Others - Abandoned - Glamour [v0.57] [Dark Silver]

  1. 1.00 star(s)



    Just a pointless grindfest disguised as a game.

    Mediocre daz studio renders with out of the box daz store assets.

    Uninteresting and ridiculous story.

    Absolutey no game mechanics, just a pointless implementation of open world just to make the users waste time doing nothing and cover the absolute lack of content and fun elements.

    Better to stay away from this, it's just a hollow shell with some pointess scene thrown once once in a while to keep milking patrons.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    So far I like what I see. I like that it has a quest log and is the only reason why i tried this to begin with. unfortunate it doesn't tel where to go sometimes. the renders are class but no animations are a bummer. I you enjoy sandbox games you should give this a try otherwise maybe not. the story is kinda lame but does have some good twists imo.

    overall i think that this is an average game but a pretty solid sandbox. i feel that having no animations hurts this game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, the game finally got excellent. I would ever have believed it? The end so far (I played Kate to 0.37) was brilliant. I really enjoyed the play. I did played the game now after 2 years complete from the start. The game does improve much towards the end, however in the middle part it has much flaws and it was really hard and sometimes outright boring to play, but it all payed off to keep playing.

    First I was skeptical that I ever would like the female character Kate, because in the beginning she just appears stupid and naïve, but her character changes, and that’s actually the point of the game. Kate is definitely the character to play in this game. (Keep in mind that Max route was only implemented as fan service to keep paying customers). And after so long skepticism I must admit the story is actually excellent.

    Negatives: The game is very long to play, because its not well programmed and it sometimes takes forever to progress, because the trigger points of events are hidden and unclear. The game progresses in waves (resulting from development history of monthly updates). The effect is coming to an end of a certain update, you are actually forced to hunt the last trigger points of one single storyline till you can unlock the next wave of content. It kills the fun imho. So to progress with the story you must several times finish all running quests and than often enough you have such stupid situations, where you must wait several days in the game to get each one trigger point of one quest which blocks any progress and you need 10 of these trigger points in a row to progress, causing you to skip and skip, killing all immersion. These hunting for the last trigger points really brakes the fun, especially when you can not logically find the trigger points without a walkthrough. I recommend the developer should play his own game once from the start and measure how much time he needs to progress when and if the game gets suddenly boring for a while. Maybe some triggerpoints could be softened up or the waiting time reduced or maybe some of the triggers could be better described.

    All in all Dark Silver finally managed to write a decent game. It has a great story and beautiful renders. However it needs still some polishing. But the game is good. Its very underrated on this side, I really recommend to play it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    i rated it as a 4-star game +1 star to bit counterbalance all non-objective rates (average rating being 2,5 is just ... wrong)

    i play only Kate's part [0.38v rn] knowing that Max part will be a rework of wellknown BB content.

    good .
    polished ui
    no bugs
    enough content (as far as i can judge by a walkthrough and the amount i already played)
    external walkthrough (as ingame tips are often of not much use)
    comfy presentation of larger texts (comfy = u can skip)

    qol issues (had this been resolved - id go for 5 star)
    no timetweaks
    no rollback option. that could be useful (at some sex scenes i tend to quickly click on a wrong choice... alternatively ,changing button positions can prevent some unintended clicks)
    unskippable routines and repeatables (i could use for lessons and PE sequences with lockeroom/class/shower ..as well as for seen sex4cash scenes)
    small (4-line) dialogues font is too small (settings didnot help)

    quest chains' "logistics" is not well thought through . it starts well but later on you will find yourself with 1 active quest requiring some one per week interaction (and that is a lot of skipping. and that engine and game are not skipping friendly) though i think such notably uneventful period existed only once...mostly there are some other things to do.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    If you loved to play the game big brother from this dev you will definitelly love it too.

    pro : beautyfull high quality renders , sex scenes and the story .

    cons: the laging is really annoying but ale to the griniding you will ge t used to it .

    all in one it is a great game .
  6. 5.00 star(s)



    This review is a small bit premature.

    This is the 4th time i decided i would give this a go and this time, out of the past 3 attempts i found it is finally going in a good direction.
    100% i still prefer big brother, but this is starting to finally make shape.

