* rough reinterpretation of Google-ese translation *
Dear developer, I would like to hear a clear answer to this question: when will the script error in Shizuru's LVL3 event be fixed with Naomi hanging in the middle causing the game to crash?
This is a VERY rough re-interpretation.
I believe
@Daedolon cannot speak, read or understand Russian. I can't either. I had to use machine translators to even get the gist of what you were saying. If you can, please accompany further posts with some English.
There's an inconsistency with the Assistant Librarian job.
Utako says "It's a three-hour shift for $150 salrary... at the rate of $50 an hour."
To which Kei replies "For $60, I'm your man!"
Then later he remarks "Oh well, if I want to earn my $40, I'd better forget her butt."
And she pays you $60 for three hours' work. It's supposed to be $150, right? $50 per hour for three hours != $60.
Regardless of whether or not Kei suggested he works for $20 an hour, that's not what the job description entailed.
Um, what? I'm so confused.
Lastly, what's with this new hatred Aiko and Kana have for Kei?
Kana rejecting him, I can understand. But Aiko as well? She always struck me as an understanding (step)mother.