
May 26, 2018
Very unfortunate, I liked BB, and with the comb, I understand the complexity, however, The DRM...yeah, seriously?....That's a deff NO


Aug 1, 2018
I downloaded game and i just remembered...i tried this game before and didnt like it, its like bb but different. If dev continued with same gui, etc it would be amazing but this always happens, you play great game it gets abandoned and someone is doing remake or whatever and ruins it completely.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2017
That decision to put two main characters with different stories is fucking stupid, but I guess the devs had no choice since the pornographic content was arriving too fast.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
Wow, dev is combining the Glamour and BB. He is deleting the Alex and adding Max as secondary MC.
Guess who is coming back!!! ERIC! Yay (sarcasm), dev said that he will be optional though..
Dev said that Alex is the copy of the Kate.. I mean, you are the one who created Alex then delete yourself first.
Joke aside, adding Max will be a good addition. However, dev should one MC first. 2 doesn't work. There are examples. Finish one MC then go for another.


Sep 12, 2017
After the other Julia and Nick events, when Julia and Nick have gone to bed, 23:00-ish, the option will appear among the couch choices.
I don't understand why it doesn't come in my case.. and also level is not increasing after 4 of 6..
Nov 21, 2017
I decided I might as well just not play this game. It seems quite grindy and I'd rather not do that for the content that's currently in the game.

I do however, like that he's putting BB in the Glamour game. Maybe in time I'll come back to this game, but for now, I think I'll just look at pictures of it instead.


Nov 10, 2017

As some of you probably remember all images from BB were full screen size and it had several drawbacks. For example, characters were always wearing the same clothes in every periodic event. Which is why the game had tiers for clothing, when some big event would change what everyone was wearing. From a technical point, displaying images this way is easier, but it gets stale.
Another restriction the game had was inability to have dynamic, well, anything. The game had very rigid schedule, without players input everyone was always doing the exact same thing at the exact same time.
Glamour, on the other hand, uses sprites, so a breakfast can have Alice wearing a uniform or Ann in a bathrobe if she just came from the shower, they can have different food on the plates (unlike Julia and her never changing eggs. We plan on adding some variety in her menu too, by the way.).
And while creating sprites takes more time, we hope it will make the game more interesting and will be worth it.
Currently we're making sprites for key characters in different situations wearing different clothes in different times of day. After that we'll start working on unique events. First of them will be similar to BB, but we'll be making them more interesting and fresh so you don't have a deja vu.

Here's an example of a breakfast scene from BB:

Another example of a new scene:


Apr 5, 2017

As some of you probably remember all images from BB were full screen size and it had several drawbacks. For example, characters were always wearing the same clothes in every periodic event. Which is why the game had tiers for clothing, when some big event would change what everyone was wearing. From a technical point, displaying images this way is easier, but it gets stale.
Another restriction the game had was inability to have dynamic, well, anything. The game had very rigid schedule, without players input everyone was always doing the exact same thing at the exact same time.
Glamour, on the other hand, uses sprites, so a breakfast can have Alice wearing a uniform or Ann in a bathrobe if she just came from the shower, they can have different food on the plates (unlike Julia and her never changing eggs. We plan on adding some variety in her menu too, by the way.).
And while creating sprites takes more time, we hope it will make the game more interesting and will be worth it.
Currently we're making sprites for key characters in different situations wearing different clothes in different times of day. After that we'll start working on unique events. First of them will be similar to BB, but we'll be making them more interesting and fresh so you don't have a deja vu.

Here's an example of a breakfast scene from BB:

Another example of a new scene:
Damm the nostalgia.

You know I kinda gave up on Glamour, mostly because of the DRM and the grind. If the game was released without those two things it would be so much better.

The other major problem is content, the game just completed a year of development and is a wide as a lake but as shallow as s puddle. The things that pisses me off even more is that the little content added is actually kind of good.

Yet here we are ready to expand to game even further this time reboting BB, in the process trowing away another year of development and the hopes and dreams of people waiting for 0.14, and playing with our nostalgia. I know this was already posted but I really think it applies here.

Such a waste really, despite all of it's flaws Glamour could be a much better game. The offline version is a start and maybe if we bitch enough DS might reduce the grind.

Oh who am I fooling, I just forget about this come back in a year and download the CG. Maybe we can be at the same level that BB was by 2020.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2018
Online version requires a connection to their servers, offline does not. The offline version is really just the online version + a local copy of their server code and a tiny tweak to make the client connect to the local server instead of the one in their shitty cloud service.
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