Others - Abandoned - Glamour [v0.57] [Dark Silver]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    A game that used to be not bad has taken a turn for the worse. The last two updates I couldn't even finish as the story just becomes so stupid that it's not worth putting up with. With everything revolving around Alice the game really becomes some kind of shit game where you can't fight the antagonist and just put up with everything. Even Ann can't make this game worth playing anymore. The art as usual isn't bad but with no story it's not good enough to put up with the dumb writing.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Welcome to the indisputable King of the Grind Fest. Uncoutable times of repeating actions, scenes and stupid quests. This is intollerable and leads to a waste of time and patience. Renders are not special and most of them are nothing new since they are just recycled from the old Big Brother game. Animations are not essential in general but in this case they would give some more points to the already low overall valutation. The writing is so-so and the story plot more than sometime lapses into bad and childish events but, after all, this is very common for this kind of games. Old bugs have never been fixed and dev doesn’t seem to be interested in a solution. This kind of superficiality deprives the game of more precious points. After many years of developement players would expect nice improvements and stream-lining of the crazy grind but this is not the case of this game. I suggest players to spare mouse health avoiding this game that requires millions of clicks spread on hours of game just for a slow and boring story advancement. The slowness and boredom prevent a full immersion into the story and prevent from financing the devs for the developement continuation.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Been supporting this game for awhile. If you like BB this is the superior version although it did not start off that way. It has more content than original BB and goes much further in terms of sex and the plot is still developing. No NTR in this version. If you play as female protagonist Kate there is even more content.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Good old Big brother, but in better, improved version.

    You may start and play game with two characters. Kate or Max. I didnt play the game with Kate, but the game with Max is new version of Big Brother. And I must say better one. There is no annoing Eric as another man character who needs to be fight with, its easier to make money with cameras (no need to wait for bank and not take loan from bank from begining, becaue first two cameras are cheaper), better graphic (even I liked Lisa in old version more), there is better help in game, so its easier to know what needs to be done next, there are other girls later in game, so not only family. It takes little more steps to get Lisa, but its better, so if you liked Big brother, then you will like this one too.
    And what I like is that in the middle of the play the game introduces you characters from the second start game, at least when you start play with Max, because in second half game you will meet Kate, which is character you may start in the begining when you start the game with girl. Which is great solution, because then you will see all characters at the end, no matter if you start play with Kate or Max. And their stories are different from begining so its good that in one part of the game they meet.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game in my eyes. (Just downloading v0.42 but played most versions before) Really only play for the Kate story though as it promises originality. It is a bit on grindy for my taste at least at first.
    If only they would drop the Max story as it is really only a bad copy of a game they have already done.
    In general I really like the renders in this game and think they are some of the highest quality of any of the rendered games on this site
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3959277

    This game is a sandbox game with some good 3D arts (no animation) and so-so writing. But it's not an usual sandbox game in a positive side. It has the most intolerable grinding I've experienced. Sadly, I am not exaggerating anything here. A small quest "opportunity" took more than 4 hours of thousand mouse clicks to see a sex scene. Grinding was so much that I lost tracking of the story at some point and my initial interest in the game.

    Conclusion: This is not a game but a mouse-click training software. If you don't have any problem with your mouse, run away from this software and you will save your precious days if not months.
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    The 1★ Dude

    Big Brother was a incest game, this here isnt.
    Also, I played only the male mc part.

    Like a lot already wrote the game is very grindy, much more than BB. In around the first 50% of the game you click click click without getting anything, no sex, no nude, no nothing. Then after a certain of time you get many quests with a lot content. And then after again a certain of time the grind starts again. You have just one quest and all you can do is skip hours to reach the new day or week.

    A lot images for existing scenes not available.

    Also, as I stated already above, this is not a incest game. Even you can change the relationship of every character, most of the text conveys you your mother isnt your mother.

    The text is extremely small. You can increase the font size but not every text really changes.

    The game tells you Kate is a extremely shy girl. Three days later..."Give me $150 extra and I work without my panties, give you a BJ and even have sex with you" -.-

    Cuz there is no Eric (actually he is the boss of Ann, but you will never meet him), you cannot miss or lose anything. :( Every girl in the villa is your girl. One day Ann ask you if she is allowed to meet other men and even you allow her it, nothing will change. Nobody will try to NTR her from you.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Michel Mak

    Great game. I was especially struck by the very smart, thoughtful dialogues of the characters, the script is excellent.
    I played first for Max, now I play for Kate .
    And I see the story from two sides.
    And that's great.
    I usually skip a lot of text in short stories, because it's usually boring. But not in this case. The plot is very interesting, even a little detective. In short - an amazing game that I like 100% for the first time.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game.
    Interesting plot, but very slow in development. Beautiful graphics and an interesting approach to sexual techniques. It is quite long and in some places it is incomprehensible. But despite all this, the score for the game is maximum
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3966947

    'Too grindy too boring' sums up the gameplay of this game. I was fan of this dev's work 'Big brother.' The game was grindy as well but it had interesting stories back then.

