Down have human ashtray scenes.
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Finally, I'll mention that in Cyberpunk 2077, the Judy Alvarez sex scene does in fact briefly include smoking sex. I know it's not an erotic game, or available on this site. But a mainstream video game with smoking fetish content seemed relevant enough to the thread to bring up.


Mar 6, 2021
Our Bright Days has smoking listed in the planned tags, and one scene with a character that I assume will be recurring. (She's not even named yet.) The characters' BonBond (this game's twitter variant) bios actually list how they feel about drinking and smoking. Of the 4 named characters so far, one (the mother) has no entries in those fields, and the other three are "very negative" towards smoking. Of course, those three bios also state the girls are negative or very negative to drinking, which is a blatant lie as evidenced by the story. So we'll see how things shake out.
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This game seems very promising. I hope the dev doesn't let us down by removing the planned smoking content


Oct 3, 2021
This game seems very promising. I hope the dev doesn't let us down by removing the planned smoking content
Unfortunately, the dev already abandoned a game with largely the same cast and plot a few years ago. And there has to be more game before there can be more smoking content. Though I guess it's a good sign that Our Bright Days already has at least 3 times the content as the previous game, and the dev isn't hiding the old game.

In new business, first up is Feminist F-ist, also know as Waifu Fighter on Steam. The first of your opponents smokes while you fight her, but unfortunately not while you fuck her.
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Next is Monkey Business, which is not worth it for the limited cigarette content so far, but if you don't mind joints, or are a pipe fetishist, it might be worth looking at. The sister LI has one cigarette render in a scene where MC is shocked that she smokes (She states it is an occasional habit). The teacher LI has once scene where she fakes smoking a cigarette (she states she does not smoke) to hide her identity, before tossing it. The MC does express disappointment at her tossing the smoke, commenting on how seductive she was. As for weed, there are two separate and fairly long scenes involving MC, his sister, and I believe the other girl is his cousin. And there's one more smoking scene, the MC's female therapist briefly smokes a pipe. So there's that.
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The last new review is World After War, or as I like to call it, "Disappointment: The Game". I checked it out after someone in the game thread asked about a quest where you must catch an LI smoking. Unfortunately, you actually catch her vaping marijuana. In addition, there is a scene where two other LI's are intrigued by her "smoking" and want to try it but of course it's vape and they get interrupted anyway. But that's the story of this game across the board: solid ideas and shit execution.

Finally, an update. Solvalley School is completed, and there is some additional smoking content. A character named Sabrina smokes a cigarette in one scene. Frustratingly, her friend Delilah isn't shown smoking, despite stating that and drinking are the only two things her and Sabrina have in common anymore. The other two new smoking scenes are from endings, I think, so I'm going to spoiler them, even though they aren't the main thrust of the endings. (Original Solvalley Post)
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Shibuya's Ending (I think)
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Lara's Ending (I Think. Definitely someone's ending.)
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Oct 3, 2021
First up, I want to be the third person in the thread to recommend the now complete Become a Rock Star. Much like "Photo Hunt", it doesn't go out of its way to have smoking content, instead just making smoking part of its world. Some characters smoke. One character struggles with quitting. Another (male) character is invited to try a cigar with a group at a party, and there is a brief conversation about the smoking habits of the female member of said group. Unlike most games, it's smoking content is consistent and given context, and I'd like to live in a world where more devs followed its example.
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Next is Secrets of Sorcery. This game, unbelievably, introduces a character (MC's teacher) as a smoker... and then actually continues to show her smoking in future appearances. Nothing too exciting, the visuals aren't great and it's barely commented on in the script. But as you know, "the smoker who doesn't smoke" is a pet peeve of mine, so this game not doing that was cool. There is also one more smoking character who appears very briefly.
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Waifu Academy has a few brief scenes which honestly confused me. There's a new teacher who smokes while she's being introduced to the class inside a classroom. No one questions this, and she is never shown smoking again. Actually, I don't think anyone, student or teacher, male or female, is shown smoking on school grounds except that one scene. Weird. Then you have your MILF neighbor. Who apparently only smokes inside the apartments of nonsmokers (MC's mom, in this case.) You also have a brief scene of a prostitute smoking, but that's not odd.
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On My Way Home had a brief smoking scene with a side character when I played it. Presumably that scene is still there, but there's been a "rework" update since I played, so no guarantees.
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Daemons, Damsels, and Mythical Milfs has one cig smoking character. Not much content, but there is a simple animation.
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Shut Up and Dance has one smoking character. She smokes a joint in one scene and a cigarette in another.
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Knight of Love didn't have much as of update 1 G1, but it may or may not have had additional content before, and may or may not have more content in the future. Right now, there's just one cg (that I apparently did not save-you're not missing anything) of a side character named Madison smoking a cig. However, the game has had at least one major reboot and possibly other content cuts besides. Point being, someone in the game thread was asking about which version had the smoking date with the older sister, Ann. Well, I don't know if that poster dreamed it, or if it existed and was cut, but none of the versions on this site had it when I played. However, that character does ask the MC to buy her weed in the current version. It doesn't go anywhere, yet, but the idea that she'll be depicted smoking weed in the future (and may have been in the past) is not crazy. Furthermore, there is some dialog in the files, I believe never actually used, where the teacher character Mrs. Morgan comments that she needs a cigarette. And if I'm reading the file correctly, it's a stress induced statement, not a euphemism for "that was great sex."

