2.90 star(s) 17 Votes


Jul 22, 2018
So a teaser pic of Princess Andromeda was released on her deviantart and I'm pretty hyped for some female on female trampling. And according to her deviantart, Andromeda will have new battles and she has domination moves and can be dominated as well. This sounds awesome
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Feb 20, 2018
Agreed! I was expecting her to be a simple model & VO swap to appease the people who wanted a female character, but I'm glad to hear she's getting her own fights. The initial model looks good, and she appears to be an amazon herself, just comparing her to the guy in the pic. I wonder if she'll have any interactions with Perseus.

Actually... Now that I look at him, isn't that the same guy who gets crushed underfoot when you beat the sisters, and then he gets sat on during the warlord fight? He's having a really bad (good...?) night!


Feb 23, 2018
So a teaser pic of Princess Andromeda was released on her deviantart and I'm pretty hyped for some female on female trampling. And according to her deviantart, Andromeda will have new battles and she has domination moves and can be dominated as well. This sounds awesome
WOW that makes me full of hype!!

I just hope we'll see the completed game at some point, as I find it weird that she keeps releasing new boss fights :')


Jul 1, 2017
First off - I like this game a LOT! The femdom elements in the fights make them very entertaining, especially when they unexpectedly pull out a killer move like that heel stomp! Wow! :)
That said - while I have no objection to the difficulty level initially (after all, who wouldn't want to see their character punished and destroyed in a variety of terrifyingly sexy ways) after a while it became obvious that the mechanics of the fight come down to simple luck - and it feels like a million-to-one shot at that! I even boosted myself to level 60 [+10 on all stats]and that still made very little difference to the outcomes.
I think if I was going to tweak it to be a bit more playable in the long run I'd track which moves had been used on the player, so for example, for a smother and using the players weak escape:
1st time: 50%, 50%, 50% [dead]
2nd time: 50%, 50%, 60% [dead]
3rd time: 50%, 60%, 70% [dead]
4th time: 60%, 70%, 80% [dead]
... etc ...
7th time: 90%,100%,100%
That way the fights stay hard, while the content is fresh, and become more manageable later on with a fairly believable (and reasonably easy to implement) mechanic.
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Feb 20, 2018

You could do that, but I think I disagree that it's the best option, for two reasons. First reason: I don't consider the luck/random element a problem, because damage control is an key part of combat systems like this: if the player could consistently win with perfect input (trivial in this turn-based style, since there is no time pressure and no demands on reflexes, timing, or other such skills) then every fight is easily solvable. Instead, the player is given a rigid toolset and expected to make due in turbulent waters; things will inevitably go wrong, and it's up to them to both have prepared and to react accordingly to the chaos. It's also thematically appropriate for the enemies to be able to fuck the player over, since this is clearly a masochistic game for submissives.

Second reason is that it misses an obvious opportunity to fix what should be the answer in the first place: the leveling system. The stat points are largely inconsequential as they are now. STR and VIT are both incredibly inefficient and don't address meaningful concerns (have you ever run out of MP and still had a reasonable shot at winning, and when was the last time you risked storing more than 600 SP?). END is absolutely pathetic at 25 Health per point; for reference, you start with 9,600 health, and enemies will do 1100/550+500/600(+300 if bleeding) with their standard attack; that means you need 25(!!) points in it in order to fully negate a single (non-bleeding) basic attack from D'Arc. Since you need to be level 7 to fight her at all, I'm willing to allocate another six levels (13) as the expected high-end level for her content, and that's simply not enough, not by a long-shot. Luck doesn't affect combat at all. Then we have DEX (reduced chance to get stunned), which seems pretty decent at first glance, but I'm now very confident that it doesn't affect Face Crush, and D'Arc seems to only stun rarely (small chance when you escape from her ass) meaning it's really only effective in the first two fights, and both are reasonable without any levels at all. That leaves INT, which is chance for you to stun when using your combo attack. I have no complaints here; I'm sure there are more fights on the way, so +10-13% (no idea what the base chance is) is pretty decent.

So your viable options are either stacking Luck if you're buckling in for the grind (light armor is worth it though, in my opinion), or getting a small buff to your stun chance. That's pretty bad. A leveling system should mark your progress, by turning previously difficult challenges into easy ones to emphasis on how far you've come along and improved yourself since you first began. This leveling system fails to do that, because it usually requires ridiculous amounts of stat points for meaningful changes to appear. Just going with the info we have now, some of the stat increases need some serious buffs to be competitive with each other. Endurance, at the very least, should give 100 Health per point (+1,300 HP is still only enough to tank another basic attack or a grab you escape from early). I'd like to see a 100-200% increase in efficiency for Strength and Vitality (you need FIFTY levels worth of points poured into one of the stats in order to double up, as it is now. That's crazy). Luck is fine. Intelligence is fine. Dexterity depends on how many of these special !notstuns we'll be seeing in the future, but I'm going to be optimistic and say it's fine.