    The Dev has a huge backing which comes to show of his history and not to mind the amount of big brother clones that are around.

    I have yet to try Kates Route properly, but maxs route is what i expected. Still seems like a bit needs to be added (but have enjoyed this game at least 3 times since starting it ;) )

    The last 3 times i tried i played it was a buggy mess with muddled up content.. now thre is a bit of proper pacing to fix it.

    +Lovely character models we remeber from big brother
    +Grind gets better once you setup all the cameras
    +much welcomed added characters/content
    +Helpful quest direction walthrough
    +skipping diagloue in options

    -More grinding
    -Much more diaglouge (a pro for some people im sure)
    -Still a few bugs, have to try alternative naviagtions to avoid

    I had almost given up on tyring this again. I hope my review helps people to give it another try.. i wasnt dissappointed this time around.

    TLDR: Has gotten back the flavour we were looking for from big brother, with the awful grind. Options to skip the enourmous diagloue helps alot.
    Defintely worth a try now (still has minor bugs).

    Giving 5 Stars as it deserves it, will lower it if the dev somehow gose on a decline after this update.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    fantastic games, the girls are perfect, very satisfying game
    it's been so long since the last update, please finish this game, and please add more content about alice and max
    i really enjoy the game.
    Kate is so pretty
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 795684

    I tried it for the first time. I was a big fan of original BB but after all those beatiful games in years I just couldn't stand this grindfest. game's progression system is so old and boring compared to new high quality games from likes Stiglet, Lewdlab, ICCreations etc.

    I'm giving this two stars instead of one just because of the old memories and beatiful(but not special anymore) renders.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Excellent sleep simulator.
    Jokes aside, this game is really time-consuming.
    One scene max at each update that are cut in hours of play.
    I've droped the Kate part, but the Max part is boring.
    Why 2 stars ? The renders are really good for the girls, and there is sex content.
    But i don't really understand who would pay for a game like this.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoy this game. Fantastic graphics. As some have mentioned, it requires quite a bit of grind to get anywhere, but it is simple to skip forward in time if needed to get to the right day. Lots of interesting characters even if some are not yet developed. BTW, I have only played the female PC part, so I cannot comment on the male one.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has several issues.

    First, it is two games bundled as one. One is a school corruption story, the other a family one. If you're interested in primarily one of the two, a chunk of the updates won't be for you. And due to this, neither game has managed to really progress past the point where their earlier, separate games were at (Glamour was a QSP game with RL porn prior to this, while Max's story is the Big Brother game).

    Second, the game, unless you download a modded version, is online mode. This is completely unnecessary for gameplay, but means that if you don't have a nice connection speed, your every action lags. When you combine that with gameplay that can be a bit grindy, well, it is not a good thing.

    And it's a shame. I do like the idea of the games, but, well, these are games that will be much better when later a fan or fans make remakes of them, each as standalone games, without needing to wait for minor updates, and without the server connection slowdown.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games.
    Pros: Really great art, an easy to use and nice looking UI, and an honestly pretty engaging story.

    Cons: Can sometimes feel slightly grindy or like its hard to figure out what has to happen next to trigger advancement, but I have found these moments to be few and far between.

    I'll be honest, this one keeps me engaged for hours. Super fun
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    0.36 version.

    Glamour disappoints me a bit, except for the CGs I think Big Brother is a better game. BB was already unconvincing storywise, but the situations in Glamour really don't make sense. So yes in BB there is too much grind, but at least the characters evolution is more realistic than in Glamour. In my opinion.

    In Glamour, there is no feeling of accomplishment at all. And just like in BB, the sex scenes are short and sincerely lack emotion.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    High-quality, juicy picture, well-thought-out characters, good gameplay, which was borrowed by many other projects, but all this is covered by very slow development and a small amount of content in each update
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The Bad:
    Slow updates
    Another Big Brother clone (depends on how you look at it whether or not its a positive or a negative.)
    The dialogue is a bit clunky mechanically.

    The Good:
    A decent amount of content at the moment.
    The in game guide does a good job to keep things on track, you won't be mindlessly looking for the next step to set things in motion again like the original game.
    Renders are good enough.
  16. 2.00 star(s)



    + Render is good.
    + Update frequently.


