Whelp, I tried it and it is something I deeply regret.
I fucked up. I saw female protag and I saw lesbian. I read somewhere there was no lesbian route (serious fuck up on DS's part there) but thought with it being tagged I might get SOME enjoyment from it.
Talk about milking a franchise.
See, I followed this since it started development but always put it off because so many people were asking for different content from the dev and the dev has no spine whatsoever. Enough people make noise, the dev changes direction. Saw it multiple times in Big Brother and saw it happening here.
Start off with a female only protag in a game that had nothing to do with BB and was talk of a lesbian route. Watch the noise and the spineless dev cave and now we have a male protag also and it's tagged itself on to Big Brother because milky milky.
Dev didn't learn from their first game and still develop shitty grindfests.
The sexual content is just terrible. The lack of meaningful choices have tou fucking people even if you'd rather stick a cactus up your vagina.
I've never had dryer panties than I had when playing this. This is the first adult game that has managed to turn me off completely. I give it a star just for that.
A game that wasted so much potential by a dev living in the past and a fanbase that has pushed for content turning this into a messy clusterfuck that's going nowhere.
It has pretty pictures. I'll say something nice.
It's a damn shame because the female MC was looking good at the start but now, whatever this abomination is growing into, I just can't even....
I urge all people to try it for themselves, this is afterall merely 1 girls opinion. Some of you may like it.
Me, i'd rather try and cook popcorn with a magnifying glass on a cloudy day.