I'm really curious to see how the new character will interact with the level system. I imagine she'll have her own stats that reflect her unique moveset. She must have a unique moveset, because she's loaded down with all sorts of weapons. I see a sword, a mace, a dagger, and some javelins on her. EDIT: I just saw Andromeda's theme has been uploaded for a while now. The pictured art shows her holding a bow and having a quiver of arrows on her back. Though it looks like they're javelins in the teaser pic, the new art makes it clear they're arrows, and I can now see the bow hanging off her backside in the teaser pic. What I thought was a mace or club now appears to be a tree branch in the background. Sword and codpiece-dagger are still present!

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Feb 20, 2018
The usual schedule would have put out an update in the time since the last one, but .81 must be a big one, since it involves a new character entirely. Perseus has the same animations for all three of his fights, so all the dev needed to do was make the new enemy and put them together. I imagine this one is at least twice the work, to make animations for both Andromeda and the enemy. There was an update today on her DeviantArt though, which is promising.


New Member
Oct 1, 2018
So I noticed that more fetish like things (e.g. farting, pissing) have only appeared in the 1st battle. Does anyone know if that's intentional? Like has the developer said anything about abandoning that kinda stuff?


Feb 20, 2018
I imagine they're simply not in every fight because of limited mass appeal. They squick people enough to have been put behind optional filters, so it's just good business sense to not overindulge in them. Another consideration is that the difficulty adjusts when you have to toggle off content, which is a (balance) point against including such things. Even so, the dev likes that stuff and still lists it (and scat, which currently isn't in the game) in the description, so I'm sure there will be more in the future.


Apr 4, 2018
I imagine they're simply not in every fight because of limited mass appeal. They squick people enough to have been put behind optional filters, so it's just good business sense to not overindulge in them. Another consideration is that the difficulty adjusts when you have to toggle off content, which is a (balance) point against including such things. Even so, the dev likes that stuff and still lists it (and scat, which currently isn't in the game) in the description, so I'm sure there will be more in the future.
I'd argue the opposite - because it's possible to toggle off, it's better if they included more options, not less.


Apr 4, 2018
I find the lack of a vagina to be odd as well. Particularly since the most recent encounter could very easily be adjusted to be vaginal entrapment instead of in the ass. She's basically using him as a dildo, after all.

My biggest complaint is the level of violence. Which I understand is somewhat hypocritical given the game. But it would be nice if there was some option to have things be a little more grappling based than have her straight up stab me in the eye with a stiletto heel or cave my head in with her thumb. It's hard to get my rocks off when the creator keeps engaging my disgust reflex by going overboard. It honestly doesn't feel much like "trampling" at all, which is meant to be paraphilic - about sex in the end. It's fully possible for trampling and combat to be less about actual life-and-death and more about forcefully using the MC for her own pleasure.


Feb 20, 2018
I'd argue the opposite - because it's possible to toggle off, it's better if they included more options, not less.
Oh, I'm not arguing there should be fewer options. I want the dev to make content she's passionate about, so that it's the highest quality it can be. It doesn't really matter to me, since I'm the kind of person who will leave it all enabled anyway. I'm just saying that while more content is almost always a good thing, it's not free to produce. As a developer, you have to spend valuable resources on everything you strive to include in the game. Time is the most obvious one, but there are asset costs, managing your enthusiasm for the project to avoid burnout, etc. So there's significant opportunity cost to adding golden showers to every fight if only, say, 10% of your paying customers actually want golden shower content. You only have so much time, sanity, and interest in the project, after all.

Regarding the violence, one of her DeviantArt entries mentions that the amazons use a particular style of domination that is, "without love and romance," or something along those lines. That's a very particular thing to mention if there aren't styles of domination that involve love/romance planned, so you might find something softer later. Hard to tell, since the dev is obviously ESL. This also doesn't speak for Gaia since she's not an amazon, as far as I can tell.

