The poll with no meaning. . .
I don't even get why DarkSilver botherd on this one at all. The info this poll can give him isn't really worth anything in the end. I made this point clear in a post on the Pateron page as well.
1. FMC
2. FMC
3. FMC, becasue if you add a MMC it will slow the progress down and it's not worth it. (So please don't vote this option)
I understand he had alreay made up his mind on the FMC and just wanted to see the public reactions. But if he wanted the truth it's obvios that the option to vote MMC should have been in the poll. DarkSilver knew it would be a landslide victory for this option so maby he felt it was pointless to add. Thats also why the poll stands to feel pointless. We all knew already given the choice MMC would win. Second place FMC and last place both. Either side realize that this is the least wanted way to develop a monthly uppdate game as the drag out of new content will doubble the workload.
I support DarkSilver to do what he feels is right. Whatever that may be. I think allowing polls (40$ or not) should only be for information and never to change the outcome of the Devs original plan for a game. But this time i'm a bit lost..
A poll where the outcome was obvious and the resault means nothing.

Anyways i hope things will start looking up as Gamour hits the market (The small hardly known adult market that is)
I will be playing the game and as i enjoyed the gameplay style of BB more then it's sexual content i feel good about Glamour and what we've seen so far. Give me stats to grind and a goal to reach and i can play forever, muhaha