Others - Abandoned - Glamour [v0.57] [Dark Silver]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Since 9 out of 10 updates only or mostly revolve around Max, the game has lost a lot of quality in the plot / story. The gradual build-up and corruption is virtually non-existent and it's all about when Max can blow fuck. Is of course a matter of taste but for me the game is dead. Too bad!
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    While the art is decent and the Kate side of the story is at least different and engaging the game is bogged down by doing the same things again and again. There are no animations and the entire Max storyline should be scrapped.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    It's just to long without any action. played it for hours and still had PM no sexual interaction. The graphics are great but the storyline in just not exiting. After having to take so much steps and still no result i stoped playing and deleted the game
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    some renders looks good, but that's all.

    this game has been buggy for years and the story has not progressed at all. not a big surprise, DS did the same thing in his previous work. I'm sure he'll eventually abandon this game someday.

    I know it's unlikely, but I wish there will be a day when people will laugh at my review because my prediction proves wrong.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    If you want the same content drip fed to you by an annoyingly click-heavy game with dumb characters and a plot totally devoid of any sense or structure, then you're gonna love this.

    Plus the renders look nicely done, until you realize the faces pretty much never change. Then they start to look weird.

    Overal extremely boring game where the developer obviously has no idea what they're doing with their product.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, the graphics for this game looks stunning, as it was with BB and the description for the game sounds promising as well, so hopefully this game will actually be completed, unlike it's big brother :)noexpression:)

    I will probably not be playing it much myself, as female protagonists aren't really my cup of tea (and I am not a fan of online-DRM in my offline games at all), but I might give the game a try when it's done, just for the heck of it. The game certainly seems to have potential, and my guess is that the success of this game isn't depending on the quality of the game itself, but rather the reception of the fanbase of Big Brother.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Dont bother downloading it the game is boring and creator is well known for just abandoning games and at the rate that this game is being made im sure this game will get the same fate so just save the disk space and skip this one my friends.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Whelp, I tried it and it is something I deeply regret.

    I fucked up. I saw female protag and I saw lesbian. I read somewhere there was no lesbian route (serious fuck up on DS's part there) but thought with it being tagged I might get SOME enjoyment from it.

    Talk about milking a franchise.

    See, I followed this since it started development but always put it off because so many people were asking for different content from the dev and the dev has no spine whatsoever. Enough people make noise, the dev changes direction. Saw it multiple times in Big Brother and saw it happening here.

    Start off with a female only protag in a game that had nothing to do with BB and was talk of a lesbian route. Watch the noise and the spineless dev cave and now we have a male protag also and it's tagged itself on to Big Brother because milky milky.

    Dev didn't learn from their first game and still develop shitty grindfests.

    The sexual content is just terrible. The lack of meaningful choices have tou fucking people even if you'd rather stick a cactus up your vagina.

    I've never had dryer panties than I had when playing this. This is the first adult game that has managed to turn me off completely. I give it a star just for that.

    A game that wasted so much potential by a dev living in the past and a fanbase that has pushed for content turning this into a messy clusterfuck that's going nowhere.

    It has pretty pictures. I'll say something nice.

    It's a damn shame because the female MC was looking good at the start but now, whatever this abomination is growing into, I just can't even....

    I urge all people to try it for themselves, this is afterall merely 1 girls opinion. Some of you may like it.

    Me, i'd rather try and cook popcorn with a magnifying glass on a cloudy day.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty good if you skip all the grind (the amount of things you need to do over and over again that aren't super frequent is crazy) and trying to understand what does the quest want from you.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately, this game is getting worse and worse, so my rating can't be more positive. Initially I believed in glamour, it can only get better than BB, unfortunately another disappointment presented by DS.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    i have never played such a horrendous game ever
    the game mechanics/ai whatever you call it, is soo fcking terrible
    its grindy for no fcking reason
    for the amount of days u need to skip/time you would think there would be easier option nope
    add randomness to that, its freaking torture to play
    i was wondering why this has such low rating even tho the graphics looks good, no wonder its rated soo low
    such dogsh*t game mechanic deserves to be rated in the negative
    fcking to get 1 hour worth of content u need to grind for 24 hours
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 724036

