Whoa dude, just gave this one a honest try and it feels like a great start! From the status UI i could catch a glimpse of soo many awesome things this game could do, i'm not even sure where to start! I'll just give my feedback and then some suggestions, hopefully they can be of some help for the dev
I like the world setting customization, i like how the character customization options are done, i like the toggle options being there just in case people want to switch some things off, alright got me some good feelings about this one, time to start the game!
The art is pretty nice to look at, the models are good and there's a lot of room for improvements depending where the developer wants to go with this one. Could go with metroidvania-style and get new abilities to improve movement, could go with nice and simple and stick with the talent tree only, so far it's a good foundation for the vibes i'm getting from the project, nice. There's a good UI with tons of info about my survival stats, arousal mechanics, heat mechanics, status screen with all the goodies that i'm praying the developer expands upon...good heavens i cannot stress this enough how i've been looking for a NSFW game that looks so damm promising like this one. Moving on to the build mechanics, nice project zomboid and dark days ahead vibes here, i like building things and survival elements, so far it's nice and simple, not bad for an early build. Went exploring and saw the map...i love how big it looks, especially for a game like this. It gives me all the info i need, nice. Found some enemies (Slime, Plant Trap, Goatman), saw the animations and they were looking good, great so far for early build!
I cannot put into words how much i wish Rolanda takes this one to heart and push foward, this is a great foundation for something wonderful. I would suggest taking a look at BDCC and study how they managed to build their animations and allowing their models to be customizable, i think it would help a lot in studying how much further the models could be customized. I loved what i saw and had fun making my characters and i think it would be a great addition if we could adjust the thicc of the thighs and butt of the characters as well, both for males and female bodies, maybe the size of the balls as well.
The enemies, in my opinion, were good for the game's overall vibes and style, i found them interesting and i liked the animations. How about in the future adding in characters that use the same models the player character uses? As an example, like in BDCC, the other enemies use the same models as the player character, with varying parts and sizes. This way, the players could customize the ratio of males, females, shemales and futas as well as the ratio of their body part sizes. This would also allow you to add in more complex animations with poses (missionary, doggy, mating press, boobjobs) and possibly interactions during them as well. Picture something like this:
-> Sex scene is about to happen, sex system triggers and sex scene begins. Enemy uses the same model as PC and so let's say the enemy picks missionary position. Since the enemy started the scene, they could perform certain interactions like kissing the player, sucking their boobs, holding their thighs and so forth. If the player starts the sex scene, press a button for a radial menu to appear for positions to pick (arrows left and right for possible future positions which can be clicked to switch to selection pages). After picking a position, the radial menu switches to interactions available, where the player can decide to perform interactions to the NPC.
One thing i found strange, i don't know if it was supposed to happen this way or not, is the goat man had sex with the futa PC i created, but when i went and took a look at the internal page of the status screen, there was no semen registered. Maybe the semen should stay in for at least a day or until the PC takes a bath and chooses to wash the semen out.
Another thing that i would like to see is the player taking the initiative and going full-lust mode. I think in a game like this, giving the player more freedom to interact with the world the way they wish gives them more ways to play the game and also gives the game more replayability value, you can play the game different ways if you want. Want to go full virgin run? Have fun! Want to knock caskets and shake boots with everyone you see like the master seducer you are? Have at it!
Mod support, i think, would really go a long way with this one. Giving the community ways to add in structures to build, recipes, items, weapons, clothes, species, genital types, sex positions, the more support for the community to share their creations the better. Imagine how bigger and varied the game world would be like if people could mod in their own creations, from monsters to clothes?
Overall i love what i see, i am so excited and hopeful for this one and i honestly think the dev has a bright, shining gem on their hands. Great job so far dev, i'm following this one no doubt about it