
Active Member
Aug 12, 2017
If I'm not wrong he lost about 800 patrons because of BB incident and gained about 100-150 patrons back and still gets more patrons everyday.
You are only a bit wrong. According to Graphteon (not the most accurate in the world because they collect data only once each day), from 20th Jan to 1st Mar, DS lost 930 patrons, and from 1st Mar to 20th Mar he gained 103 patrons.
He lost a few hundred patrons in february
930 patrons means 32% (few ??).

RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
You are only a bit wrong. According to Graphteon (not the most accurate in the world because they collect data only once each day), from 20th Jan to 1st Mar, DS lost 930 patrons, and from 1st Mar to 20th Mar he gained 103 patrons.

930 patrons means 32% (few ??).
I stand corrected, more than a few then.
But the graphic is very clear, since he started posting news from the current game DarkSilver is continuously gaining patrons.


Active Member
Game Developer
May 6, 2017
Style over substance is the perfect way to describe this game. It looks great but plays extremely sluggishly. Am I the only one getting delays between room transitions?

The dialogue system functions poorly and was only implemented to cut way back on the renders during conversations. I get the idea of efficiency by this, but a little more effort could have been put into at least changing the characters expressions every now and then because interactions are all so static.

Lastly, the little “story” we’ve gotten so far has been beyond ridiculous. The entire premise behind the university admission is equally laughable and enraging. Clearly the trend of stupid main characters continues because no one with half a brain would sign a contract where they become legally obliged to do ANYTHING the administration asks of you....

Having said that, I have hope this could turn out good because DarkSilver has a lot of technical talent that if directed properly could produce a great product.


Dec 29, 2017
The game seems promising but what annoying with female main character is that your option is to hook up with guys which means different dicks each time but fucking the same pussy, and hooking up with girls but you can't fuck them since you are a girl too.

I love male main characters because I can fuck different pussies each time not stuck with one :)
But since I am a big fan of the graphics of this game and BB I will give it a try but i am sure i won't enjoy it that much .

Deleted member 12408

Active Member
Apr 3, 2017
Yeah cause "almost any game here" have the following of BB. A few do but now it feels like your just grasping at straws.
I just want to say that this game is popular not because it is good, has interesting gameplay or smart dialogues. All that popularity is remnants from first expression. Imho.


May 7, 2017
Is there no save option? Game crashed on evening of day 1 so I'd have to go through all of the unskippable dialogue again >_>

Also I'm already seeing some issues with the fact that you're living together with your hot "I'm in an open relationship and I'd really like you to give me a massage" sister.
This is either going to lead to
a) breaking Patreon rules yet again
b) some massive blue balls over the entire course of the game. or more like blue vag XD


Jan 15, 2018
And everyone's entitled to their opinions. I happen to think that it is good. It might not have hit every note, but it hits enough for me to like. Then again, my tastes are different than yours.

Deleted member 99138

My 2 cents about game.
First i have to say i loved BB.
This game looks promising, i dont mind playing as girl, but there are issues.
1)Blue screen at 2300- 2400 in Julias room and if i skip that time in different place and come to Julias room its again blue screen.
2)Can not save? What, why, how????
3)DRM - annoying and it will get hacked soon enough.
P.s. Lets give DS a break guys - this is just first version and even multibillion corporations can not release product without mistakes.
If you can support him and lets hope this game will be as good as BB.


Nov 10, 2017
Where we are at

0.1 is finally out. Unfortunately, releasing it turned out to be a bit harder than we anticipated. We could find excuses like "it's a much more complicated and more ambitious project", but it doesn't make the waiting for it any easier. We're trying our best. We're working on fixing all bugs and adding new features.

What's already done:

Client-server side is already done. That's the most complicated part of the game so we're happy we don't have to worry about it anymore. And while it has some drawbacks (mostly for pirates), the pros outweigh the cons.

One of the best parts of it is automatic updates. Also, a lot of fixes on server won't even require for you to reload the client. We can fix some mistakes like typos in real time.

The game has some content: intro, which shows how events and dialogs work. We have 16 dialogs (you can't play through all of them yet, but we'll add them very soon). We added a couple of simple events in some locations. Julia has 10 outfits, Kate has 18. Current build has a lot of graphics, which you'll see before 0.2.

NPC's behavior. While this don't look very interesting with only one NPC, which doesn't yet have many available options, NPCs in the game won't be living in a strict schedule. Their mood will affect their behavior and you'll notice they behave differently in seemingly similar situations. Complicated NPCs were a big part of our previous Glamour game, so we have a lot of plans in this direction.

