You simply can't. If you want offline version download v0.15 (see links in OP). Online and offline versions are different (not interchangeable).I DOWNLOADED glamour v0.16 online to chenge it to offline
probably at the end of next month. Aug 24 or a bit later, not sure.Thank you .. also any idea when v0.16 offline will come..
I've gotten to the quest i can get everyone except julia to teach me how to flirtcontinues Candy quest, at some point you will need to learn to flirt.
at Candy's quest at some point you need to flirt with Andrew to convince him to hack Nicolas's computer, there will be available to learn how to fliter with Julia.I've gotten to the quest i can get everyone except julia to teach me how to flirt
Love Sophie
If you have access to 0.16 it has, otherwise you'll have to wait for offline 0.16 for some content.Choosing to be a boy at begining has now some content or all is still about choosing girl?
Work a week, go collect money. Work another week, go collect money etc, to earn money ? i find job in hotel first day earn 100 next day 5 and other days nothing !!! need 3000 for laptop