    + Remake of BB for one path.
    + grinding !

    I understand that such games require certain process for MC and others to build the relationship. But grinding in this game just goes beyond what I can take despite its good part.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    4 stars for Kate's story. It's indeed an another ''innocent girl turning into slut'' story, but however I kinda liked it. The render is an improvement from the previous game and exactly what we can expect from Dark Silver. The gameplay is a little bit grindy, but personally I'm not really bothered by that. And the part i liked the most is the game is updated monthly which is awesome! The problem is Max's story, I'm not really a huge fan of his in BB, and I think I'm still not in this game.

    So if you guys want to play this game, i recommend to play as Kate, because the Max's story is just an another remake of BB.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    This game had so much potential and everything was going well until this slowly turns into BB remake. I can't stand that dickhead named Max.
    But on the positive note, the game is constantly being updated every month.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Before the introduction of the BB characters this game was looking good, but now that it's looking more like BB2 it's gone downhill very fast. The original story allowed for a purely lesbian route if you wanted to, but now you're forced into actions with the main BB guy, who i'd put a bullet between the eyes before i'd let him touch me, and you can't progress without these interactions.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game!! Or at least: could be.

    I played as Max first.
    Obviously, it's mostly reused content from Big Brother. What is ok, I liked the game very much then.
    But Max is an imbecile.

    His plot is okayish .. considering the genre. It's mostly the same as 4 years ago.
    Max is a very simple minded child with a heavy impulse control disorder.
    He is lying whenever he opens his mouth. It was funny a few times but gots annoying very fast.

    On the other hand: he never blackmails the girls or is doing other evil stuff.
    So, he is really a child: egomanic, but without bad intensions.

    I don't care much about his storyline.

    About the better part of the story: Kate.

    Kate has the much better story and more potential in general.

    Main plot: she is visiting a strange college with strange rules who will be used to humiliate and ehm educate the pupils there.
    Side stories with her sis/cousin/bestie/nemesis Julia, her lover and many random NPCs ^^

    I like the plot and the (mostly) slow corruption of Kate.

    And there are really funny lines, especially between Julia and Kate :ROFLMAO:

    But it seems the player has to wait for a long time before anything happens at the college. Befriend the other pupils, get to know them and their background story. That's all for the early and medium stages of the game. Not a bad thing, only a bit grindy.

    The different quest lines are extremely entangled. Maybe I didn't chose the fastest way to start with the actual collegue content where the often mentioned rules go into effect. But it seems to be very late in the game when this happens. So, whoever thinks "oh, a game about a dirty college" will have to go a long way before he can experience the teased content.

    And then, he probably gets disappointed!

    The effort needed to activate new rules is tremendous. Maybe not in time consumption (but I'm sure I played hours of poker), but also in the way how it was implemented.
    Pressing raise, raise money 1 or 2 times, click raise again, click next 2 or 3 times and then repeat. And pray that Veronica doesn't have the better cards at the end of her money (what will extend the grind ... with bad luck dozens of time each game ^^' ).
    Great God of Pervs beware if something similar is needed for the 4 other members of the committee in the future. :eek:

    I don't mind grinding. Quite the contrary: I like the grinding elements in such games. When it's worth the prize.
    And here: it clearly isn't!

    The prize is a vanilla spanking. No tears, no screams, no ruined makeup.

    Seeing the first spanks was a bit arousing.
    Seeing HOURS OVER HOURS the exactly same scenes (with very few variety in poses right from the start) with minimal adjustments to the clothing is extremely boring.
    Kate can go commando as soon as the "real" quest line at school begins.
    So, her pussy is shown publicly very early ... what sense does it make to get her spanked without skirt or bottomless after hours of more grinding? Every bit of tiny progress must be earned with several hundreds of clicks!

    My impression: Devs want milk this in an extreme way.
    It's the only reason I can think of why the progress at school is slowed down so much.

    There are a few other things I don't like about Kate's path. E.g. that she is whoring herself out for a stranger, fucking with Julia and Nick, but is very shy to even show her panties at school ... it breaks immersion.
    But the slow and badly rewarded progress at collegue rules are the main thing I would criticize .

    And after reading that Kate won't get much new content in near future .... let's see in 2 years what happened here ^^