so what is going on with most of other stories opened at v0.10? Sophie and trp to beach, Veronica (and Fedor) and stripping, Candy and school mystery and peeping neighbour with hot mother? Professor Adam? Is any of these stories alive?
Nothing in v0.12. From what we know so far, v0.13 will focus mostly on Kate's new relationship with Alice. Your point is exactly why I lowered my pledge a couple months ago. I was annoyed that DS was creating and then abandoning all these potentially interesting story lines to focus on a Big Brother remake. But I kinda like how's he doing it so far, so I'm not going to complain anymore....yet

This is purely speculation, but 0.14 will most likely focus on Max/BigBrother content, then we'll see whether Kate's story continues with Julia, Nick, Adam, Veronica, Oscar, Sophie (let alone Dennis, Mike, Jane, Helen, et al) in 0.15.
did the dev merge this game with BB?
LOL Yes, as has been discussed ad nauseum for the last 40 pages or more.
But Lisa, Alice, and Aunt Kira were characters in this game since v0.1, so it's always been merged with BB. It's just that now you can choose to play the game as Max with an intentional BB reboot. Before, Max had been sent to the army and the events were
after the events of BB. Now, it's "more merged" I guess you could say