    Just beautiful. It continues the story of Big Brother and ads a perspective of Kate. I love it. Renders are really good. Characters rebrending is cool. Interface is pretty. Overall, very good job, keep it up!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    great games to spending times with i spend times to end this game it's makes ma feels like i want to complete the game story many objective and nice graphic in every details recommended to play this game
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    At first, the game was interesting. A lot of interesting ideas and opportunities were announced. But after the DS developer decided to combine Glamour and Big Brother, he essentially killed the game. Now Katya's story has died altogether, and I'm not interested in playing for a young nerd at the will of the author who became an alpha male
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    To be honest

    Rather than proceeding while looking at the guide of this game

    It's easier to find needles in the desert. really

    At least there are no a lot of bugs in the desert.

    There is a serious problem with this game.

    First, excessive meaningless repetitive behavior.

    Anyone who has tasted big brother knows what it means.

    Second, unclear guides, on the other hand, overly demanding conditions

    Players get lost, and they don't tell you why.

    Third, the fact that many of the reasons for getting lost are bugs.

    the pinnacle of absurdity

    As a developer who couldn't solve their own bugs

    Dark Silver done "Dark Silver"

    It's really embarrassing to call it a game.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    this game is a rehash of big brother. same characters, same story just different playstyle. If the dev does not know or is willfully doing this, either way it makes them look cheap and/or stupid. Hate when dev abandon at game just to rehash it in another game.
  17. 1.00 star(s)

    Lara Snow

    Male MC gets too much attention over the Fem MC.

    That's boring, and unfair. If you want to entince Male MC audiences then just get rid of Fem MC for good and we save ourselves some time.

    Other than that, the premise is good but a wasted potential.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I played this as Guy.
    This game is grind on a new niveau. Thousands of clicks for minimal progress.
    The more progress the less sense the story makes.
    The story looks more and more like a child`s sick imagination,the sick imagination of an 11 year old boy with a massive brain damage.
    Quest appears or even not,the progress is totally messed up ( all girs talk about the MC has fucked Ann, a quest says " now after i fucked Ann..." but Ann was literally the only Woman the was NOT fucked at this time). Same with Lisa`s blowjob in front of Ann,and many other events.
    I thought a Big Brother without the shithead Eric was a good Idea but this now goes down the Hill, at a frightening speed
    After all, the start is worth playing,so 2 Stars at all.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Glamour [v0.45.1] [Dark Silver]

    Short Review: Lots of content, Two Characters, Very Buggy, Good Renders. Lots of Grind. Never Lives up to its own Potential in both the characters stories. The Male character is given the preference. My both playthroughs ended with game breaking, as in the events not triggering and elements of menu getting stuck and quest log not updating and events occuring out of order. In both playthrough I saw the characters first sex scene not in correct order.


    At first you will be exited at the beginning in both the characters stories and setups and the grinds and bugs will ruin everything BUT again the high quality Render will provide lots of pleasure.

    Very good setups for both starts but nothing is realized. The more complete path is Male Characters one. For Me the Female path was too buggy and the most disappointing one.

    Male character's story is more like a goofy Porn setup of one dude with bunch of girls and that's it. No over arching story. Simple nothing to uncover. the grind is there to unlock the scenes extend the time spent. the Writing does its part. There is no end goal here. As long as people keep liking the renders I think the developer will keep making stuff for this path. And because of this, MC Max's path leaves with less disappointments and more fulfillment. My opinion the setting is set for continuous content. Max can remain the POV character but this definitely needs more male characters to increase the variety of possibilities. the four Female family members are the actual stars. I would like all four
    >Ann to have a boyfriend( potential rich step father) doen't have to be Eric could be anyone.
    >Alice to have more friends with benefits and streaming friends male or female.
    >Lisa to have more friends from her school/college Male or female.
    >Kira is a porn star. Let us see her library of content.
    >Max should be actively trying to bring more people to the house to create more scenes and making more money and eventually even bigger mansion with more rooms.

    Female Character's Story is by far the one with bigger ambition, attraction based on the concept alone and potential and it falls short on every thing. And thus the most disappointing.

