Others - Abandoned - Glamour [v0.57] [Dark Silver]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Don't even bother with this one. It used to have so much potential but then the creator split the game into 2 "paths" so he could justify just copypasting a bit of content from big brother into the game and milk his patrons.

    It's a cashcow and is developed exactly as such
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Just turn around and never come back. Nothing to see here, but an empty shell of a once promising game, now turned into a project focused on nothing more than bringing sweet, sweet cash to it's author.
    Support someone who delivers, there is quite a few of very good creators around.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting graphic design and threads. The character line is brilliant :love: . The characters have their favorite habits - it is cool :3

    I was only playing a woman, somehow I'm not tempted to play a guy, maybe because I'm a girl. There are many interesting episodes, unfortunately all of them are very short.
    Likes: mikl
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    this game.. this game.. I have no words to describe how dissapointed I'm. I have grinded Max's story for hours.. and all I ever got was dissapintment. Couse much of this plot is either made by porn addict that belives that is how relationships should work or by horny kid that only knows how to make the story better by making it looooonger. EITHER WAY.. AVOID THIS TITLE IF YOU WANT TO WANK AND SEE A GOOD STORY. There is neither. Big brother had potential years ago. Now... its a dinosaur of erotic games. It should be extinct without animations and good plot.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This game started off with a hell of a lot of potential.
    The problem isn't the graphics or the original story line so much as the developer serious in ability to stick to a path and complete the primary story line. It's the same issue we seen thousands of times before where the developer goes off on tangents trying to please Tom Dick and Harry and then at some point has a cluster fuck they can't finish that has no coherent story line.

    The original story line was supposed to be about Kate the some what Naive girl who couldn't afford college another way so signs up at this school even with its screwed up potential rules and the risk involved with fines and BS. In fact there was a part where some other girl went missing and she was going to help the sister look into it.

    Well the developer is so far off in left field I doubt he will ever find his way back to center base. May as well call it a game and just flip channels at this point.

    I am seriously done supporting idiots that do this crap. Stick with what you put out and promised to start with or you will never see a damn dime from my ass again ever. In fact before I ever put another dime into another developer you can bet I will watch them for a while. If I see this same garbage I won't support them.|

    Finish the primary story don't short cut in and pull some BS.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The good:
    --Beautiful renders
    --Very beautiful renders

    The Bad:
    --lots of text to read
    --too much grind
    --hard to follow
    --Story has become subsumed into a previous project

    I'm gonna be honest. I financially supported this project for nearly a year. I bought into the story because I was interested in the Kate storyline. Sadly, that only updated every other month. so every other month, I was supporting the Max storyline I wasn't interested in. As the months wore on and the Kate storyline I was interested in didn't progress very far, I learned that the Max storyline was basically a rework of a previous project: Big Brother.

    To make matters worse, most of the development seemed to be poured into the Max storyline with not much meaningful effort put into Kate's story.

    And then it happened. The Kate and Max stories converged with Kate being set-up to become one of Max's bitches. SIGH! What I liked about Kate was her independence despite her slow corruption. She was finding out about her own sexuality. Only to find out that she's just another bitch in the Max storyline. What a disappointment

    Yes, there have been promises that they wouldn't be fully intertwined. I don't buy it anymore. I felt cheated. Like the Dev was using the Kate narrative to get Patreons like me to help finance the Devs rework of the Big Brother game.

    That was when I bailed. Not only does this game have way too much grind, but the Kate storyline has lost its purpose and its independence. I'll pass.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I keep coming back to this game every few updates because of my memory of BB, and my disappointed conclusion is the same every time:
    If you want to masturbate, then play something else.
    This game is way too much work for the "prize".

    This is more of a story game with some spicy scenes. Except the story is thin, guide is lacking, the grind is real, and your hours of gameplay leaves you unsatisfied.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I like the game idea.
    Even tho on some events the grind is too much, It's okay because not all of them are like that.
    The biggest problem imo are the hot scenes. First because almost all girls seems to have the same body. Even their public hair lol. Second, we can see their tits/pussy at the beggining of the game already (on school showers). It's too early in the game, so it kind of reduces the fun.
    And not only that, I feel like pretty much all scenes have too many text but lack images. They are too short, so we don't really feel rewarded after all the grind.
    Also the biggest problem is what DS made with Lisa's hair. Come on, she was perfect on BB, why have you done that??
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I became a Patreon to play Max.
    But was NOT pleased when discovering that Max was but a hollow shell ! (0.23)
    Even Now at 0.32 Max is still without STATS ! He is nought but a means to access soft CGI porn.
    There is little to no gameplay.
    BUT then there was Kate.
    An interesting and Humorous Storyline.
    A delightful tale of misadventure and intrigue.
    But now alas, it seems that DS's Muse , Like Kate's storyline has fallen by the wayside.
    So now I, like many other, now seek someone else to support.