    After several years later, I played this game (v0.41) and found it was not really worth my time. You basically have to work (clicks so many times) to get few images of a story. But those stories are not interesting to me. In terms of arts, I don't think he advanced that much. There is no animation yet, and its grinding mechanism turns off any immersion for the stories. All grindings are rewarded with few static images.

    Thanks to this game, I learned to avoid most of 'sandbox' games that require a player to click so many times to proceed. For that, I gave two stars.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Male character isn't the best thing in this game but everything else works for me.

    + Most of the characters
    + Female storyline
    + Renders
    + Multiple plots entangled to each other

    - Male character seems like he is brain damaged
    - Lack of animations
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    review based on 0.39 version
    i started play from zero cuz my last p/t was in unity engine
    -good cg
    -not bad story
    -quests have hints
    -not bad ui
    -new js engine much better than ugly game client+server emulator
    - ui dnt have function to delete save and no hotkeys for dialog/navigation
    - some bugs presents like <font size=> in poker game and critical one in quest "villa"(starting alice/max dialogue EVERY F**** MINUTE)
    - ZERO animations.
    - some features like cheats cuted off (paywall mby?)
    - some scenes have no text
    - some game activity almost ruining gameplay (like after directors call u ll got time near 8.20-8.30 and thats block karens actions)
    - some game mechanics not work properly (by code they not fully implemented)
    -GRINDING, no, i mean OVERGRINDING. u ll lost 30-50 hours ur life for that game (i spend 15-20 hours, but im cheated, readed code and played this game before)

    if u dnt ready spend 30-50 hours ur life for game grind- avoid it
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Oshitari Azumi

    [Made as of v0.39] I haven't played through the female role yet , but at least from the male role, its pretty much what you think it is. Still have fantastic character models and whatnot but be prepared to deal with the amount of grinding you have to do (I gave up and installed a mod eventually for money) and how garbage the male character is in-game. Though it can be kind of tough to follow the dialogue since it's done in a way that either forces you to wait throughout the entire dialogue or skip the 'talking', scroll back to the top, and read through it yourself which can be a bit of a pain.

    Frankly, the male lead is the reason why my rating is one less, personally. If he was a little smarter, then I'd be more than happy to give a full rating. A new and hopefully better version of one of my old time favorites. Recommended to anyone looking for a bit of nostalgia with a bit of brain damage to go along with it.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    At one point, I was a $10 patron, largely because of Kate's story. I was mildly interested in the Max story, just to see if he did anything different this time around, to see if he would follow through with Max's growth as a character. I stopped my patronage months ago.

    Eventually, I realized that the Kate story has been abandoned except to service the Max story (and to service Max). This is largely due to the people willing to pay $40 a month to control the plot.

    I see many people raving about the renders, but to me, they seem to be very similar to those he used in BB. I don't see any sign of improvement. At a time when other developers have been able to hone their craft with complex facial expressions and dynamic posing, Glamour's scenes still look like posed mannequins, breaking immersion.

    It's a shame. Kate's story had so much promise before it became folded into Max's story.

    I'm finding Max's story less interesting as well. There were hints of how BB was promised to expand Max's exploration of the world (places outside of the Villa, exploring porn production, BDSM and the like), but so far, it's pretty much just the villa. Some might say Villa Vanilla.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I want to do more stars, because its BigBrother, but its also two stories in one. I just don't like the split focus I get people complaining Max is stealing the show, but to be completly hones as much as I don't like Max, the Big Brother story is kind of what the fans really want.

    So now we got some people wanting Kate to get love, who our out numbered and out bid by the Max group, and we get split focus game whose raitings will always be iffy as you can't really just rate one side. Personally I don't like the female protag side at all,just don't care for it I get why the dev brought back Big Brother, but at same time the devs should just dropped Glamor or slapped an on hold and stuck with Big brother, I mean in the ends its what he is most famous for and its kind of what people want.

    But that really is my only gripe the female protag seems tacked on and ironically from what I am reading Max and the Big Brother story was actually added on to help save this game. Making me wonder why they are not just two seperate games in first place.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    First, I really liked the idea of a female MC getting corrupted via school.