    If only for Max's path the game will get 4 or maybe 5 stars if the bugs are ignored.
    But the game has a name based on female character's path Kate which I will give may be 2 stars for bugs and too much grind and for the unplay able path. I tried two playthroughs and both ended with bugs.

    The game seems 0.45 in version but I think the Kate's side is more like 0.1 level. Its mostly only setup and no eventual content. I got more content for Kate in Max's path than in her own path before the game breaks.

    But the long post tell you that I am sold on the game. And will Hope eventually we get some sort of content with a beginning, middle and end.

    I do not see myself keeping up with every update for this game. I will planning to forget this game and writing this review so I can come back after some years to see if this was abandoned or completed or still in progress.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is a major fraud. Game started as one project with two charachters telling their story from m/f pow, was changed 1st by abandoning that path and introducing completely another aspect (ok, but why didn't he split games?). With more recent moves "dev" moved toward fully integrattion of two subgames into one where male charachter totally overtake game. By this move DS totally ruined main story of female protagonist which was new and unique. Many paths and other charachters were put aside to involve more of male charachter in female story.
    There is a main problem: "dev" is totally lacking any artistic integrity and allowed subscribers to ru(i)n the game. Now it looks obvious that he is keeping female story alive just to milk money from fem story supporters (if any of them are still there). That is only logical reason why he is keeping fem story allive. Would be fair and decent, for both sides, that he kills subgame that is not supported as much as other. But he is not fair or decent person.
    Kate story: interesting new concept and story, with too much grinding. 7.5/10 before game was infested by Max and so many substories were abandoned. After infestation 1/10.
    Max story: it had chance to be great inovative game but was spoiled by pampering male teen virgins wet dreams and instead real people he introduce family where everything is about underage kid with monster cock (another teen dream) fucking exclusively his own family. Story is childish, weak, you just grinding around house to pamper child-man mc ego (and his sponsors). Overall this game can't go higher than 3/10. After integration it become even worse. Only fair mark is 2/10 (and only because game went out of villa, but integration with fem mc class is horrible mistake, game needed new blood).

    Overall game is a terrible cheat, driven by fans and any artist's integrity is simply non existing. Title - Glamour lost its sense too. Glamour scene of underground college prostitution for rich and powerful with their club serving to fulfill weirdest dreams (BDSM) is replaced by underaged kid peeping his family and trying to fuck them all. There is nothing glamorous in that game anymore. Except villa they can't afford.
    Rating for overall game can't go 0/10 or 0/5, so current 0.45 version with announced spoilers from 0.46 deserves clear 1/10 or according f95 1/5 - terrible.
    Could improve in future by abandoning 2 protagonists lies and dedicate future development to more wanted charachter, but how it looks like now it is not going to happen.

    [Edit: 0.46] Just when you believe that DS can't go more lower, there comes 0.46 update. In same sentence this cheater introduced this update as Kate as protagonist and that it will be all about Max (like we had any doubts). This introduction is horrible enough, but playing it is real nightmare for Kate fans and true BBs as well. Only one satisfied are DS who is counting his coins and nerds who are paying him because only way they can score is through their proxy - Max who has to fuck them all because in RL they can't. This update fully disclosed DS as washed out dev with no idea what to do except pampering above mentioned category of subscribers and fans. Story is lost, dialogues are cheap and riddiculous. Max charachter became virus that escaped lab/villa and now is infesting whole Glamour metaverse. All other male charachters are eliminated and fems are here only to serve Max. For example Oscar, whose interactions with Kate were becoming more and more lewd, now is erased by sudden burst of manhood by sleazy creature that is affraid of everyone and whose only proof of manhood up to now was grotesquely large pennis. To conclude Kate's story is gone, we now have regular Max's story and Max's story from Kate's POW. DS turned both games into male MC's harem. Not that this is bad, but Max is not alpha type and 0.46 developments has nothing to do with Kate main story progress. Kate as protagonist is alive just because shameless fraud called DS is hoping to squeeze some dimes from (I guess) just few remaining Kate supporters. If there is still a little bit of honesty and decency in DS, he should pull the plug from Kate's story and officialy make this game what already is: Max only game. But no illusions, this shameless gold digger will keep Kate alive though her storyline is now officialy dead.