    UPDATE; Reduced from 2 * to 1*

    CHAOS !!!
    The 0.46 (Offline) update is a shamble !
    The storyline is messed up and you get MANY events out off order,
    The lesson are mixed up and at times you WILL get the WRONG lessons.
    Options are available from the start, Before you get to the *events* that were suppose to trigger them.
    The Gym and Pool lessons are really messed up !
    You have problems changing and attending Gym lessons and the timing is shot to hell,
    as for the Pool lessons due to timing issues some lessons take *ONE MINUTE* (game time)
    which will allow you to trigger a second Pool Lessons.

    While you may be able to complete the Tasks,
    In will be in a random order and
    your gameplay will follow NO COHERENT STORYLINE !
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is a complete waste of time. Yes the renders are ok but what else? Nothing.

    Too much grindy for less success in the game and the "skip time" button become your best friend. I like games like this, more or less grind is not the major problem. The story does not progress untill you are willing to spend a big part of your lifetime to do the same action over and over again.

    Man of the house seems a simular game. A stupid boy living with 3 (more or less) hot women together and even there you have a lot to grind. And sex is far away. But there you grind and receives a small progress. And you have a lot of things to do. But here?

    I like and prefer games like that, but this one actually deserves not one star, it deserves something like Minus 1700 stars. That´s because i can´t belive the game will ever finished.

    It is sad to see the potential what will never beeing used.

    It could have been a very good game but unfortunately it is not and never will be.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    if i could give this 0 stars I would, holy shit, this is one of the worst porn games ever made, blue balls simulator, the motherfucker that works on the game doesnt get ANYWHERE, cuz hes too busy milking his patrons, its the same bullshit scenes over and over again, same handjobs, same blow jobs, it never gets anywhere, the repetition is pointless, he'd probably be 70% done if he actually pushed the narrative forward, the family wants to fuck each other? THEN FUCK, do it! they're treating it like sex is some sort of ancient chinese martial art "you are not ready for that step yet" WHAT? BITCH MY DICK IS HARD AS HELL, HELL YEAH IM READY/ Do yourself a favor, dont even look at the page, just blacklist this shit if you can or whatever. Un-fucking believable.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Talk about a disaster unfolding. This game started off with Kate being the protagonist with a basic yet interesting plot. Though this plot was stretched so thin, it became completely devoid of any interest.
    The grind is awful that its almost as if the dev is a sadist that loves torturing you with blue balls and boredom. In the amount of time it takes to complete one event, you could've finished 10 full length pornos. Compared to this, BB looks like a masterpiece in game design.
    Also Max... who the hell cares about him anymore? It was annoying enough that the dev was focusing more on remaking BB than this game but then he went on to include and integrate Max as a pivotal part of Kate's story which was absolutely unnecessary.
    Also if you extract the images from this game, you'll find some surprising number of scenes that you'd never have guessed were even in this game. Guys don't go through all this tedium either for a good story or a wank. You're better off even replaying BB for that.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Dark Silver is just milking cow promising a game with only female prog then a male prog with seperate story and slower update, then same rate update and link story. He is just changing idea as time goes by to last longer and make more money out of patreon.
    That game is a huge scam, and it is sad cause overall the game had huge potential but the creator cant be trusted.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has, as I see, some good points:

    - Models are good.
    - You can choose two different characters
    - Kate's story is interesting, at least at first.

    But it has many more negative points:

    - A lot of routine (really a lot)
    - Why is Kate and Max's story different?
    - Kate can only be a submissive maid (submissive in all aspects, work and private life)
    - Max is a pervert and, moreover, not a submissive boy (why can only the girl be submissive? Or better, why should the girl be submissive?)
    - The class grading system is irrelevant, at least for now.
    - For now, Kate's only path is to see a girl become part of Max's harem (and I don't like Max's character). And see how other people dominate her (and I don't like domination stuff).
    - You really can't choose your relationships, things happen what you want or not because, at least in Kate's story, you only have max's pet/girl path.