Graphical interface, stylization. Some elements of the interface (dialogs) have animation, we'll add more in the future.

Now, let's talk about our plans:

First and foremost, we're working on fixing the bugs. We already have a long list to go through, thanks to all your reports. By the way, you can report bugs in our .

Finishing and implementing events we originally planned for 0.1. We already have graphics for them, shouldn't take too much time.

Adding a wardrobe for Kate. We had a post about it if you want to read more about it.

Adding active zones on the screen so you can click on objects and NPCs directly on the screen instead of dedicated buttons in the bottom right corner if you want to.

Adding a progress bar for downloading updates in the client.

Android build (Progress bar is the reason we haven't done it yet. Plus we want to move to a better server so the players won't have potential problems). We're also planning OS X and Linux builds.

Adding settings interface, where you'll be able to choose whether new lines in dialogs shows after you press a button or automatically with a timer. By the way, you can already use space bar in dialogs to show next line and left ctrl to skip the entire dialog (soon, you will also be able to skip dialogs by pressing enter). You'll also be able to resize text, buttons, and more.

Cosmetic changes. For example, new text in events will have animation similar to how it already works in dialogs.

Once we're done with all that, we'll move on to 0.2. Just like with 0.1, we will be adding new content right after making it instead of waiting till we finish everything else. I'm not going to tell you about everything I've planned for 0.2, but I will tell you about some things:

City map. It's already done, we'll show it to you soon. Here are some hubs we'll add in 0.2:

College (about 15 locations. Locations are rooms like bathroom and backyard in Kate's and Julia's house). About half of the locations are already done, we'll start showing them too.

Fitness club. It won't have many locations in the beginning: receptions, two training rooms, showers and locker rooms. You'll be able to expand the club in the future. Julia and Kate can talk about it in 0.1.

Several stores with items to buy.

Inventory interface, store interface.

Ability to save progress while you sleep. Ability to load you progress too, of course :)

Some locations like backyard will look differently depending on the time of day.

And more.

As you can see, we have big plans and a lot of work ahead of us, and now not only you'll be able to track our progress through our posts, you'll be able to see updates right in the game.


May 15, 2017
I can't say i'm disappointed about this demo, didn't expect much from the beginning, but the slow progression since they've announced the game. Looking back at the old glamour (which is 0.8 and you don't have many events or choices to make), i believe this game will take a few years until is reasonable to play.
The pictures are great, but very few to describe a much detailed scene (like masturbating in the shower, which i did it 10 times, have only 3 CG). The point is, if future flirting, seducing or being seduce is like the sisters conversation, two store mannequins having a discussion, the game will suck so much.
I prefer more "Girl Life" alternative games, even if they use Pornhub videos, at least they let you use your imagination.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2016
at the moment the game can not be judged.
not a version 0.1 but a version -0.0000001 was released.
there are 2 static and mono-expressive Barbie, 5 places to access, and a lot of dialogue between Barbie. practically nothing.
sincerely disappointed, as a first release I expected a large version that would allow me to judge whether the game is worth or not.
I am disappointed that the first version is already lacking in many-some content reserved only for patreon.
if it is a first version DS had to release it public and with all its contents .... then from the next version proceed as you want.
Today it can not be evaluated.
What I hope is that Barbie and other characters take on facial expressions and various body positions. not the dummies style mannequins of fashion stores.
Another hope is not to see the same repeated sex positions for 4-5 releases with the difference that the character changes. (as happened in BB with 5-6 releases with only BJ).
finally, for those who judge this game a flop just because the MC is a woman ... change tread.
my personal final judgment ..... Glamor [v.01] not yet released.
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Aug 7, 2016
for me this game doesnt work .. invemtory tab dont show up , at 23.00 bluescreen and i change hours and im still in the same day.


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
I stand corrected, more than a few then.
But the graphic is very clear, since he started posting news from the current game DarkSilver is continuously gaining patrons.
Because they wanna see what the new game is like. Once they find out the incest is not there and that there is actually no content so far they leave the sinking ship.

the message alone of abandoning BB for the time cost him 32% patreon and we are only at the beginning of the new game.
How many ppl you think are there who still hope for a BB return and dont like a female MC and no Incest involved so far?

I said it back then and i say it again this will backfire on DS and cost him even more money and patrons.
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Apr 21, 2017
Here the CG's for glamour 0.1
slightly reduced the image quality only ~13MB

missed some CG's
here the updated file with the images

2.70 star(s) 187 Votes