    The Intention of the game I thought was brilliant. Having to earn money, increase your stats (grades in school, but also the relationship to the NPC) even the slow start till the more kinky stuff got started I liked. But then it took a turn for worse.

    The Stats have no meaning, and even the fines do not have an impact,... you do not have to work it off, it is capped at 1k and then nothing happens.
    There is no relevance to the grades or relationship stats. After the Adam story you got the teacher that does strip dance to afford her gambling debts
    but the last teacher never got any story up to now.

    At some point the creator had lost a lot of support form the game before Big Brother. To regain his income he decided to scrap the part where you choose to be male/female and reintroduced Max from BB as the Male version of the game. The Max story gets a lot of attention cos the high tier Patreon vote for it. So Lisa loses her V-card and so on it's a vanilla version of BB... no NTR, no Porn etc. But in case of this focus the female part got less and less attention even the one update Kate and one for Max didn't fit the bill, cos in the last 12 month at least every 2nd Kate update features Max fucking Kate.

    So sad.
    Story stuff planned 2 years ago isnt in sight of being released soon.
    No new school rules i a year. even there are teaserd in the laptop menu that kate has. Like NO Underwear rule, like Biology Class stuff.

    There were so many possibilitys to implement a lot of kinky stuff.
    - No Underwear rule -> Checkup -> Penalties
    - Biologie-classes with Girls and Boys to explain ecrotic zones
    - failed to stay under 1k Fine.... penalty (like one week without Top in scholl and 250 Bucks will be taken of) would be funny with no underwear rule
    - The story part with the pill that arouses ... so much potential but nothing
    there could have been accidential use buy a guy cos Kate mixed the pills up and the guy has a boner and cannot get of, cos Kate is at fault she has to relief him... hand/mouth/tits or more
    - Classes quizes with penalties.

    Humiliation options are there and even D/S stuff en mass.... but no

    instead of finishing BB fist (got banned due to incest at Patreon) and then focusing on Glamour he wasted the potential of two 4,5 to 5-star games and made an at best Medicore game with very long waiting time for an update the content someone prefers.

    Cos the inconsisty of the game, and even the good renders etc... i am unable to rate it higher than 2 stars. Firstliy because it has become a vanilla BB2.0 and lost its main focus and cos the story development is more or less non existend. Max only lives in the house (with very few exeptions) and Kate get only Max related content in at least 50% of her updates.

    I understand that from the developer pov you will provide what the majority of the paying Patreons wants. But if you watch the detail. The Kate supporter hate the Max content (most of them) and the Max supporter hate the Kate content (most of them). In the end both sides blaming each other, taking developmenttime form the game they personally want.

    His attempt to recreate the BB success with this (may not financially) has left all upset and there is no ray of hope for a turn to a better.
    The last Kate update concludes the abudcted Sister Arc... oh boy... the main plot for kate so far, why she has endured all humilation and even fucked around and so on, was to help this case... and what happend... it is concluded in less than 10 min in the update and tossed asside. That was the biggest blow to the Kate story so far, even more then the let Max fuck her for money bullshit... while in the beginning Kate was an ultra shy introvert, she is now not much more than a paid whore to max.

    Even the story with the basement and the submission to her sis and the Boyfriend ... such a good idea and start to end it like "BF rings bell fucks her and leaves"

    I am really sad things turnd out with this game

    Greetings Parmenion
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm extremely conflicted about this game. I just finished it until its current endpoint (0.38) and it's really hard to summarize my feelings as it's one of the best games out there while at the same time one of the worst ones too.

    One of the bests because it has a well-thought-out corruption story with (from a story standpoint) well-paced buildup, a few interesting characters, great renders, and some extremely hot sex scenes.
    And I really mean it. The story is good on a porngame level. It does let the events form the protagonist instead of making her a slut in just two scenes. The characters are a bit cliché, but not hollow shells. The render quality is undeniably good. And the sex scenes (not all of them of course) are extremely hot, especially if voyeurism, exhibitionism, and BDSM are your thing.