    About Max's story, I can't say much, because I don't like the character since I saw that he has the whole house with cameras, and I'm not going to play with him.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is still plagued by bugs and game features that mean nothing. The grind can be mind melting at times - only to find out later its totally pointless as features you may try and grind are later found to not be implemented or you have no way around since they are a plot device only and the story completely bypasses them anyway.

    As of Build 0.30

    The Good:
    Graphics/renders are high quality
    Story can keep your interest - for a while.

    The Bad:
    The grind is real
    Lack of sustantial content
    Walls of text at times with some choices that have no relevance to actual story direction.

    Story elements below:

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  16. 1.00 star(s)


    I remember playing this when it came out and it seemed there was nothing to do in-game. Only played the female story and was disappointed so I never played the male story. Now I'm playing with the cheats, and it's still a fucking grind. I can still only just see her roommate shower naked or the female protag just masturbate. You spend way too much time in-game doing nothing as you can't work or buy anything for a long ass time. I haven't even gotten to that point yet with the cheats and a few hours of playing. The progression system in this game really is trash. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be realistic or something, but it's unbearable unless you hate yourself (which it seems like I do).

    If Dark Silver ever fixes the progression then I would recommend this game, but it seems like I never will.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    This isn't a "game" this is "let me see how much bullshit I can make people go through in order to see some renders." Reading for 9 days and clicking around is garbage. Good renders, terrible "game."
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Im guess im gonna ne unfair but seing that the images of the preview are not big brother related, im gonna suspect.

    To this point being that this game is actually big brother and has already been made like 6 times, i would expect something better, quite a lot better.
    The game is insanely grindy, all the online courses is like WTF are those for?

    The spider sidequest is shorter than the original, i decided to keep playing to see if some of the quests progressed far from the original game, but guess they didnt, so is pointless.

    After 2 hours playing ive seen peeking nudes, Lisas tits and some real porn images. And thats it, cause Max at this point is just a meme, is not even funny by himself, and he talks too much.

    I read something here about souless barbies, i thought it was too much when i read it, but its kind of accurate.

    If you just got into the Lewd VN dont play this game, play the original, is equally boring but the first time you wont notice it so much.


    I come here after 9 months to give it a 1 star review but i already gave it. Shit:
    I have been palying from start the big brother part, and i have been playing for 5 or 6 hours grinding the damn mentor quest to the point of almost touching. After this part, Ann takes over with some bullshit lessons that puts mentor back to square 0, also plot-preventing you from doing anything aoutisde her lessons. This is madness but later she acually hijacjs the oportunity and makes it about her. So max goes with this thing to get into Lisa, but during the lessons he kind of shifts his focus to Ann?

    Let me tell you, im not grinding 6 hours one character so you force me to go after another. I understand why big brother, in all its variations died, and keeps dying. They are copying a broken formula, with a lot of overpromising and double underdelivering.

    The example lissa licking, he scene does not even hint that is gonna paly out like that, is the same scene as before, but it changes allthe sudden, and since ost scenes are 4 clics, ir you are in skippping mode, you will probably lose half of it.
    But this dev, and many others know shit, and dont plan their games to be enjoyed, but to be exploited, and milked though updates.

    Another EDIT:
    Olivias quest, also gets hijacked by Ann, Ann has way more content in Olivias quests than Olivia. First Mentor and now Olivia. Im fearing Lisa oportunity is gonna get hijacked again by someone, cause his game is all about teacher teaching someone. I wish i could give this a 0, cause it is so unsufferable that frustration destroys the purpose of the porn.

    I repeat, dont play this game, there are better things out there, and this dev is gonna abandon the project soon, probably, i see the signs already.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    The graphics are amazing and it might be addictive once you get into the game and see were the story goes.
    However, the game is way too grindy i.e. sometimes you just need to wait too much (couple of days or weeks) for the story to progress which for the gamer means just mindless clicking around (skipping time).

    The game does have great potential but needs to be sped up (getting rid of all that grinding and waiting, some is fine but currently it's way too much).
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I am disappointed. After Dark Silver has already brought out great games, I was really looking forward to glamour. The graphics looked good again, too. After an hour and endless texts, disillusionment quickly set in. I tried it several times but it is unfortunately so boring and much too much text and the story is unfortunately not convincing so far. Really a pity.