TL;DR: No real smoking content right now, but if you're reading this in three years, there might be as many as three characters with content.

Lineage or Legacy updated, and I think it's one to keep an eye on. Just a few renders of a stripper smoking (and the script for a scene that was cut that called for the woman to have a post-coital cigarette.) That said, if the game gets even one smoking scene every update, I consider that a win.
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Oct 3, 2021
Love and Temptation came to my attention when a poster in the thread asked what was up with all the smoking in AVNs lately and another poster replied that it's the hot new asset. I would love to live in their reality, because the one I'm in is in a smoking drought. Anyway, one scene with a lady in a gimp suit. The scene is fairly long and does have a significant number of renders.
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Lovemore has just a couple of smoking cgs.
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Lisa doesn't have any cigarette smoking, but does have a joint scene that would be great if it were a cigarette scene.
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Occultus : Daughter of Darkness has one brief scene with a side character, for the sake of a joke.
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In Ellie Confidential you can choose to have Ellie smoke with a coworker.
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One of the LI's mothers smokes a few times in V.I.R.T.U.E.S. Not really a focus and the posing quality is inconsistent.
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Finally, Camp Hill Range. A sandbox game taking aesthetic cues from Summertime Saga. Very early in development, very little content of any kind. Which makes it all the more interesting that there are three (3!) females shown smoking and two separate quests to get cigarettes for said females. Granted, all they do is hold the cigarettes and nothing particularly interesting happens smoking or otherwise. But I'm choosing to be hopeful that this seeming focus on smoking is real.
And that the dev won't be bullied into dropping it.
And the dev will update the game.
In a timely fashion.
Uhh, maybe those two posters in the Love and Temptation thread aren't the only ones living in a dream world.
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Oct 3, 2021
Panacea has one joint scene and two brief cig scenes.
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Mentor Life has one scene with a delinquent girl sneaking a smoke. The scene ends with her gang leader reprimanding her for breaking the gang's strict rules against smoking, so I'm not hopeful for more.
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Paradise Overlap is Va-11 Hall-a with monster girls and sex scenes, one of which is technically smoking sex.
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The Buran Inside the Walls has one smoker character. I'm not terribly enamored with her design or the overall quality of the renders, but there is more of them than I expected, and the dev did make some effort with exhales and such. Unfortunately, there are several posters denouncing this character's smoking in the game's thread, despite 1teddy1's efforts to bring a more...cultured viewpoint to the thread.
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University Days has three scenes with a character named Ivy, though only one is of any real length. Decent stuff, though according to the thread the dev has a habit of abandoning games.
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Warning: Magic Pussy has one preview image that appears to be a woman with a cigarette in a holder, but I couldn't even find that image in the game, much less any other smoking images. Granted, my ability with Unity games is limited, but I'm still going to say this one is a waste of a download from a smoking perspective.
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The Sin Within has two smoking females. Nothing I found too exciting, but there is a reasonable amount of renders and I think the game is worth keeping an eye on for more smoking content in future updates.
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How to Fix the Future has two brief joint scenes, using the typical DAZ joint asset I hate.
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Meanwhile, College Kings (2) has updated with more Nora smoking and a joint scene that uses an asset I don't find off putting. I mean, I'd still prefer the characters were sharing a cigarette, but I can live with the scene here. At least the dev got over his fascination with vaping.
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And, hell with it, as long as I'm posting a novel, I'll give my thoughts on Lust Academy. Which are: WHAT THE FUCK IS THE DEV DOING? I've mentioned other games dancing on the edge of good fetish story lines and then dancing away, but this one takes the cake. I dunno, maybe it makes more sense if you've actually played the game (Hazyfire, are you still playing?), but reading the files is one let down after another. To wit:
1: As Hazyfire posted, Naomi can be talked into trying a cigarette. This goes nowhere.
2: A character named Dakota posts a picture of her smoking to her instagram. She also has a conversation with the MC about her habit. The conversation, as far as I can tell, is apropos of nothing, and there are no further visuals of her smoking.
3: A character named Ashley offers the MC a cigarette while they are talking at one point. They have a brief discussion about how the MC can't believe she is a smoker, given that she's athlete. You never actually see her smoke, nor is this brought up ever again. (Given that girls you wouldn't think smoke being smokers, and particularly fit/athletic girls being smokers, is, uhh, relevant to my interests, I was particularly disappointed here.)
4: One final smoking scene where a female villain magically disguised as another character is seen with a cigarette. Neither the villain nor the other character are ever shown smoking otherwise, so there's bullshit here, but I'd need to play the game to know what specific kind of bullshit.

I don't know if the dev has the fetish and is half-inserting it into the game and then chickening out, or the dev is throwing scraps to a patron or patrons, or what, but it is confusing and frustrating.
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Jun 13, 2020
I'm always hoping for a smoking fetish scene in Summertime Saga with Debbie or one of the mills. I don't smoke at all but Def. my fav fanart to make is of SS Debbie smoking.
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes