False. Look at any QSP. The thing is when BB started incest was all the rage. So DS could continue making Glamour, which at the time wasn't making much of anything, or go with the crowd and make an incest game which he did. DS wants to get paid first and foremost and I get that.
That is quite likely, but there are a few asterisks in the above statement (just for the sake of completeness and clarity).
1. DarkSilver could have very well made money with the original Glamour since people nearly begged him to donate, but he actively refused donations, because he believed he should first present a complete game and then let people decide if it's worth paying for.
Granted, he'd make nowhere near close what he makes now, but he'd get far above and beyond what other Russian devs get from Paypal donations.
And also, Patreon proved that you don't need a complete game to have people shower you with money. A few enticing mock-ups and riding the hype train (as you mentioned) will suffice just fine.
2. A major reason that caused DarkSilver to drop Glamour was the usage of RL photos. It became harder and harder to find proper photosets in order to not break immersion, and in a high enough quality to be usable with all the post-processing he did (and no, it was not a copyright issue). Since I think we can all agree that, as far as RL photo games go, Glamour is sling-shotted ahead in model consistency and general chromatic vibe.
3. Probably the most important reason, and the nail on the coffin, was a Russian law that passed shortly before Glamour ceased development, which roughly states that [among other stuff] adults posing in underage attire, such as schoolgirl uniforms, can be deemed as ** distribution and get prosecuted under the relevant legislation, meaning
serious jail time for the creator. It's also a reason for the sharp decline or outright abandonment in similar Russian games. So, moving on to renders was pretty much the only alternative.
And if anyone of you fancies a bit of dipping in the game's history (there's some great insight on at-the-time plans and game mechanics among others) going back to late 2015, this is the blog till he migrated to Telegram due to the law stated above -
You must be registered to see the links
Edit: That makes it 2/2 games he had to cancel due to laws/rules. Let's see what the new Glamour's major theme will be, so we have a hint on what gets banned next.