    Unfortunately, there is a huge "BUT" coming here.
    Everything good it has, it ruins with its gameplay and the underlying story mechanism.
    Gameplay-wise the problem is simply the fact that it doesn't exist. It teases a few features to you (like changing your clothes, increasing your stats, going to shop clothes, getting a smartphone to do selfies, going to a sex shop, going to work, going on dates with your classmates), but it doesn't do anything with either.
    It technically allows you to change your clothes, but it only applies in your main home, and even there it gets overridden after a while. You can increase your stats for the money that you can earn in the game, but the stats don't affect anything. There is a clothing shop, but you can't buy anything there. There is an electronics shop where you can buy a laptop out of the cheap, mid-range, expensive options, but it makes no difference which one you choose, there's no difference between them. There is a sex shop (it appears well deep into the story) but you can buy exactly one quest item there and nothing else. The mentioned quest item can be only used during one quest and changes very little in the story (the probably can be done without it, I haven't tried). You have a smartphone in the game (after a while it's given to you for a quest) but you can only use it at given places at given times. You can have two jobs at the same time in the game. For some reason, until a certain point, one of those doesn't give you in-game currency at all. And since the in-game currency came up: in earlier parts of the game, you constantly lack the money, while after you reach 20% of the current storyline, it loses its use. As I said, you can't really spend it on anything else than increasing your stats, but those stats don't do anything, so it's pointless to bother with them. You can go on dates with your classmates, it's just pointless. There are only three classmates who have an actual story, with the others you can have an introductory date, and after that, there is no new content with them.

    The other problem is the story mechanism. It's understandable that some quests are connected. The problematic part here is in the game all the quests are connected. You get to a point in a quest where it warns you that to continue, you have to get further in another quest. As you don't even have that quest, you check the walkthrough, it turns out, to trigger that quest you have to get further in a third quest. You do two steps in that third quest, and its progress gets blocked by a fourth quest.
    At first sight (from really far away, like REALLY far) it seems like a branching story, but in reality, it's awfully linear, it just breaks its one main storyline into several quests to make it seem like a game with parallel threads.
    And there comes another problem with it. While a lot of quests can be done parallelly, you don't know which ones you should progress first, so you always run into dead ends where you have to do the tasks of one quest for one or two in-game weeks. And it's extremely grindy. What makes it even more grindy are the events that you have to repeat 7-8 times to progress the story (to make it worse, at some points even RNG comes into play with triggering the events, so repeating them 7-8 times can take up 2-3 in-game weeks).
    Most of the time the quests that block each other don't even have a logical reason to do so. Like there is a storyline about the struggles of your roommate to start her fitness studio. You have to progress the entirely unrelated BDSM storyline because for some reason, without that the rival club owner of your roommate doesn't appear in the story. He's there in the background, scheming, but for some reason as long as you don't get spanked on a pillory in a different questline, he doesn't appear.

    The time allocation of the game is awful. Almost all the story-related events are tied to the weekdays, some RNG-based story events can be triggered on weekends too, but in general, weekends are just placeholders, they have no use in the game.

    Another huge problem is, that no matter how hot some scenes are, as they constantly get repeated, you get bored with them very quickly. Or you just step through them, which completely makes the whole porn game thing pointless.

    And of course, there is one more huge problem with the game. As the story is entirely linear, you don't have choices during it. You can avoid minor events, but you can't skip storylines at all, as if you don't do them, they'll block you from progressing other, entirely unrelated storylines. It ruins the game a lot at certain points, because it keeps reminding you that it's not a game, but a visual novel with overcomplicated gameplay.

    Once again, I'm extremely conflicted about this game. There are things that I love about it and made me play through the current 20-25 hour storyline. But I can't overlook the fact that this 20-25 hours should've been just 7-8 with an actually reasonable gameplay. Or 20-25 hours with having way more things to do. It could've been one of the best corruption games ever, but it ruins almost every single one of its qualities with the horrendous gameplay, and illogical progression blocking triggers.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    The game has 2.5 starts ratings and everyone knows why. The dev should really look into making the game better and not grindy. I like sandbox too, but the grind is so fking*****, makes you hate it.
    The dev adds a few renders (like 50 or even less) per update and makes it feel huge by repeating the scenes over and over again. A game's main purpose is to make you feel at ease and entertain you but this game would make you angry and lose patience.
    The game has no animations and no sound design which is very disappointing even with so many patrons, a proper office and many employers to I guess.
    I know no one is gonna read this nor the dev, but it is what it is. Only the patrons have this power and I am not one cause it's not the type of game I would like to pay for.
  19. 5.00 star(s)



    • Really good renders.
    • Realistic interesting writing
    • Beautiful female characters
    • Simple game design and UI
    • Feels like a game instead of a VN


    • No music
    • Some bugs

    Overall the game feels well structured. The grind is a double edge sword but to me it makes the story progression feel rewarding.

    I really don't think a 1 or 2 star review is justified considering the horrendous crap you can find on this website.
    Likes: Hark
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    A very disappointing game after Big Brother ... the dev gave up on a male protagonist and didn't learn anything from the the previous game: lose some of the grinding and hidden event triggers that break the story, forcing the player to skip days and days ...