EDIT: Dev says "wait a couple days" on her latest DA post. Update HYPE!
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Apr 4, 2018
Oh, I'm not arguing there should be fewer options. I want the dev to make content she's passionate about, so that it's the highest quality it can be. It doesn't really matter to me, since I'm the kind of person who will leave it all enabled anyway. I'm just saying that while more content is almost always a good thing, it's not free to produce. As a developer, you have to spend valuable resources on everything you strive to include in the game. Time is the most obvious one, but there are asset costs, managing your enthusiasm for the project to avoid burnout, etc. So there's significant opportunity cost to adding golden showers to every fight if only, say, 10% of your paying customers actually want golden shower content. You only have so much time, sanity, and interest in the project, after all.

Regarding the violence, one of her DeviantArt entries mentions that the amazons use a particular style of domination that is, "without love and romance," or something along those lines. That's a very particular thing to mention if there aren't styles of domination that involve love/romance planned, so you might find something softer later. Hard to tell, since the dev is obviously ESL. This also doesn't speak for Gaia since she's not an amazon, as far as I can tell.

I can acknowledge your first point.

Your second, or moreover the developers point, is somewhat needlessly arbitrary. That is, the developer has decided that the characters use "that style" because... they decided they use that style. Circular. It's not like there's some long history of (imaginary) amazons acting that way that they need to adhere to. And you're right in pointing out the discrepancy re Gaia. The stilletto-through-the-eye is her thing, after all. As well, her base move is just punching the guy.

To be clear, I'm not asking for "love / romance". That's a bit of a misinterpretation of what I said. That's typically outside the scope of BDSM, of which trampling is a part. It's about sex. This is called "goddess of trampling", after all.

This game on the other hand, really isn't (about sex). That's not to say it can't be arousing. And games do afford the capacity to explore things that wouldn't be allowed IRL. However, the game is principally about fighting, and as such is less arousing than it otherwise could/would be. It would benefit from having a greater variance of encounter than just switching up which woman is causing genuine harm to the protagonist. You could argue that the game is still early on in its development. However, there have been enough fights to this point to demonstrate that the developer really doesn't seem to have any intent on moving in that direction.

Anywho, I'm not trying to argue for a core change to the game, in case anyone comes along and thinks that's where I'm headed. Merely that it would benefit tremendously from having encounters that are more about the "trampler" controlling and using the protagonist for her pleasure "nonconsensually" as opposed to straight up trying to kill the guy.

Again, it's their choice. It just means I'll likely move on sooner than later if it doesn't adjust. And given what I know from the area of sex research I've been involved in (no, really. I do Psych research into paraphilias) a large proportion of people would move on as well. Genuine violence rather than sex-focus is very very niche, is jarring, and often causes most people to have reactions of discomfort. Even those who like BDSM.

Edit: As an aside, can we please get the tag changed to female domination? How the hell is this classified as male domination?
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Feb 18, 2018
In regards to the more extreme stuff in the first fight, as far as I remember that was some of the last stuff added and was by patreon request? In any case remember that the fights are constantly growing and I think that the people who support FWFS know what they're supporting and are unlikely to leave at this point, new people might bounce off because of the niche but at this point I think a comfortable position has been reached anyway.

Also, also like 30% of the game is exactly using the protagonist for pleasure, and the giantess fetish in particular, which is what this game is primarily about rather than trampling, has a lot of snuff and actual death compared to normal trampling.
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Jul 22, 2018
Finally!! The teaser pics for v.081 have been released and she says it's very nearly done. So hopefully it'll be out this week!!
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Feb 23, 2018
And given what I know from the area of sex research I've been involved in (no, really. I do Psych research into paraphilias) a large proportion of people would move on as well. Genuine violence rather than sex-focus is very very niche, is jarring, and often causes most people to have reactions of discomfort. Even those who like BDSM.
I guess I finally realise why this thread is flooded with recommendations / expectations / demands that the game shifts towards more sexual content eventhough it's quite obvious that it is not that kind of game. And also why almost everyone's views disagree with mine. It's because I belong in an extreme niche of a community that is already extremely niche. I find that sad, because this game is so special, yet it is that exact aspect of it that makes it less desirable to almost everyone else. It also feels weird that I sincerely hope that none of you get your wish so that this game doesn't become like pretty much every other game in these forums and lose what makes me love it so much.

Finally!! The teaser pics for v.081 have been released and she says it's very nearly done. So hopefully it'll be out this week!!
HYPE! I can hardly contain my excitement for this update. I expected my love for this game to not grow until it finally obtains a storyline (and hopefully more actual trampling) , but I never thought we would actually be able to play as a female protagonist, and unexpected surprises are always the best surprises! ^_^
2.90 star(s) 17 Votes